I want to transfer to a S.Korean high school senior year. Have any of you ever thought about doing that too?

  • A) Yes   (16 votes)
  • B) No   (18 votes)
  • C) Always dreaming   (20 votes)
  • D) Ha. Already did it.   (2 votes)
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--getyourfactsright #1
If you mean you want to transfer to a high school in South Korea, I'd say you shouldn't. Schooling in South Korea isn't exactly what K-Dramas portray. It may be similar in some aspects, but overall, it's not easy at all. I'm sure you've heard a lot about it. South Korea as one of the highest percentage of teen suicidal in the world, and a huge part of it is due to the stress from education. The education is no joke. If you plan to transfer, you'd really have to be very very into studying and up for a challenge. It's practically competition. If you just want to transfer because of your love for the culture, I suggest you finish your senior year where ever you are for now, then think about going to college there instead.
If you meant you want to transfer to a south korean high school near where you live, then go for it? I mean, that depends on where you live. I'd actually rather stay for your senior year, because I don't see a point in graduating at a school you've only been to for one year with your graduating class that you've only come to know for a year rather than with your old school that you were probably there for two-three years, if you've never transfered since freshman year.
Kanna18 #2
High school in Korea is too strict. It won't be fun because everyone is studying very hard. Transferring in a college year would be more beneficial.
ByunBaekButt #3
I studied one year in Korea ^^