I NEED MORE GANGS! Choose Choose CHOOSE!! :D (If the ones you want are not on the list, please mention them by commenting below!!)

  • A) U-Kiss   (18 votes)
  • B) MBLAQ   (12 votes)
  • C) B2ST   (33 votes)
  • D) Super Junior   (9 votes)
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niel_gd23 #1
I would say Shinee, but they don't seem very gangsterish especially Taemin. So I'm going with B2ST & B1A4
Guys! Do you want other groups?
I couldnt put others like shinee or big bang or B1A4 or myname or ZE:a etc so you can choose one or some of them too ^_^
ROFL beast extremely popular
I actually want everybody. XDD
I want superjunior and beast !!!!