Content Guidelines Violation

Reporter :  I am reporting the following content:
character is underage, too dub-con. Offensive in many ways.

Thank you; it has been banned.

To the author: If you intend to make a claim for literary merit and the un-banning of your story, please file an appeal by replying here. Thank you.
First of all, I had already warned all the readers on the foreword and I thought I had made it clear. If it didn't make her/him feel comfortable, why read it in the first place? Yes, was included and that, I'm not fighting against, but it wasn't explicit. But then in the middle of the story, Sehun's character had already turned eighteen.
And If this reporter is tooo offended, I'm not sorry to be very honest.
Hopefully, you (moderator) would understand me as a writer here on aff.
And too much dub-con? They weren't even explicit like other stories! And yeah, so what? Its not non-con! And offensive in many ways? If talking about how ugly the world is becoming is offensive to you, then you're probably dont know whats going out there!
Please do respond as soon as possible.
And for the age, I already changed sehun's character to eighteen so there is no Character-is-under-age
Author-provided warnings, while appreciated, in no way supersede the site TOU and/or site Content Guidelines; they do not negate the necessity for proper documentation of sensitive or triggering content. Any stories utilizing dubious consent or no consent (without literary merit) are to be marked with a Trigger Warning. Any stories utilizing underage characters in any ual context (without literary merit) are disallowed and will be banned after moderator evaluation.

If you cannot prove the literary merit of your story, it will remain banned. Please refrain from responding back for any reason but to appeal and prove literary merit.