What does first kiss feel like?

Recently i was reading a fanfic that talk about first kiss. It's make me squeal and my heart fluttered so much from reading it. Since i never had experience in KISS nor in RELATIONSHIP, it make me want u guys share how does your first KISS feel... Can u? ^_^
[deactivated] 2 years ago
I know I’m late for this but I wanted to share my own experience. The truth is IT DEPENDS. If you’re in love with the one you have your first kiss with, it’s mind-blowing. If you aren’t really attracted or madly in love with the one kissing you, no matter how great the kiss my be, you’ll just feel MEH. 😁
2 years ago
@-Krie- Amazing, I felt that too. xD
2 years ago
Nothing like what you read and see on books and movies tbh. No fireworks and such. But my first was pretty hot LOL
2 years ago
I comeback after 4 years just to say I still haven't have my first kiss yet MSAIROFL (my single is rolling on floor laughing).
2 years ago
@QueenMoona okie
4 years ago
I've never had my first kiss taken before either :)
I do like reading fics with those moments since it's an important moment in someone's life you know? It's your first kiss - it'd something you won't get back.
Once I do have my first kiss I promise to come back and tell you about it <3
6 years ago
Not much really. My first true crush kissed me and I thought there would be fireworks and a pony and everything but it didn't feel much of a thing. Then like 3 hours later I got hyped because I realized that MY CRUSH JUST KISSED ME.
6 years ago
Well, i.actually don't remember as to whom i gave my first kiss to. But i am sure it was not from someone that i love.
[deactivated] 6 years ago
@Hideyatsy LOL xD
6 years ago
@203693 Hahahaha
6 years ago
@xiuminbeforeflowers Hahahaha same here
6 years ago
@aeru Aww... :) that so sweet! Thank you for sharing your story! ;)
6 years ago
@Calliope11 Hahahaha xD thanks you for sharing your story ;)
6 years ago
@throwingpineapples Awww :) thank you so much for sharing your story! ;)
[deactivated] 6 years ago
this really depends on the person you're kissing.
my first kiss was with some random guy behind the school, that i also lost my ity to in the same place within an hour of kissing lol. it really wasn't very nice, at all, esp considering the entire thing is something i regret. but i had lots and l o ts of issues back then. anyway i didn't enjoy that at all, really. he wasn't a very good kisser if i remember right and i was probably better than him with my lack of experience lmfao
my first kiss with someone that i really cared about was around when i was 17, and that's what feels "magical". stories and movies and all of that exaggerate the feelings, but it does feel amazing in its own right. it's hard to describe, but it's kind of like you get a whole rush of really tame adrenaline (which is the "butterflies") and it's overall just really great. your heart goes crazy lol. but as you kiss more and get used to the feeling it kind of levels out and becomes less exciting, tho its still great to kiss someone you love no matter how often you do it.
there's also a lot of different kinds of kisses
6 years ago
To be honest, I think that a lot of movies and stories really overexaggerate first kisses and how amazing they are. Kissing isn't super simple, it's actually pretty awkward and a little slobbery XD. But my first kiss was with a dude that I was dancing with at a party. There weren't any fireworks or anything special - good lips though, he clearly moisturizes XD.
6 years ago
I've never kissed anyone before, but. .does a kiss on the check count? Just kidding. After reading this, I'm also curious about it. My curious mind has just taking me too far for a moment....
6 years ago
My first kiss was with a girl in my all girls high school. It was wholly enjoyable, but definitely a lot more wet than I predicted lol. I was 15 at the time, and now at 24, I know a lot more about kissing and relationships. My first kiss with my fiancé was sweet and slow and tender. He actually asked if he could me. I was so shocked bc up until that point, every kiss I had with someone just kinda happened without too much thinking. I suppose his politeness is part of the reason we're going to get married soon, but that first kiss with him will already be in my mind.
[deactivated] 6 years ago
I haven't had mine yet but I'm super curious too