Very First Work of Fiction in the Making! (BTS, VIXX, GOT7, UKISS, etc.)

Alright! Story development is a hard process. I was planning on just winging it and seeing what would happen, but I can't not have a plan. I just can't.
So! Apocalyptic(ish) Hybrid AU is almost plotted, and it will be a three part series with special cameos of many different groups! The first part will feature either the lovely Jimin, Taehyung, or Jungkook and the rest of BTS, the second part will feature sweetheart Leo and the rest of VIXX, and I'm still not sure about the third part yet, but I'm gonna kill it (no, I don't mean I'm going to murder anyone ....)! I already have the picture thingys (the word has slipped my mind!!) made for part one and two, so that's nice. Now I just have to get my brain in gear and work, work, work!

Just thought I'd mention it, and let me know if there's something I should add/do that you haven't seen done yet. I could use all the inspiration possible because I don't want it to be super cliche.
7 years ago
@Mysticmountains Wow ur plot is quite unique I must say. Don't worry if you think you're going way over your head. People love original ideas. And there's like a load of investigation stuff going on in the plot, I like that. Don't worry about too much drama, just make sure it's not cliché. And yeah, I'm sad that U-KISS is not that well known but I'm still proud of them when they won their first music award.
makeupyourmind 7 years ago
@Mysticmountains Yeah thats true. I think real people are good inspiration tho! And its not like u need to b 100% accurate w their real personalities. But yes writing stories is hard >.<
7 years ago
@makeupyourmind Lol! Yes, I agree, characters are key! I'm honestly a little hesitant because they're real people, and it's difficult to portray someone who has a functioning brain that you can't read. LOL But, I figure as long as I stick to their basics and then kinda just build from there, I'll get it.
makeupyourmind 7 years ago
i think if you have a plan thats a good start!!! i always wing it haha. i think cliche/not-cliche is not that important. its having characters that are interesting and a story which flows well is more important :) don't know if that helps but i'm happy to discuss more!!
7 years ago
I'll just add this, not many authors have done a U-KISS fan fic, I just know a few including myself. I know U-KISS isn't well known. For the apocalyptic thing right, an image just popped in my mind. There was fire, kinda like the judgement day mentioned in the Bible. and I donno, a group is a hybrid of angel and man. They kinda went in war with demons I guess and there was a girl in the cross fire. This war cannot be seen by humans but somehow she can. I haven't seen this kind of fanfic yet. I donno, I kinda like this idea. But I need more info on the plot you are making. Like, are the three parts somehow connected to each other?