Opinions on the IB Program

I am going to be entering junior year next school year. Is anybody here associated with the IB Diploma Program? My school is the only school in our state that offers the program and it really encourages students to pursue the "IB route" as opposed to the AP. My schedule is already full of IB classes because the most advanced classes offered are IB classes anyway. My only AP options are AP Calculus and AP US History. Here is what my schedule for next year looks like (for now):
-IB Literature I
-IB History of the Americas I
-IB Higher Level Math
-IB Chemistry I
-IB Physics I
-IB Spanish
For now, I decided to go for IB History of the Americas instead of AP US History to make it a bit easier on myself. The only thing is that IB History of the Americas is not a weighted class the first year. Should I just go for a more rigorous schedule for the extra weighted class? I'm not in the interested in being valedictorian, so I'm not sure it's worth it (my GPA is already on the higher side—I have a 3.88). I heard that IB HL Math is a mix of calculus and stats. Is it a good class in general, or should I go for AP Calculus AB? Both are weighted classes. Is IB Spanish a weighted class at your school? I think I heard it wasn't weighted at mine, but I'm not too sure, I'll have to contact my counselor next year.

So unless I decide to drop IB History of the Americas and/or IB HL Math for APUSH/AP Calc, I already have a full IB schedule anyway. Should I go for the IB diploma? I have to take additional IB Theory of Knowledge for 7th hour, I know. And I know I have to write an extended essay and take the IB test and pass. How time-consuming is the extended essay, really? And is there anything else I need to know before committing myself to the program?
7 years ago
It depends on the college you go to and what classes they accept as credit. I didn't know about this until I started applying for colleges. I realized that some colleges didn't accept certain AP classes (not sure about IB; I went to the AP route). It also depends on your major, too.
I live in the US, and I was always under the impressed that IB is better than AP (that is, if you actually get the diploma. If you end up taking IB and don't get the diploma, I heard that it doesn't really do much for you).
7 years ago
Hey! I'm also going into ib1 next year!
Although I can't provide first hand answers to your questions, here are some things my friends in older grades have told me about.
- Don't force yourself to take ib if you know what you want to do. This goes with the logic that ib aims to create "well rounded" students, and so youre forced to take a variety of courses to satisfy different groups. If you know you want to go into, it'd be better to just take courses that will help you in that field, instead of taking courses that dont apply (like TOK for example)
-This might be different in the US, but in my country, the program isn't very well recognized so that's something to consider when looking at which universities you want to attend and whether they will actually be impressed by an ib certificate
-The EE will take you very long time. Procrastination kills.
-Make time for things you love throughout the week (whether its sports or volunteering) so that you don't experience burnout with the intensive load.

I know that's not a lot, but I hope they were at least somewhat useful! :)))
7 years ago
It depends on you, really. If you think you can manage the heavy workload then be my guest and go for it! Especially if you plan on going to top universities or studying abroad. My teachers kinda made it sound like IB only matters if you wish to go abroad and that if you're only applying for local uni/colleges, AP is just as good. It's always good to have a study group you can work with. And if you know any seniors or siblings of friends who already graduated, it's never bad to ask for their notes or have them tutor you if you're struggling.
7 years ago
Sometimes I regret I wasn't brace enough to go ib because you can always drop out. But then there's my crush and like I wouldn't stare at him all the time and also as national student I met my best friends and I have more classes to choose.

But if you feel even a tiny bit that you should, then go. You live only once and in that age, school is a huge deal, it's where you meet the most people you're going to meet. And about essays, just start early enough. Don't be like Naan, I have 5 essays and 3 days and well, even Naan doesn't want to be Naan anymore. I hate psychology.
7 years ago
I'm not an ib student but it's all about your attitude. I have a friend who hates it. And I have a friend who stands it. The friend who hates it lives with his parents. The friend who stands it lives over 7000 kilometres from home and he's also an athlete so he has to practice every day.

But there's great people, and don't miss the parties! At least ib high school has so dope parties, I went to one yesterday and it was so fun, everyone were so friendly and they just came to talk to me which was great since I'm very shy.

If you have right attitude, girl/boy/other, you can do anything. Anything!