Should be Rated M or Trigger

Reporter :  I am reporting the following content:
"Terms of Use 11: Prohibited User Content" under AFF's second rule: materials that is ography.

It's been given a Trigger Warning at this time. Thank you for reporting.
Yes hi hello there is no ography in that fic and there never was. Reporting a foreword based on (a wrongful) assumption is kind of ludicrous?
Author sent in an appeal via AFFHelper. After reviewing the story, there seems to be no evidence of explicit content that would violate our terms. We do recommend that the warnings posted in the foreword be more visible for any future readers. The ban will be lifted.
Thank you; I have made the warnings more visible. The fact that I received 5 reports within minutes of each other worries me though, and I do feel that this attack might be that of a personal grudge? I don't think there is any content to even solicit a trigger warning, and that was what I filed an appeal to lift, initially. I smell foul play, and I'm deeply concerned about the fact that my fic could be so attacked from simply a foreword (and then a moderator finding that acceptable), without any attempt of contacting me being made, no less. I'd like all the reports on this fic to be removed, if possible, as well as the trigger warning, if that could be allowed. Thank you for helping me.
The trigger warning was admittedly given prematurely, and also during a time where our policies were not well-enforced; however, after looking over the contents of your story, while it seems the ban is unnecessary, the trigger warning may have to stay as multiple triggers are present throughout the story.

During the time this report was made, and into the present, the Moderators and their accounts are kept anonymous for privacy and personal safety reasons. This account cannot send messages to any user outside of whatever is made in a report - thus, the implementation of a feature that allows us to send a notification to an author that has been reported.

Reports cannot be deleted, for archival purposes and because we do wish for authors such as yourself to be capable of appealing the decision with valid, sufficient evidence contrary to the report even if it's closed.
That's great; I really do like this new feature! I'm also fine with the trigger warning staying and the reports staying.

However, I do feel then, it would be reasonable of me to maybe request a warning or repercussion sent to whatever "people" reported my fic (again, because of the timing and similar messages I'm assuming it's a group of friends or something of that sort): for violation of the 'reporting' system in the sense of irresponsible use and personal gain by slander against me. I'm sure you know who these people are (or maybe it's the same person with different accounts), even if I cannot see their usernames. Reports are serious, and I just want to be able to feel safe and respected when posting content - maybe offenders of unfounded reports could be banned from reporting stories in the future or something; I feel like that would save everyone a lot of trouble.

I also do hope for close scrutinizing of the moderators who hold the judgement calls, since my fic was banned based off of assumption, no actual content to solicit a ban, and no attempts to clear things up with the author of the fic whatsoever (I still think this could have been done through affhelper, whom I've been trying to contact for half a year to resolve this issue without avail).

May I ask when my fic will be unbanned? Please don't think I'm trying to rush you - it's just that I myself cannot see if the fic is banned or not; other people have just notified me of it.

I'm sorry for troubling you! Thank you again for helping me with my case - it's much appreciated.
All users can see this report (not the usernames involved but the messages left) and the reporter receives notifications, as well.

The staff at AFFHelper has been rotated and changed since, so it's possible that whoever originally handled your case simply isn't on the team anymore.

And your ban was lifted when I left the last reply.
What about my suggestion for the fairness of the report system and my concerns about the people ganging up on me? Perhaps people can be forced to sign reports with their own username and anonymous reports shouldn't be allowed; I'm fairly certain that would lead to more accurate reports and better use of the system (also prevent situations like this). I still think the reporters should face repercussions...people who submit unfounded reports shouldn't be fit to cause troubles of the same sort in the future. One of the reporters was also very accusatory and rude with their biased opinion, and concerning nothing but a foreword, at that. Those aren't the people I'd want policing my community, anyways.
There are no current plans to remove anonymity of reporters, as it is still a matter of personal safety for our users. The other reports were marked and closed as they were duplicates of a report that was already being handled. But in the future, we will endeavor to make sure this does not happen again. Thank you.