What should Taeyeon's child (the boy) be named?

  • A) Kim Insoo   (0 votes)
  • B) Kim Daeho   (6 votes)
  • C) Kim Taehyun   (38 votes)
  • D) Leave a comment if you have something better.   (0 votes)
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name it taeny
gtaelovers #2
Thank you. I can see the poll now. So, another name for the little boy is Kim Lincoln. You know the little boy who loves Taeyeon more. Actually I have a suggestion. How about the kid himself not belong to Taeyeon but belong to her twin sister ( Taeyeon herself ). It just occured to me that in your previous Taeyeon chapter that her family is strict. You know when there are twin in the family, one might rebellious and the other is obedient. The sister ran away and returned. But she's pregnant and didn't make it when she delivered. The parents still bitter and tried to give away the baby but Taeyeon still want to raise and protect her only nephew. It's a big sacrificed and tadaa she became a single mother.I know it's sound typical and lame. It's just an idea. But I know you have better idea than this one. Fighting!