You're My Oppa - Idol Version; Ep2 - Part 1

The Adventure of Colored Fame

Oh look, it's an early update! :3

Our green member, Setsuna, still needs more applicants for her story! Go apply now, you!~
Saphire Academy

Sigh, I just finished bawling my eyes out at this story, and it has become one of my favorite fanfics. c:
Dear Diary, Woohyun's a Jerk

Anyway, I still need information about Chaerin and Setsuna's biases!

P.S. I don't understand why I keep randomly losing subscribers. :c
Don't leave me, guys! I love you all. ;A;

March 17th, 2012
10:17 A.M.

Most Popular Stories: #1 - Crayon's Oppa-band Pairings Revealed?!

The first episode of 'You're My Oppa - Idol Version' featuring SM's new girl band, Crayon, was aired yesterday, which means that their pairings have been revealed! Surprisingly, instead of having one band adopting all 6 girls, each Crayon girl paired with different bands. According to the CEO of SM, each girl is supposed to mature idol-wise and learn something through each band, so they were paired with those bands for a certain reason. Those reasons, he says, will be revealed later on in the show. 5 girls delivered their blue member, Annie, to her oppa-band first. Her oppas were revealed to be Infinite! The remaining 5 girls delivered Haejin to her oppas next, which were revealed to be the members of SHINee. 2 girls dropped ChaeC and Ceci off at EXO's dorm. Sun shows up at 2PM's dorm, playing a funny prank on Taecyeon. Finally, Rien showed up at BtoB's dorm as a robber, scaring the daylights out of the 7 males! How will each girl adapt to her new temporary home without the other members around? Find out on M!Net's new TV show 'You're My Oppa - Idol Version'!

All Comments (521)

Angeler88: aww dey each hav diff oppas! how cute~ Crayon hwaiting<3 c:

Nepurr: At first, I believed that putting the rookies on a TV show so quickly would cause problems.. but they seem to be doing fine so far! Hwaiting Crayon!~ Btw, Rien's pranks were hilarious. She's a mad genius.

Koreanatics123: i wasn't expecting each girl to have different oppas.. that really caught me off guard.

fazRis46: @xoxo143kuchikicats, rien seemed kinda mean toward woohyun!

xoxo143kuchikicats: btob's scared faces.. priceless! when rien yelled at woohyun, i laughed with annie. haha!

sharon94: These girls are so good at breaking into peoples backdoors.. They should go professional~ 8D

deathgon: haejin expression when key attacked her was hilarious, omg. she looked like she was gonna twist his arm and pin him down if he didnt let go soon! he seemed so happy that he gets to be a part of the show a. xD

MultiNicolelove1: i wish i hed cecis stuff animel colletion omg.. :((

Taemina: omg.. that haejin gurl gets to be with my biases! if she steals taemin im gonna freak. >__>

haebaragi15: 2pm's muscular arms, mmmmmmmm~ Sun has a gorgeous and really steady voice. It's no wonder why she became a lead vocalist. :3


Sooyun watched her 5 eonnis leave to deliver Haejin to her oppas. Once her eonnis were out of sight, Sooyun turned back to Infinite, tilted her head, and looked at the 7 males. Her voice was full of cluelessness and curiousity, "So now what am I supposed to do..?"
Sunggyu scratched the back of his head, "You can put your stuff in the room that Woohyun and I share." Sooyun obediently walked over to her stuff and began to transfer it from the living room to the bedroom. When she finished, she walked back into the living room where Infinite was eating and watching TV. The leader flicked off the TV and looked at Sooyun. The members complained at the sudden action.
"Hyung! Why'd you turn off the TV?!"
"The best part of this drama was coming up, darn it!"
Amused by the males' complaints, Sooyun couldn't help letting out a soft giggle. Infinite immediately closed their mouths and gazed at the younger female behind them.
"Why don't we let Sooyun introduce herself?" Sunggyu suggested. The other members nodded intently, all of their complaints seemed to fly out the window as they were once again calm, "Sure~"


Sooyun made her way to the front, standing in front of the TV, and cleared .
"Annyeonghaseyo! I am Baek Soo Yun, otherwise known as Annie, of Crayon," Sooyun began and bowed ninty-degrees before standing straight again. She opened to say something else, but nothing seemed to come out, so she closed it again. *What else am I supposed to say..?* she thought to herself, biting her bottom lip.
The leader chuckled, "Tell us more about yourself..."
"Like what..? If you guys have watched Crayon's interviews.. you'll know that I've already revealed a lot of things about myself in those interviews"
"Age? Position? Favorite things?" the dinosaur, Dongwoo, suggested.
 "Ah... At 15 years old; turning 16 soon, I am the maknae, main vocalist, and visual of Crayon," Sooyun tapped her chin thoughtfully.
Words seemed to flow out of easily now, "Err.. I was born in America.. My favorite color is sky-blue.."
"Second favorite color?" the members tried to get more out of her
"Light Green."
"White," Sooyun couldn't help but giggle at the meaningless questions, causing the members to raise their eyebrows in suspicion.
She started again as she looked up at the ceiling. "I'm a big fan of IU and Ailee," she paused for a while, trying to add suspense before a foolish grin appeared on her face, "And I'm an Inspirit."
Infinite returned that grin with grins of their own. The greasy Woohyun spoke with a smirk plastered on his face, "Who's your favorite member in Infinite?"
The guys looked at Sooyun with angelic faces, hoping to be picked as her favorite.
The female tapped her chin for a while, teasing them with the long pause.
"Woohyun," she finally spoke. Woohyun smiled greasily as the other members slumped back in defeat, but they didn't realize that Sooyun wasn't finished speaking, "Dongwoo, Sunggyu, Hoya, L, Sungyeol, and Sungjong."
"Yah, you tricked me!" Woohyun protested and lightly pouted, causing everyone else to roll their eyes at his greasiness.
"What's your favorite song from Infinite?" Dongwoo smiled brightly.
Once again, Sooyun looked up at the ceiling in thought. Finally, she spoke, "Would you like me to show you?"
The members nodded eagerly, so Sooyun walked into Sunggyu and Woohyun's bedroom.
"What's she doing in there..?" Sungyeol whispered to Sungjong, who shrugged in response.
Sooyun walked back into the room with a blue & white guitar.
(A/N; Pretend that the dark blue parts on the guitar are light blue and there is Sooyun's initials (BSY) carved in cursive on the side of the guitar. Pretend there are more blue designs on the guitar.)


On a chair, she sat in the same place prior to her exit from the room to retrieve her guitar - in front of the TV, and began to pluck the strings, letting the gorgeous sound from the guitar flow. The members recognized the song immediately and looked at L, who shrugged. (A/N; They look at L because he's the one that plays the guitar in this song.) Then, she opened and out poured a beautiful voice singing a soothing melody.

aju orae jeon neoreul boatdeon geu neukkimeul gieokhae nan
I remember that feeling from long ago when I looked at you

neoreul aratdeon nareul aratdeon geu sijeori saenggangna
I remember that time when I knew you, you knew me

neoreul darmgo sipdeon eoulligo sipdeon
I wanted to be like you, hang out with you

ganjeolhaetdeon siganeul nan dasi saenggakhae
I think about those desperate times

da jinagan hannat chueok ppuningeol
But it's merely a memory.. that has passed by

Her fingers still gently dancing over the guitar strings, and the Infinite members were already mesmerized by her voice.

And Can you smile..?

niga wonhajanha, niga barajanha
you want this, you hope for this

nae mam maneuroneun neol jabeul suga eomneungabwa
I can't seem to have you with only my heart

 And Can you smile..?

naega garajanha, nan gwaenchantajanha
I said to leave.. I said I'm okay..

majimak neoege, nan igeot bakken mot junabwa
It seems like I can give you nothing but this to you in the end

Not bothering to sing the whole song, Sooyun softly ended the piece and smiled, "That's my favorite song - Can You Smile." The members didn't say anything. They only stared at her. Sooyun raised an eyebrow and waved her hand in front of Dongwoo, who abruptly woke up to reality, and the other members soon followed.
"Can you sing the whole song..? Please?" Hoya, the quiet one, suddenly blurted out. Sooyun giggled and shook her head.
"Aww, pretty pleaseee?!" the maknae lightly tugged at Sooyun's sleeve, but she still shook her head again.
"Okay, that's enough," the leader finally stepped in and stopped the begging, "It's getting quite late. We should sleep soon."
"Fine with me," Sooyun brightly smiled. She was exhausted from all the events that happened today.
"You've showered already, right?" Sunggyu questioned Sooyun, who nodded in response, "Yah Jang Dongwoo, you smell like sweat. Go shower!"
Dongwoo sniffed himself, "What? No I don't.."
"Gross, hyung! Are you a dog?" Sungjong complained and pretended to fan the stinky air away, causing everyone except Dongwoo to burst into laughter.
"Maknae, are you asking for your death wish?!" Dongwoo let out a growl.
"Sunggyu hyung, save me! Dongwoo hyung is going to kill me!" Sungjong hid behind the leader, who chuckled and ruffled the youngster's hair. The leader's action reminded Sooyun of Hweri, who always ruffled her hair like that.
"Settle down, guys. Hurry up and get ready for bed!" Sunggyu scolded the other members and walked into his room to get the extra blankets and pillows.
"Yes sir!" the other members jokingly saluted and went their seperate ways to carry out the leader's orders.
Sooyun simply had nothing to do, so she sat down on the couch and watched the members rush back and forth between rooms.


After a while, she got bored of sitting down, so she got up and roamed around the house. She was carefully observing the hallway when the bathroom door jerked open, revealing a half- Woohyun. He had nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist; his hair damp from a shower and water running down his chest. Sooyun's eyes immediately widened. Her face turned tomato red as she turned around and faced the other direction. Woohyun's eyes also widened. He had completely forgotten that they now had a female in the house. To make matters worse, the other members of Infinite happened to walk into the same hallway. Everyone's eyes widened as Sunggyu ran over to Sooyun, covered her eyes, turned her around, and walked her into a random bedroom.
"HYUNG! HOW COULD YOU?!" Sungjong freaked out and ran into the bedroom that  Sooyun was in.
Hoya stared at Woohyun for a while, then followed Sungjong. Dongwoo shook his head disapprovingly at the greaseball and followed Hoya.
L had a smirk plastered on his face as he wiggled his finger and tsk-tsked at Woohyun before walking off in Hoya's direction.
Woohyun face-palmed and muttered, "Bad mistake."

Sooyun took deep breaths, trying to get herself to return into her normal state, but the image of Woohyun's half- body kept flashing in her mind repeatedly.
"Darn you, Nam Woohyun," she cursed under her breath.
"Our dongsaeng's poor innocent eyes," to Sungjong, it felt nice to call someone 'dongsaeng' since he was usually around people that were older than him.
Even the shy Hoya patted your back understandingly.
"It's not like your eyes were innocent in the first place. I'm sure you've seen other idols' abs," L broke the comforting moment.
"Yeah.. that's true, but I've never seen them in person before!" Sooyun admitted to her crime, but also tried to defend herself in the process.
"Well, now you have. That's settled!" Sunggyu changed the awkward subject, "Did you guys brush your teeth already?"
That moment, Woohyun walked into the room. All eyes were now on him, "Yes, we did."
Sunggyu raised his eyebrow suspiciously, "Are you lying..? Do I need to do a breath check?"
The members shook their heads.
"Alright," Sunggyu hesitantly got up from the bed.
Sooyun's hand shot up.
"Where will I be sleeping tonight..?" Sooyun's innocent (or... used-to-be-innocent-until-a-grease-ball-revealed-his-chest-to-her) eyes met the leader's calm ones.
"Well, since all of your stuff is in the room that Woohyun and I share, I guess you can sleep in our room while Woohyun and I camp out in the living room."
"Wait, I can sleep in the living room!" Sooyun protested, "You guys keep your room!"
Sunggyu shook his head, "You're the guest, and our dongsaeng!"
"No buts," Sunggyu cut her off and walked to the living room with Woohyun, leaving Sooyun no choice but to walk to her bedroom.
Inside the bathroom, Sooyun changed into her PJs and stretched comfortably, glad that she was out of her tight, uncomfortable clothing.
She bounced into her bedroom and fluffed up the pillows before laying down on the bed and pulling the covers over herself. Closing her eyes, she couldn't seem to sleep. She also realized that even in the bedroom, it was cold.
"It must be even colder out in the living room.." she whispered to herself. Not being able to bear the guilt, she got up and rushed into the living room.
Sunggyu and Woohyun were tossing and turning on the floor when they heard footsteps. Sunggyu sat up to see Sooyun wandering into the room.
"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" Woohyun asked without looking at the girl. His body was still laying on the floor.
"Well, it seemed kinda cold even in the bedroom.. Aren't you guys cold?" Sooyun approached the males curiously.
"We're okay. You should go sleep," Sunggyu began to lay back down.
"It doesn't seem right.. It's as if I'm kicking you guys out of your own room," Sooyun bit her bottom lip, feeling guilty.
"No, no. It's okay."
The other members walked out of their bedrooms and joined the 3 people in the living room. They obviously overheard the conversation that was going on.
"This isn't right though! I'll sleep on the couch and you guys can sleep in the bedroom," Sooyun stubbornly argued.
"Go sleep, Annie. It's getting late," L sternly said.
"No. Not unless they sleep in the bedroom," Sooyun crossed her arms across her chest and pouted.
"Are you suggesting that we all sleep together?" Woohyun's greasy smirk appeared on his face and Sooyun face-palmed.
"Let's all sleep in Sunggyu hyung's room," L suggested, the same smirk appeared on his face as well.
"MWOH?!" Sooyun's eyes widened.

The 8 of them laid their blankets and pillows over the floor of Sunggyu and Woohyun's bedroom. Although Sooyun protested to such an idea, the other members decided to by agreeing to the suggestion. Since it was 7 against 1, Sooyun had no choice but to reluctantly oblige. The 8 of them slept side by side. Sunggyu slept closest to the door, Woohyun next to Sunggyu, Dongwoo next to Woohyun, Sungyeol next to Dongwoo, L next to Sungyeol, Hoya next to L, Sungjong next to Hoya, and Sooyun slept closest to the window, next to Sungjong. Of course, they put the quietest and most innocent members, Hoya and Sungjong, closest to Sooyun so that she wouldn't feel threatened. Everyone said goodnight to eachother and closed their eyes, but no one could sleep. For Infinite, it was weird to have a female live in their house. For Sooyun, it was weird to sleep with 7 males. Finally realizing that no one was actually asleep, the female decided to break the ice.
"Ah, that's right!" Sooyun suddenly remembered something, "I forgot to tell oppas that Crayon has a performance at M!Net tomorrow night. Oppas have to take me to the M!Net countdown location."
Sunggyu nodded, "No problem. What time do you have to be there by?"
Sooyun sat up and tapped her chin, "Hmm.. The countdown starts at 8 tomorrow night.. so I probably have to get there by 5."
"Okay, we'll get you there before 5," the leader sat up as well.
"Hyung, I can't sleep," Sungjong complained.
"Me too."
"Me three."
Sooyun immediately perked up, "Let's have a mini talent show! That way, I can get to know each of you better."
Around this time, Crayon had finished dropping Haejin off at SHINee's dorm and were heading to EXO's.

Sunggyu was the first to perform in this mini talent show. He sang his solo track, 'Because', in Infinite's 'Be Mine' album .
Sooyun clapped her hands like a child and cheered the leader on. Her fangirl dreams were literally coming true. The leader of Infinite stood in front of her, trying to serenade her in pajamas. It couldn't get any better for a fangirl.
When Sunggyu finished, Sungjong performed a couple girl group songs. Sooyun joined the maknae of Infinite as they both danced and sang to songs like 'Tell Me' and 'Nobody'. The members took turns telling jokes that made Sooyun laugh until she couldn't breathe.
"DID YOU REALLY DO THAT, DONGWOO-SSI?!" the laughing female clutched her stomach and laughed even harder when Dongwoo nodded his head and grinned.
"You guys are too much for me to handle," Sooyun wiped a tear from her eyes and calmed down. Then, she sighed. The members' ears perked up when they heard her sigh.
"What's wrong?"
Sooyun looked at her blankets and smiled, "Nothing."
"Come on, don't lie."
The female sighed again and spoke, "Well, there's nothing wrong. I'm just genuinely happy. In Crayon's dorm, we have two bedrooms. Rien, Sun, ChaeC, and Haejin share one bedroom while Ceci and I have the other bedroom. They had me sleep in a different bedroom because they always stayed up late and claimed that I needed to sleep more. Since our walls are soundproof, they always blast music in the other room."
The males quietly listened.
Sooyun giggled, "And of course, Ceci-eonni and I would also blast music and stay up, but we always had to be careful of getting caught. Staying up like this without having to worry about getting caught.. It's relieving."
There was an awkward silence, but Sungjong's grumbling tummy broke it. Everyone laughed.
"I'm kinda hungry too," Sooyun admitted. The other members nodded in agreement.
"Can I go out and buy snacks?" she glanced at the leader, asking for permission
"Sure, but bring one of the members with you," Sunggyu laid down under the sheets again.
Sooyun looked at the other members and eventually chose Hoya. Without bothering to wear disguises, the two put on their jackets and headed out.
The walk to the convenience store was awkward at first, but shy Hoya surprisingly decided to stir up a conversation.
"So.. why'd you choose me to you to the store?"
Sooyun laughed softly, "You seem really quiet, so I wanted to get to know you better!~"
Hoya laughed too, "I'm just a quiet person overall.."
"But you're an amazing dancer! Your dance moves express everything that you want to say," Sooyun complimented the dancing machine and smiled, "I've also heard you sing before. Your vocals are really good as well..."
The pink on Hoya's cheeks was hidden by the moonlight, "Thank you."
The rest of the trip seemed much more energetic and conversational.

So each member will have a long chapter like this! 
And they'll each have an ab scene. Carmie suggested the idea of containing FEEEEELLZLZZZ, so go blame her if I write anything slightly inappropriate. Don't worry, there will be no or ual scenes. I'm not a writer.
I'm saving Hweri's character for last on these ab scenes... Her character likes skinship.
Don't unsubscribe if you wanna read about girls getting surprised about... seeing your biases' chocolate abs...? ;A;

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O