What's the difference between nonau rp & au rp?

Cuz I've been very stupid these past few days and I feel like I just came out of a cave T^T pls explain to me the difference
7 years ago
to me an au is when you have a concept and you can use different characters a non au is maybe is as simple as a daily life thing? I have not done a none au thing so yeahhhhhh sorry if i am not of any help
7 years ago
AU's can range from anything from school!au, café!au, supernatural!au, or hospital!au. au roleplays have more creative freedom in that you completely reimagine your idol in a different setting, and sometimes, different people ( in this case, you'd look for OC / original character rps).
7 years ago
A non-au roleplay is a roleplay where you use the face and body of an idol, together with their job. You roleplay as the idol, and don't only use their face. For example, "Hello, I am BlackPink's Jennie. Please support us!"
And an au roleplay is a roleplay where there is a Alternative Universe (AU) where you only use the face and body of the idol. You are not the idol and you ONLY have their face&body, you can change everything to them according to your liking, you're only using the face and body. For example, there is 1:13 am roleplay which is City&Job AU. You live there in the city and have a job as whatever you wish.