Malaysia Help

Hello, can you guys please help me,
Who is studying in Malaysia?? Please I need your help ( University
noone98 6 years ago
@playfulkissbof I don't know if I can provide you with a require information because I'm a fresh intake to university as well.
From what I heard and know is that University Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM (Malaysia national university) and University Malaya (UM) are the top rank in Malaysia and whether it allow you to work wolrdwide I don't really know that. Sorry ^^''

If you interest, I roll for University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), It's a semi- private university and it's has engineering and IT course. The office is at the center of Kuala Lumpur.

If you want to take a look, you can always check the website ^^v
6 years ago
I live in Malaysia! And I think it depends on what course you take? xD So far, the only university that I know which is the best in Kuala Lumpur is University of Malaya ;w; I also heard about Taylor University or Monash University.
6 years ago
@cookiehyung Yes, I think it's le, I posted it on my blog, do you have any information
6 years ago
@noone98 Thank you :)
I want to study there in February,
I want to know the best universities in Kuala Lumpur, a university that allow me to work worldwide.
I heard you can choose between Uk Australia an Us degrees, Any information please
6 years ago
Uh is this about asking about the colleges in Malaysia? Haha because someone used to ask something like that before.
noone98 6 years ago
Me!!!! *raise hands and waving*