open question #1

Which three of your original characters are you most proud of? Why are you proud of them? Is it because you love their personality? Is it because you or others can relate to them? Is it because they've been developed nicely?
murgirl 5 years ago
Emily, Rachel and Stephanie. Three girls who I've used on a lot of my stories on other websites. Three friends. I've been developing them for six years now when I planned to write 1d fics using them. I scraped so many stories trying to figure them out. Now I'm working on my own original story and little ficlets of them (as exercise) on lj and it's just easy. I think I'm proud of them, because they feel very human. They're complicated and each of them I've given a part of myself. I've given them their worst and best sides. I've worked with them for so long, you tell me to write another oc, it's extremely difficult.
5 years ago
I haven't had a chance to write a lot of scenes with her, but I would say Madam Ombres. She's a complicated character and it's fun to read theory comments about her in the rare chance that I get one.
[deactivated] 5 years ago
It’s only one, really. Hanako is a character on another website. I think she’s developing nicely. Her personality is very withdrawn and prone to sadness. I can relate to her a lot. I’m so proud and hope to see her continue to grow!