Comments: Spare the rod, and spoil the child!

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exo_sj #1
Chapter 22: I finished this story in just about 24 hours. Such a beautiful story, having been interested in both exo and harry potter, this story really moved to one of the top in my list. Thanks to my friend who introduced this story to me, I've found this amazing story that I'll definitely recommend. Checking out your others now!
Beauty_xoxo #2
Chapter 22: Im fav movie plus my fav group into one story eh?! This amazing story was worth of my time reading & enjoying it till the last bits of words! It feels like I was reading another seasons of HP╮(╯▽╰)╭(´▽`)♥
kainim #3
Chapter 23: I love your story author nim! aaaaaaaa...i really love how you described the casts very well >< and i love kaisoo's relationship the most (well forgive me, yes i'm a kaisoo shipper lol), they look really cute >< great job author-nim! <3
Ishrar #4
Chapter 23: This was such a good read! You write so well! This is easily one of the best fanfics of Exo I've ever read! And Exo+Harry Potter is definitely a great match for a fanfic!
Chapter 22: I adore this fix so muchhh! reading this is like reading the HP novel itself, so great and well written <33
all the couples are also kawaii huhuuu I love kaisoo relationship the most! thankyou for writing this awesome story! you are very talented!
Wow..This is really great!! I've been into Harry Potter these days and your fic makes me more addicted to it.. I really love your story.. <3
You did a really great job! ^_^
Arrrlex3 #7
Chapter 22: I cried at the end. It's like Harry Potter... I dont want it to end But can't change it. I like this story a lot. And I know that I'm going to read this again sometime...
The romance was on point and each Pairing got their shining moments. But I also liked the fact that it wasn't only romance but also hab a lot to do with the actuall HP - Universe. ( you might sag: Yeah It's an HP/Exo - Ff... But I read them all of the time and the most of them ever include real facts from the HP-Books.) Good Job on this :)
Coffee2s #8
Chapter 23: Wow this is a great fic :o probably one of the longest I've ever read
Chapter 22: Oh my God, this is the best HP au fic I have ever read! Props to you for that, author-nim! You write the best fics! Too bad this one had to end XD
Chapter 22: Finished in 3 days and boy what a ride! I don't remember anymore how I stumbled upon your story and I havent read that many fanfics but this is easily one of the most exhilarating way to be introduced to fanfiction and Exo. You write so well, I can see the characters are thoughfully created with the original members in mind and the adventure is so fun I envy the boys having the best days of their lives and loves! Everyone's lovelines are either romantic, passionate, cute, flirty and all things fluffy and angsty (well just a little I would say). Thank you for all your hard work, you've earned yourself another fan (as if I you need another one). Now, I am on to your recommended fic. See you around!
Chapter 15: Geez, I'm so curious yeah~ *rolling to the next chapter*
Oh by the way, Minseok sounds much like Hermione! Lovely <3
Chapter 3: Gosh, the mental image of Jongin flying above all them doing the solo practice is just... too y! I always have this little crush and respect over seeker, even if Harry Potter himself was not a seeker! I wish there would be more and more XiuHan! >< Mature XiuHan over childish other members is the best!
"He had never run faster in his entire life." This brotherhood gives warmth all over my heart!
Wow, so much exclamation sign, sorry. Hehe. I will leave comments here and there now, be prepare (though it is kinda late maybe to leave comments over a finished fic) *brb school*
I come because of a comment in the livejournal I often hang out. I go check the foreword then DANG! I definitely interested to read this. In a while, because I just rested from 41-chaptered fics and I spent 3 days waking up to reading that. Hoho. You know what I think: Minseok in Ravenclaw and Yixing in Hufflepuff are definition of perfection. I hope the XiuHan will be sweet. ><
Coffee2s #14
Chapter 11: IT HAPPENED AHH the Baekyeol
Amberlily #15
LOL, of course Yixing would have a wand with unicorn hair.
Chapter 23: Woww...really AMAZING!!!! You should become a professional author!!!! Love this!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥
Exotic91 #17
Chapter 23: T~T Beautiful. ..simply beautiful. Your stories especially this one should become a movie... I swear it... This could really become the next part of the HP series... I am going to come back and read this more than once... AWESOME. ..Loved it like no other ♡♡♡
Chapter 23: one of my favorite fics and i missed this so i reread it all over again.. ❤
ixxxrene #19
Chapter 23: I've been wanting to read this for so long,
because I've seen some people recommend this.
I am not into Hogwarts stuff so it took a while
to make sure that I will be alright with this AU.

Definitely worth the few hours of sleep I lost.

Thank you for writing this! ♡