Jay Park is roaming around the streets again, filming for Jay Park TV. Suddenly he spots you and asks you to do a talent for the camera, so you..

  • A) Laugh in his face, What the eff is perform-able talent?   (8 votes)
  • B) Wiggle your eyebrows, take out your phone, and show him your tumblr followers   (5 votes)
  • C) start doing dance push-up's because "YOU ONLY GOT ONE CHANCE YOU KNOW!?"   (16 votes)
  • D) Sing, or do some normal persons talents.   (8 votes)
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LMAO I would do like one then fail.
Attacking Jay with kisses should be one of the choices, haha .
C for sure. I can One Shot all day! XD (no i cant lol)
Doing push-up's? Uhm.. I can barely do one, curse my stupidly skinny body~