You're My Oppa - Idol Version; Ep4 - Part 2

The Adventure of Colored Fame

Once again, the people have spoken, and they have decided that this story will be fluff! -clap clap clap-
Though it will mainly be fluff, there will still be a couple conflicts here and there, but yeah.. just mostly fluff.
I apologize to anyone out there who wanted this to be an angst story, but I guess you should've been able to tell that it was gonna be a happy story, since all the chapters so far have been fluffy.. Nonetheless, I hope you'll still support this story! And for anyone who's stayed subscribed since the beginning, and anyone who's recently subscribed, thank you very much!

However, I've been thinking lately.. Should I make a new apply story and make it more angst-y?

Once again, you guys get to choose!

As a side note: Just curious, but I want the characters to tell me if they can swim or not, and how good/bad they are at swimming.

By the way.. you guys know that not everything I write is recorded as part of the TV show, right...? Just some parts, aha.

Yellow & Orange

14 figures stumbled into the living room, all of them tired from energy-draining performances earlier that night.
Suho ran his hand against the wall, found the light switch, and flicked it upward. Bright light filled the room and several males groaned in agony as their eyes tried to adjust to the new light setting.

"I'm going to shower first!" Carmie hollered, racing up the stairs to the bathroom on the second floor, but not before grabbing bathing items and clothing from her suitcase.

"I call the second bathroom!" Chaerin rushed over to the bedroom where her stuff was, grabbed a couple things, beat Kai to the bathroom, and slammed the door.

Kai pouted unhappily, slightly flailing his arms back and forth, "Seriously?! This is the second time today that someone's beat me to the bathroom!"

"Well, it's not their fault your bladder ," Chen casually said, plopping himself down onto the sofa and turning on the T.V.

"Shut up."


(example where not everything I write is being broadcasted on TV. LOL)

Chaerin carefully stepped into the bathtub and looked around the rims of the tub. Although all of the products were high quality and expensive, they happened to be for males.

".. I knew I was forgetting something," she moaned unhappily, thinking about the bottle of shampoo and conditioner in her suitcase.

"Well.. It's just this one time.. Hopefully, it won't mess up my hair too much," Carmie her silky brunette hair and switched on the water.


Carmie, on the other hand, was smart and remembered to take everything she needed with her. She hummed contently to herself, soapy hands massaging her scalp and blonde hair.

"Silly youngster probably forgot to grab a bottle of shampoo or conditioner.. or maybe both," she chuckled. Knowing the lead dancer, Chaerin was the type to often forget one thing or the other.

Suddenly, the blonde became paranoid.

"What if I forgot to lock the door?" she blurted out loud. Watching too many dramas was finally taking its toll on her. Quickly washing the shampoo off her hands, she grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her body, and rushed over to the door. Twisting the knob, she realized that she was just being ridiculous, and returned to her shower.

Though the paranoid thoughts slightly faded, they never fully disappeared from her mind.



When it came time to sleep, the idols realized that they had not decided on where the girls would sleep.
After much debate and argument, the leaders determined the most collected members, and came to the decision that Chaerin would sleep in Suho and Sehun's shared room and Carmie would sleep in Lay and Luhan's shared room.

Originally, Carmie and Chaerin wanted to sleep with eachother, but were reminded that they were individual dongsaengs of EXO-M and EXO-K, so they'd have to stay with their oppas.

"Noona, I thould remind you to never touch Luhan hyung'th bed," Sehun whispered to Carmie, before fleeing upstairs with Chaerin and Suho.

Carmie chuckled and slightly shook her head, "Silly maknae."


Upstairs, Suho was having trouble sleeping over the voices of his two youngsters.

"It feelth nithe knowing that I'm not the youngetht in thith houthe anymore," Sehun smiled, propping his wrist over his forehead. Chaerin could only mentally squeal at Sehun's cute lisp.

"Being maknae has its advantages, though... Like how Sooyun and I usually get things our way because we're youngest," the female responded, reminscing the many times that she and Sooyun convinced Hweri to do it the maknae way.

Suho chuckled heartily, much like a grandfather to his grandchildren, "That's not how it works in EXO. Leaders decide everything."

"Exactly," the male maknae grumbled unhappily, shifting to his side. Suho had offered his bed to Chaerin, and was now sleeping on the floor. Just imagine his back pain the morning.. poor grandpa.

"Oh.. Although I'm the second youngest, I'm sub-leader... So a lot of Crayon's decisions are maknae biased. Hweri may hate aegyo, but she can't hate Sooyun's aegyo.. or mine," Chaerin grinned victoriously, thinking of a list of the leader's weaknesses.

"True, true. You maknaes sure are evil. You find our weak points and you strike when we're least expecting it. I can't blame Hweri for giving into the maknaes' charms though.. As much as you hate something, you can't hate it when two of the most precious kids in your world have something to do with it," Suho's grandpa-like wiseness peeked out from his mini speech, "It's getting late.. Let's not forget that EXO and Crayon both have to practice early in the morning tomorrow. Sleep, youngsters."

"But grandpa!" both maknaes whined at the same time.

Leader raised his eyes at the two, "What did you just call me?"

"Nothing. We'll sleep now," they giggled obediently, closing their eyes and waiting for their minds to shut down.



"15 minute break, then we're back on the run," Instructor Yong Jo clapped his hands together. The girls immediately fled from the piano. It was 12 in the afternoon and the girls had been training since morning. They were a little over half-way finished with learning their parts for 'Alone'. SHINee had gone out to promote their newest album, 'Sherlock', and EXO and Infinite were at their own dance rooms, practicing for their upcoming comebacks.

"Looks like I'll be collecting $5 from all of you guys," Carmie high-fived Sooyun.

"You better share half of that with me!" Sooyun scrunched up her nose when the JOAL responded by sticking out her tongue at the maknae teasingly, "Not fair! You'll be hecka rich if you collect from all our oppas!"

"Ok fine, I'll share... so you better teach us this song quickly!"

"I can teach as long as fast as you guys can learn it," 2PM and BtoB shook their heads at the two bickering females.

"Seems like a lover's quarrel to me," Peniel whispered to Ilhoon, who nodded in agreement.

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O