Can't log in through my cellphone

I don't know If it's just me but I can't log in through my cellphone to my account, I tried to log in in my computer and it works, but in my cellphone when I put my user and password and then I click in "login" just appear down to the usser and password "The input value mu7st be between 6-100 characters"
7 years ago
This happens to me too but I managed to fix it by clearing caches and cookies. I'm not sure if it will work for you :/
7 years ago
We're on the same boat!
7 years ago
ugh, dumb enter key.
anyways, what is your phone browser user?
it may be that, or clear history or something?
7 years ago
i don't have any issues.
[deactivated] 7 years ago
I'm facing the same problem too tbh. ;;