Are you a fan of 2NE1?

  • A) Yes   (17 votes)
  • B) No   (5 votes)
  • C) I like, but no fan   (12 votes)
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The same here. I used to really like them, but not anymore. They have the same style over and over again and it's tiring. It's so too much Western influences and I don't think we need so much. But these days, it's just about swag and a badass image. I also feel their just the female version of Big Bang, which we don't need either.

Before, in the beginning of their careers, it was about having fun. I loved Fire, Lollipop and I Don't Care. Now, I don't listen to their latest songs as they're boring and pretty much the same to me.

I liked I'm the Best and Falling in Love, as the first was crazy and just an awesome dance track. The latter had a reggae style, which I loved, and it was softer and showed a new side to them. Then, those things disappeared and I'm now left confused as how I feel about 2NE1.
I don't know what to call myself anymore. I used to be a fan, but now i just don't know.