Who tops in HunHan?

  • A) Sehun   (39 votes)
  • B) Luhan   (36 votes)
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luhans-hands #1
The reason as to why Luhan tops. http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/5d1f1df5jw1e7dd8glpyzg208c0eub2a.gif
Why not both? I mean, they can take turns, right?
oppadeuI #3
Sehun should top. Luhan too small to top. @@
And it makes sense for Sehun to top.
Sehun has the face.
Not that I'm underestimating Luhan.
It's just that... Sehun is most likely to top.
lol, well, i don't read , but sehun's really just like a child, aha. people underestimate luhan's maturity because of his cute face, and people overestimate sehun's because he looks kinda manly. truthfully though, their personalities are pretty much the opposite of what they seem to be. so i'd have to say luhan.
Top!luhan is the tttt~ in the most awesomest of ways okay....luv fuqin top luhan...top!lulu should just conquer all!!!
SekiGoyangi #6
oh man, personally if it's top!Luhan, I usually just stop reading--