Let's talk about pizza for a second

There's one thing that devideds people even more than fandoms and that's pizza. I took a huge risk when I took this subject up so please ladies/gentlemen/others, let's keep this nice and clean.

I, personally, dislike pineapple in my pizza. My favorite pizza contains broccoli, feta, mozzarella and red bell pepper.

What do you think belongs to pizza and what doesn't? What's your favorite pizza?

Do you like pizza?

7 years ago
I neither hate nor like pineapples on pizzas. Just a simple pepperoni/ cheese pizza would be fine
7 years ago
@KissTheDream your comment deserves a cookie. On a pizza.
7 years ago
I'm not a fan of pizza but I don't have anything against pineapple on it tho. I personally absolutely don't like it when ppl put corn on top, it's just no ㅠㅠ but a cheese crust is a MUST!
7 years ago
I don't know. Pizza isn't my thing usually.
7 years ago
I've never known that putting pineapple on pizza is such a big deal (maybe im just lame lmao). I'm not a fan of pineapple but I don't mind eating them with pizza. Btw, the things I care when I order a pizza is that the amount of cheeses and mushrooms *.*
[deactivated] 7 years ago
This is the first time I have heard that ppl put pineapple on the pizza •_•

I really love thin pieces of chicken, hot pepper, and olives on top.
7 years ago
I think pizza is like the japanese Okonomiyaki "put on it whatever you fancy"
We have come that far to put chips and full eggs and even whole fishes on the pizza, also hot dog sausages in the crust. We even have kebab pizza and 'cheeseburger pizza with pickles' over here. So I don't see why JUST pineapple is such a big deal for people.
It's one thing to say "I don't fancy it" but generally (not you!) people make SUCH A FUSS about pineapple on pizza. Pineapple is a rather sour fruit, unless it's soaked in sugar, and it helps to break the grease on a pizza. Some fruit and meat go very well together, such as apple and pork for example. In costa rica, people apaprently put coconut on their pizza. So what? Food is love, and should be appreciated no matter in what way.
7 years ago
@KalaCR I love broccoli and it's very good if you have some kind of special cheese with it and if you're like me and like biting your food a lot then also something harder to bite. Also you have to be careful when you prepare the broccoli, it's not good if it's too hard or soft xDDD #artofbroccolipizza
[deactivated] 7 years ago
@MinnieCrafts oh ok, thank you for explaining! I'd be interested to try it someday.
7 years ago
@Namlunasoo I was actually listing the toppings of my favorite Korean pizza hahaha. And actual cheesecake chunks ^^ it sounds gross but it's actually quite delicious!
[deactivated] 7 years ago
@MinnieCrafts those sound like really unique toppings! What do you mean by cheesecake?
[deactivated] 7 years ago
the sweetness of pineapple provides a nice contrast to the rest of the pizza.
7 years ago
cheesecake, shrimp, bell pepper, and sweet potato filling on pizza is the way to go!
7 years ago
Depends on the pizza topping for me! I've never bad broccoli on pizza...is it good? Is it just sauce, cheese, broccoli?
7 years ago
Frozen pizza is blech
Igot7_babos 7 years ago
Igot7_babos 7 years ago
I like just cheese..I'm sooooo plain>< sometime she I'll go for barbecue chicken pizza,but yeah tipping aren't my thing:p
[deactivated] 7 years ago
My favorite pizza is chicken, bacon, onions, garlic parmesan sauce and extra cheese! It's delicious
7 years ago
@Vividimole Thank you for supporting my cause. It means so much to me. #pineapple_pride #proud_to_be_a_pineapple #god_made_pineapples
[deactivated] 7 years ago
I like pineapple on my pizza but I don't force others to eat it. In a way, it's nice when others don't like it because it just means more pizza for me lol :]
7 years ago
@Armyster Tbh honest the 'pineapple or not on the pizza' matter has been brought up a lot lately. I don't understand why it's such a sensitive topic though. Pizza is food. Everyone eats food according to his/her tastes and preferences. Why is it wrong to put pineapple (or any ingredient available) on pizza?
7 years ago
@KissTheDream Point taken. I am convinced.
7 years ago
Now, I know this is a really sensitive subject, so I will be extra careful as I give my two cents on the matter. Some people are supporters of pizza-pineapple marriages. But then, there are the people who oppose them, saying they are immoral and wrong and that pizzas should not go anywhere near pineapples. This dilemma is a deeper one than it seems. In fact, it's an argument about social norms: "What belongs on a pizza?" My stance is, why do we even need to define what belongs on a pizza? Shouldn't eat pizza decide for itself whether it is attracted to pineapples or not? (Or, at least, the person about to eat the pizza should have more common sense than to order a pineapple pizza if they hate pineapples on a pizza. Duh.) I feel that this tyranny over pizzas to stay away from pineapples need to stop. Some pizzas like pineapples and some people like pizzas with pineapples, and some other people don't like it, and that's okay. In conclusion, order your own damn pizza and put whatever ingredients you damn want. Just please be understanding that other people might be different than you. And do not call me out if you see me eating a pineapple pizza, because as long as both the pizza and the pineapple consent to it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
ShinSung 7 years ago
I really like pineapple on pizza since with out it the pizzas that I eat would be way too salty to eat. And I really don't understand what's with people hating pineapple on pizza, like seriously if you don't like it, that's fine but you don't have to be a about it
7 years ago
Listen, I am on my lady infernal month and I am craving pizza. HOW DARE YOU?!
I like chorizo or pepperoni and if not in the mood of either then just​ double cheese. I hate pineapple pizza, I tried it and it's horrible.
7 years ago
I have created a monster xDDD AFF is not ready for a serious pizza conversation
7 years ago
I like onions and green pepper on mine. But I am with you on the NO PINEAPPLES! haha yuk~!
7 years ago
*sue the Enter*
Anyway ! *cough* Sweet things doesn't belong in ANY pizza (it's my own opinion).
I'm complicated when it comes to food, so I stay with the classic like margherita :)