for people who want more chingus on asianfanfics or followers on tumblr...

I have this new fic called the social circle, which i wanted to created because I, personally, am a very lonely person on both asianfanfics and tumblr. Everyone I've ever tried to chat with only chats with me for a while, then flits off, and I really don't know what to do. So, I decided to create the social circle so people like me can get in the "social circle" on tumblr and asianfanfics.
you dont have to subscribe or anything, but i'd be really happy if you check it out! :D
[deactivated] 9 years ago
I have the same problem, I'll definitely check your story out but do add me if you have kakao, my ID is anaxandra and if you have twitter or anything, let me know (: