Looking for RP/Friends!

I want to Roleplay, Searching for RP partners/friends.
I am willing to RP anything, be it adult type or Non-adult type RPS.
Just private message me and we can chat about it more.
I have no limits mostly.

Find me on:
Discord: Sueboo #6193
Skype: iZombieSue
Email: [email protected]
OR Private message me on here for RP.
5 years ago
@-xttran I will check skype soon, When I get the chance. :)
-xttran 5 years ago
I messaged you on Skype. I’m not sure if you’ve received the messages! :)
5 years ago
@Exoticsmaniac Do you have discord or skype?
Exoticsmaniac 5 years ago
Yasss hit me up!!!