Out the objects listed below, which do you despise the most?

  • A) Orange   (18 votes)
  • B) High Pitched screams   (109 votes)
  • C) The sound of paper tearing   (18 votes)
  • D) Cucumbers   (28 votes)
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HolyMarshmallow #1
I Hate Orange XD
Hmm.. I see that most people hate high pitched screams..
N cucumbers XD

Personally I hate Oranges the most.
high pitched screams = saesang fans.
cucumbers are my enemy it can't be trusted
it doesn't have a flavor yet still tastes disgusting on my togue
High Pitched Screams?..........IS THE REASON WHY I DESPISE YOUTUBE!!!! It always pops up so suddenly and scares the sh*t outta me! Hate it Hate it Hate it! when youtubers pull those prankes on you......>.<