i need some help

so a while ago, i was really into kpop and twice and all that jazz, and i was also writing a lot. but since then, i've gotten out of kpop (i'm just not into it anymore). and while i still occasionally listen to it, i've definitely passed my fangirling phase (oof that sounds cringey).

anyway, recently i've gotten back into reading (classics mostly), and i've suddenly felt this urge to write again, rereading my old posts and becoming a little inspired. this is the only place i can think of to share my writing. the problem is, i feel somewhat guilty to call it fanfiction when i'm not necessarily a fan anymore. (i understand it's all fiction, and that anything i write could still be enjoyable, it's just a feeling a can't describe that's holding me back)

do you guy think i should still write?
6 years ago
If you are inspired by some classics and is writing using the idea, world and characters from that classics then it'd still be fanfiction. Just not asianfanfictions, unless you use the idol's name.

Write them, you can still post it on here but I don't think you'll get readers. There are also site like ao3 and ffnet for you to post anything non asian related.

good luck.