Comments: Spare the rod, and spoil the child!

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parkieyeol #1
Chapter 23: This is my first time reading a story for the second time BECAUSE ITS SO GOOD (even when I never read the original hp) (I do search a lot to understand some terms in order to imagine them better ^^) & Who knows I might read it for the third time? You're such a great and humorous writer!!! ^_^
bluepepper #2
Chapter 22: I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY TO READ THIS STORY. MY POTTERHEAD FEELS IS COMPLETELY SATISFIED OMG. I'm so so thankful for this hogwarts au fic author nim. It really feels like a spin off tbh. The romance, action and the humor is perfect, i feel like i was reading the series over again. I will definitely recommend this to my friends who are also an avid hp fan. I JUST LOVE IT. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS.
bluepepper #3
Chapter 22: I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY TO READ THIS STORY. MY POTTERHEAD FEELS IS COMPLETELY SATISFIED OMG. I'm so so thankful for this hogwarts au fic author nim. It really feels like a spin off tbh. The romance, action and the humor is perfect, i feel like i was reading the series over again. I will definitely recommend this to my friends who are also an avid hp fan. I JUST LOVE IT. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS.
thehunnie31 #4
Chapter 22: I'm not a fan of HP , neither read the book nor watch the movie... butttttttt I absolutely love this fic and find it really amazing, thrilling, and oh so beautiful. I'm looking forward to your other fics.. :)
parkieyeol #5
Chapter 13: Omgggg hahahahaha luhan and kyungsoo killed this chapter!
thechoomingbingu #6
Chapter 23: I finally finished! I started reading this at the end of last year, but I got distracted with school and had to stop. It was really easy for me to pick it back up again, and I got hooked twice as fast! I loved many parts, and Jongdae was my fave. I know you said you can't write comedy, but I disagree! I was laughing out loud during the funny parts and squealing during the cute parts! Excellent fanfic!
trackdominik #7
Chapter 23: I didnt know I like HP that much until I read this.. Thank you for writing!
AloeNeko #8
Chapter 19: Oh my god I found this fic a few days ago and at the end of this chapter 'and the rose said to me' is mentioned and I never realised both of these fics are by the same person! No wonder they're both written tremendously!!
mrseyelinereu #9
Chapter 23: Omg I found this fix just yesterday! And I've finished reading it just now!
This story is seriously amazing! I can't describe it by words but this is one of the most amazing chanbaek stories I've ever read! Its so well written TuT
Thanks for writing such a great fic! I love it a lot!

((You need to know that actually I'm not into Harry Potter thingy lol))
Chapter 23: I'm actually not that much fond of the HP series (sorry. :P) because it is a whole new universe and it ed up my mind learning all those things since I am a fast reader and works with too much details screw me up. LOL

But! This is really really good and I feel like re reading the HP series again, with more patience this time. Hahaha! And if I have time. :P This is truly amazing with how it was fused into the HP AU. I love it <3
Chapter 22: It's incredible how you managed to develop such an interesting and complicated storyline. Really loved it! You have talent darling! if you ever publish something I want to buy it! Love!
knytvsprncss #12
Chapter 23: This is too adorable.
Like seriously. It seems to be like a real spinoff from the Harry Potter series, no joke.
NandeDatte #13
Chapter 22: i can't believe i only just read this. it's absolutely amazing, i was beaming the entire time i read it (except of course at the hydra part~~!!) the whole thing is just written so incredibly well and I am a er for a Harry Potter AU, and this is by far the best one i've ever read!!!! I love this so much, thank you very much for writing it, you are incredibly talented!!! ^^
Third time reading, and I still can't get over how Junmyeon's owl is called Galleon XD
I mean, you've already got me cracking up at the foreword...UGHHHH I love this fic <3
Chapter 23: This is my second time reading this story and it honestly doesn't fail to entertain. This story is hilarious and captivating. Once you start,you have to keep on reading and try to figure out the mystery. This story captures the Harry Potter Universe perfectly and your depiction of the Exo members are brilliant! If someone is reading the comments and wondering whether you should read this story, please do! You will not be disappointed! Great job Author, this has been one of the best stories I've read and one of my favorites. It was beautifully written and amusing through and through.
Chapter 23: this fic is amazing. it got me laughing and then i was scared and completely hooked on the action. your talent for writing is amazing and thank you for writing this. exo and hp omfg i just love it so much
Chapter 23: your story is amazing...i laugh a's like watching movie....
katiemee #18
Chapter 22: And again! You never fail to amaze me! The whole thing was perfect! It had everything I look for in a story. It was mysterious, adventurous, hilarious, fun, fluffy, and everything! I love the way you explain and elaborate everything. The characters were all interesting, even the side characters. And everything was so frkkin well written! I just effing loved it. You are the best!
Chapter 23: omg your story is so good!! i've bookmarked your story but don't really have the time to read it. but now that i've read it, this is so good!! i mean i don't really expecting some kind of bigger plot on the first chapter i just thought 'oh this is all about chanbaek's love story' but then i read further into it, it turned into an adventure kind of fic and i really love it!! it have been a long time since i found a good harry potter!au fic!! and just a fun fact, i don't really read other pairing's fic except for suho's ship and this fic happened to be one of my all time favorite fic yeay!! <33 thank you for writing this and i really enjoy reading it hehehehe (excuse my english omg T.T and sorry for the long comment i just really need to spazz on this fic THIS FIC IS GOLD <33) have a good day author-nim!! c:
CarinaBD #20
Chapter 23: This is truly amazingly best story. I love your work.