Comments: :: Maseol, Academy of Magic ::

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Just wondering, will you guys be picking and revealing the characters by order of the plotline? Which means that the bully is next?
2592 streak #2
Chapter 6: Hoping you get more applicants as well!! :) And super excited for the story teaser!! :D Hehe, I'm just hyped for this story in general!! ^^
Chapter 4: Can't wait!
Chapter 4: Whohow! I got super excited when I saw you updated!
Thanks for the review and don't worry, I am glad there is process, plus, no need to hurry :)
At first when I read the review I felt kinda like "Oh , I ed things up" xD But then I was like "Ooooh, okay, doesn't look that bad for Taeyang". I changed the nickname to Chinese Fireball as you suggested, the idea about Mars was just to use something that is mostly used by Muggleborn instead of pureblooded wizzards. But yeah, it kinda makes no sense, so I just changed that.
The idea about their mother not wanting them to be ugly is actually something I grabbed up from current Korean society in which looks are like everything in their lives. I tried to reflect that in Taeyang's mother but yeah, if it's better to you to rather have her not wanting them to be weak, then you can just use it the way you need it :) (I don't mind if he ends up chosen and you change things to make it work with the story. Sometimes that's easier, so I see an app rather as giving a main idea of a character but not a strict guideline to how they have to be).
btw I totally agree, Jisoo is life, Jisoo is love <3 How can people not totally fall for this handsome guy?
Okay back to the review: The thing with the woods... yeah I just thought of a place where they can actually watch magic beasts somewhere and not get disturbed by others. Maybe I was going a bit overboard (since the woods are hella dangerous) and maybe I just played too many Harry Potter games, but that was what struck my mind first xD
(Characterlimit got me ugh like always xD)
Queeeestion... is this still happening? ^^' I was looking so forward to this D:
Chapter 2: Hey! For love interest, is it only restricted for idols or can we use actors??
Chapter 4: hello, i was wondering if this fic is still open for application?
i'm interested in this fic and you have one plot left that no one applied for. furthermore the title said 'apply open'.
but if its closed then i understand ^^
2592 streak #8
Chapter 5: AHHHH OH MY GOODNESS, THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING KYUNG MI. I'M CURRENTLY AT SCHOOL, SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT TO MYSELF, HAHA. But seriously, I love how you portrayed the family dynamics and her adventurous spirit so much. This girl is in for the ride of her life and I am so excited to read about the antics she gets up to at Maseol. :')

And good luck with school and singing!! Don't overload too much, since those are priorities!! But anyway, so happy you updated and I can't wait until the other students are chosen!! ^^
True I see we all are mildly sadistic and like to put out characters through pain and suffering . I can get behind that
Chapter 5: Cries. I already feel so bad for the two characters. Can't wait to see who is chosen next!
2592 streak #11
Chapter 5: Oh, poor Jooyeon!! :'( Poor girl didn't even know she came from a family of wizards. :/ Lovely teaser and I can't wait for the next one!! ^^
Chapter 6: I was all smiles when I read the 'translated by..' part lmao.
I can see that Hyerin is shy, but I sorta wanna give her a high five she told that stupid bully to stop calling her mutt. Aaaaand I love love love her dad! Protective dads are the best no? Hee.
Bookworm's next!
Chapter 6: omygawddd the teaser was cool! eue aigoo~ poor Hyerin though- and i'm sure she'll have friends there :'>
Chapter 6: damnnn son your teaser was basically a full chapter on its own haha. great work cant wait for the next reveal!
2592 streak #15
Chapter 6: Awww, poor Hyerin, I just wanna give her a big hug!! But she finally got her letter, so yay!! :D The journey is starting!! ^^ And I love how the Maseol kids used translated versions of the textbooks for Hogwarts students, haha. Very nice detail. :)
Chapter 5: woahh~ can't wait for the teasers ^^
Looking forward for the reveals hee.
Chapter 5: I feel like you and I go to the same school district cause I start tomorrow too! Why am I awake rn at 22:04?
2592 streak #19
Chapter 5: Ahhhh, I'm so excited!! :D And good luck with school!! ^^ I started last week and I already have a midterm scheduled for next week. OTL
Eyyy u bak