Comments: Spare the rod, and spoil the child!

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Chapter 23: Omg, I've subscribed to this story for a very long time,but never got thchance to read it until yesterday.All in all, I LOVE THIS SO ING MUCH.The character development, the detail you put in and so much more makes the story all the more worth reading.This is definitely one of the best fics I've read in a long time.Seriously, each pairing IS INCREDIBLY CUTE OMG.It got really interesting when Kyungsoo was explaining about the veils, I guess he is the most interesting character for me.Gahhh, I loved this story so much.
Chapter 23: This is perfect- I'm not even kidding o m f g
Please don't ever delete this it's so good just sO GOOD. (I've been screaming that for the past hour)
I absolutely love Hogwartsau but sometimes the feel for fantasy isn't there. This however had perfect imagery and I can just imagine Chanyeol and Soo fighting a hydra with Sehun and Tao.
I screamed at parts and I literally thought Chanyeol was done for. This could be a movie seriously.
It flowed so well and I noticed the character's personalities were really well done!!! (Loved how their personalities really tied in with their house) sometimes people forget that)
It was almost like I was pulled into your story. It was so surreal gOD I LOVE THIS.
I spent 2 sleepless nights reading this and crying because I was almost finished but I didn't want it to finish.
It's just ugH so perfect an d now I'm sp a z z ing
Seriously though I know a lot of people have already said this but this is amazing. I was pulled in so fast by the detail and just everyone's position. The ships are amazing and it's just the mystery and how everything ties together (goD I LOVE THAT TOO).
shanshu #3
Chapter 23: Ok, so I finished reading this last night around 4am because this was just too good to put away. I've read quite a lot of fanfics and this one definitely goes at least to the top ten. The way you write is simply amazing and so capturing and I don't think I have anything negative to comment (well other than this being too short even though this was actually pretty long xD ). The story flows so well and all the characters and little details were made so perfectly. Reading this was like hitting two birds with one stone. The whole EXO in the world of Harry Potter... I'm still at loss of words (happens when I've finished reading something good) but to put it shortly thank you so much for writing this! Just WOW...
Chapter 22: great job!...
Chapter 22: this is really well written...i love your stories...but what i like abt this is that the setting is in the hp universe which i love...u can't help but fall in love with the characters...i especially adore how u portrayed their friendship...although they don't appear much and their relationship is vague i really love the little taohun interactions in this
Chapter 23: oh my god i am incoherent right now bc thats how i always am after an amazing fic
WOW i am really impressed with how well the story all fits together??? its kinda like harry potter itself, where you read the last book and everything starts to click and then you just have to stop to catch your breath and realize that every little detail from the very beginning was all in the authors plan and WOW WOW WOW I LOVED THAT SO MUCH
the little harry potter references are a+ like how the bloody baron gives him the password when he says its /for love/, the secret passageway to hogsmeade, etc !!
i almost cried when tao stunned baek bc he overcame his difficulties and insecurities ♡ he was so adorable in this whole fic every single time he came out i just cooed and rolled over the ground and died too cute tao was too cute
yixing was a close second for cutest character bc his forgetfulness and i can just imagine him so vividly with his cute blinky eyes and soft voice ajdlfjauskgiwj
i adored fanxing so much bc just the way yifan is so protective over him and how yixing had all those memories of them together and it just hurt my heart. luhan was HILARIOUS though when he was trying to confess to minseok it was very very entertaining/endearing. kaisoo is my otp for life so i will always love their parts no matter what, baekyeol was cute but sometimes frustrating bc gosh dang it baek please cut the crap, and suchen was adorable as well. i REALLY like taohun's relationship omg the whole time i was wondering if they were together and then the beagle trivia answered that its kinda ambiguous and i think it somewhat suits them. best friends whose love for each other transcends labels and im probably romanticizing it more than necessary but i just really liked them
thank you for this fic! it was one of the best things ive read in a while and will forever be an all time favorite ♡ (i had to cut this comment short bc word limit ive never had to do that before wow so many emotions)
Chapter 23: This is one of my favourite fic ever! The characters are so perfect and your writing is perfect too! I fell in love since the characters description and I didn't sleep an entire night to finish reading this masterpiece!!! You did a great, awesome job!!
Chapter 23: Another great story! Found this after I finished And the rose said to me ~ being an absolute HP fanatic I love anything that takes me back to that wonderful magical world ~ it was so much fun!! That twist at the end was very surprising ~ I think I spent a good few minutes going BOBBY BROWNING?!?!?!!! XD another great story! =D
Daaaamn. It's already finished and honestly did you really have to end it with the graduation and minseok and luhan leaving? It just makes me cry even if it is a happy ending T_T You made me feel like I was in the story that's why I just can't shake that sad feeling off that it ended; it kinda feels like I, too, graduated from hogwarts and leaving it for the last time. Ugh my feels are all over the place.

That aside, i can't express how much i love your fic and the way the plot progresses, how you've hidden clues all around the story and how EVERY DETAIL adds up in the end. It's obvious how well-constructed the plot is (even if there are some plot holes:D). Srsly, i really really love authors like you. And it was fun like i'm reading one of the last chapters and i saw a clue/hint or somewhat an event or thing that was from the previous chap and it relates to the current chap i'm reading (well you get what i mean xD) then i'm like whooaaaa it.. from... that was why. . just.. in connects and wow i find great.. idek pleasure maybe? In reading those kind of stories. I have deep respect for writers like that. i love you and your fic from the bottom of my heart, really.
(Sorry, i didn't think my comment would be this long /sheepishly rubs nape)
da_Feelz #10
Chapter 23: Honestly, I wasn't even a big fan of Harry Potter until I stumbled upon this beauty //cries... I absolutely love everyone from this fix (especially Jongdae <3 ) I was really amazed by the flow of this story being so dang marvelous. The comedy bits was marvelous as well hehe. This is my favorite story so far and I just really at telling u how much I love it xD You inspire me to read Harry Potter too~
I got back on here and one of the first things I did was finish reading one of my most favorite stories ever! I've loved this story for a long time! It momentarily made me obsessed with Hogwarts AUs!! I just love it! Thank the heavens for it...<3 the character development was just did it with this story TBH
DoYouWantSomeFruits #12
I want to write a long comment but it's 1:27 am & I'm so tired ><
This story was wonderful. Sometimes, it gaves me the same kind of feelings as the time when I was reading HP in my childhood.
A few remarks :
- Bobby's parents can't atill be under the Imperium after the Death-Eater fainted so they shouldn't have fought back.
- I thought that Sehun was in a shower with Tao during the spider episode & that he was actually the one killing the spider but that Tao pretended that it was him to cover Sehun's presence in the bathroom.
-Honestly the SuChen atory made me feel kinda depresse ^^ like them not totally working out & Suho stress-eating because of this. I want Auho to be cherished T_T
-the whole plot with Bobby was sooooo good! There were enough false clues to be entertaining but not too much so it wasn't messy.

- Also the KaiSoo
story *-* I love how it's hinted that Kyungsoo is slowly taking the lead!
I'm going to sleep now *thinks about Yixing's cute face & go cry in a corner*
Chapter 23: Oh my god this is by far the most emotional story I've ever read. This story wrecked the out of me, I swear. With the constant fluffy baekyeol ((im not gonna lie, i love fluffy baekyeol)) and just when I thought this story is going to be a light-hearted story, you involved a Death Eater and a Hydra and God knows what else dangerous things you could put in this story. Totally got me reeling.

I can almost picture everything that happened in this story too ((im not sure if its bc im so in love with exo or if im so in love with hogwarts!au)) My personal favorite is during the ball and also the occasional fluffy baekyeol. And did i tell you that taohun is fearless as in this story? They are, in their own ways. I loved Joonmyun's character too. We all know he can actually curse like a sailor whenever he wants to ;-)

Loved the plot, the buildup, the , the plot twist ((bc i though prof jung was the daredevil and i thought gryffindor is winning)) How could you write such things?? I believed that if I meet you somewhere on the streets, we need to sit down at some cafe and discuss about this matter over cups of coffees.

Cheers, mate! You're probably one of the best writers out there. I'd worship you if I could, haha. xx
beijing_kongju #14
Hi i was trying to reach you but i couldn't because ur tumblr doesnt have an ask n i couldnt write on ur wall
may i ask if i could translate this fic into Viet? Credit is all yours ofc
Chapter 23: omg, this is probably one of the best fics i ever read! i'd have to argue with your opinion about not knowing how to write comedy, because i was laughing so hard while reading some chapters (especially the valentine's day one)! the way you wrote all of them is simply amazing! every single ships was perfect, especially suchen :'D thank you so much for this beautiful story <3
Chapter 22: Omgosh I was sceptival at first but this story really was amazing!! You really did great capturing their personalities while also keeping with the HP world style. Just wow! My favorite moments were ofc (I say of course because their ship name is my account name) kray!!! OMG they remain the most fluffy couple and I loved how you wrote them!! Just beautiful!
maymay13 #17
Chapter 22: You've definitely got that Rowling-esque magic down pat.....I couldn't stop reading this because it was so good! The adventure, the humor, the camaraderie... everything I loved about the Harry Potter books, I found here. It was brilliant. Thank you for the story =)

P.S. That one moment where Kyungsoo was talking to Dumbledore's portrait? Pure gold.
fxwhuut #18

ps: i couldn't stop thinking about the fic during exams today. sobs. it's just that good.
Chapter 22: Wow, this was so good! I couldn't put it down, which is not good because its almost 3am and I have to wake up in a couple hours. But its just so good.