Please Help!!! Is there a way to find/read a story that's removed???

Hi I am new here but I read this amazing sehun x luhan fanfic called s*x slave like 3 years ago and but it didn't finish updating yet and I stopped reading because it was too sad for me to handle. Now after all this time, I FINALLY managed to find it again BUT IT GOT REMOVED!!!! Is there a way to find archived stories on this site or find out who the author is so I can pm them for a copy?? PLEASE IM DYING TO READ IT!!! For reference it's this one if it even matters:
Irreplaceable_hjj_ 3 years ago
@house-laurie I tried to get another story too. But I have to select the dates. Idk how to choose it. Can you please help me?
7 years ago
i looked at the link you provided and saw the author reply to one of the readers but when i clicked on their name, it tells me that the author has been banned for violating the terms of service.
[deactivated] 7 years ago
Yes, you can! There's a website called and you can paste any link, which can even bring up deleted stories as long as a snapshot as been made at some point. It's not foolproof, though. Just letting you know.

Here's a link to a snapshot of that story you want to read:

I tried logging in to see if I could subscribe but it wouldn't let me. I'm sorry that you won't be able to read much :C
You'll be able to view the foreword, though.

I hope this helps~
lovely9muses 7 years ago
@KalaCR Aww okay! Thanks for your help!!
7 years ago
Not sure about the author thing, but I'm pretty sure that stories don't get archived on this site.