Why do you make your stories Subscribers Only? (It's anonymous, be honest!)

  • A) Because its unfair of people to not sub if they're going to read   (5 votes)
  • B) Because I want the karma points/the popularity   (3 votes)
  • C) Because I have had my stories stolen and I like to keep track of who has read th   (2 votes)
  • D) Because I think that to not have them subs only is like giving away books   (2 votes)
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Because I want my readers to know when I updated
hazecraze #2
Not only do I touch upon sensitive topics, but I want to see how many people like it so I am motivated to continue. Otherwise I'll just write and keep it to myself without bothering about constantly updating in a reasonable amount of time for the readers' sake.
I have to have it on subscribers only if its trigger warning haha!
Because it's a request shop and I want to make sure that my requesters are inform once their request is done. Of course I know this doesn't always work 100% of the time, but it helps to keep track for me.