If your bias dropped their phone... What would you do?

  • A) Steal their phone and take all their contacts! >:)   (6 votes)
  • B) Return their phone in a nice manner. :)   (72 votes)
  • C) Put your contact in their phone before returning it. >:3   (33 votes)
  • D) Other (Comment)   (3 votes)
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Laugh Lol
if the phone has no password(an impossible thing)... might take a little look at your stuff, then I would give it to him without taking anything from it. XD Skalter Mode On~ hehehe

would then... B!
I probably wouldn't even notice. It'd be her/him dropping their phone, me walking past and picking it up, shouting excuse me at them, handing them their phone. Pretty simple. lol