What POINT OF VIEW do most readers prefer to read?

  • A) 1st Person- Story is told by the main character/ uses "I"   (2 votes)
  • B) 3rd Person- Narrated by the author.   (27 votes)
  • C) Mixed 1st and 3rd person.   (9 votes)
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I prefer the 3rd POV in stories I read ^^ Mainly because I can't relate to the characters when the 1st POV is used. I don't like the feeling of being told what I do, e.g. "I went to the fridge", vs. the feeling of being told what another person did (which I do too), e.g. "She went to the fridge".
Personally, I get a stronger bond with the characters when 3rd POV is used because I feel another person's story is told and I can relate to her/him. 1st POV feels like the author is trying to tell me, the reader, what I've done, what I've felt, etc. and that doesn't work for me in any kind of way.
Sorry for the long explanation, but it was needed to get my point across (which I'm still unsure if I've successfully done) orz