Military Academy Event Performance

The Adventure of Colored Fame

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in two days~ On the first night, my parents made me spend the entire night helping them with something, and when they were finally done, they made me turn off the computer. -__-
The second night, I went to a sleepover at a friend's house, and she didn't have a computer.

I have a pretty good idea of the plot of this story! :D

Anyway, I still need more information from Chaerin.

Also, I'm not done questioning Carmie, Setsuna, and Hweri!

YEAH. UH HUH, YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. advertisement advertisement advertisement advertisement.

Apply story for.. Individual stories: The Girlfriend Express

When the members finished airing on KBS, they returned to the dorm.
Sitting on the couch, the members high-fived eachother, celebrating the first successful interview.
The managers sat down next to the girls and Manager Jo cleared his throat, silencing the girls.
"Very nice job on reciting your answers today! However," Manager Jo looked at Sooyun, "you girls definitely added your own stuff to spice it up."
The members laughed and Carmie looked at Sooyun, "Especially Sooyun's random comments.. Did you really think that we wouldn't be able to hear you?"
Sooyun shrugged, "I felt like those comments were necessary!" She turned to look at Hweri, "Your brother is Woohyun?"
Hweri nodded, "Yeah, he's only 10 months older than me, though. Some people even mistake us as a couple. I can't imagine having to date a greaseball like him..." Everyone in the room laughed again.
"Can't blame them.. He's so cheesy.. even to his own sister," Sooyun grinned.

"Sometimes, I really want to smack him... He's such an embarrassment," Hweri face-palmed and everyone burst into another round of laughter.

[Insert video of Crayon's interview here]


All Comments (267)

shineegirlforever: dese girls r so multitalented! i luv their new song!!

en9981: yeah, i noticed that too! she looked kind of ashamed when the mc was praising so hee.

yuran920: Haejin seems to have this attitude toward everyone.. -__- (29 likes)

harupark: @alwayssone, You're wrong. They already did prove themselves worthy of comparasion. These girls are really talented! (127 likes)

infinitesaranghae: This comment flagged as spam. they seem so fake and unrealistic.

fierrakim: I see that Annie is an Inspirit, keke.~ (12 likes)

mirandap00: @exexsa, me 2! she knows how to pull the members together.

mogimelo: setsuna seems like the mature one in this group. c:

exexsa: i like rien. she definately seems like the leader-type. (24 likes)

alwayssone: This comment flagged as spam. ewwww... they'll never be able to compare to SNSD.

naru9292: the unintentional aegyo girl, ey.? i wonder if she'll be like the female version of woohyun. :P

llona9803: their songs are daebak!! xD

TheLaughableOne: Carmie is so multi-talented! It's no wonder why she's the JOAL. (14 likes)

whitewolflover23: We have a female L, Haejin.. Now we have a female Woohyun, Chaerin. Goodness, this is the female version of Infinite! 8D (134 likes)

The girls got a good night's rest and woke up the next morning ready to perform their song 'Let Us Just Love'.
 Dressing quickly, they threw on sweatpants and hoodies. Then, the girls hurried into the van and their managers drove off to the location of the Military Academy Event. Upon arriving, they were immediately rushed into the makeup room that had been set up. Salonist and makeup artists arrived and immediately began working on the girls, putting foundation and powder here and there. The 6 idols were slowly adjusting to the pampering and dolling, but still occasionally squirmed or giggled. Dressing infront of stylists was something that the girls could never get used to, which was why they chose to change privately in stalls.
They all had their hair curled (Pretend they have that basic hairstyle, but it's styled a different way.. Like one girl has it tied up while another one has it clipped up or something. Hweri has red hair clipped up, Chaerin has medium-brown tied into two ponytails, Carmie has blonde with the normal style, Setsuna has black tied up in a ponytail, Sooyun has light-brown tied in a loose bun, Haejin has light-brown with normal style.) and they were all wearing the same dress.
When they were all back in the makeup room, the girls reviewed their lines and parts to make sure that no mistakes would be made. The event would start at 1 P.M., and it was now 12:50. By the time the show starts, there would be dozens of recorders and people video-taping their performance. The girls had started to adapt to life on the stage, so they were not as nervous anymore. However, the fear of making a mistake on stage still lingered in their minds. 1 o'clock arrived and the girls did a one last, "HWAITING!" before walking toward the curtains. The MC introduced himself and the performances that would be happening at this event. Then, he motioned for the curtains to open. That was Crayon's cue to come onstage.
The music began and Crayon started dancing to the center of the stage.

Click here for the color-coded lyrics & performance for 'Let Us Just Love'.

After their performance, everyone in the audience cheered and whistled to support the rookies. The cameramen got the performance all on tape and were ready to post it all over the internet.
Running off-stage and back into the makeup room, the members were breathless from dancing.
"We've introduced all of our songs to the world!~" Hweri said, holding up her hand for a high five.
"Yeaahhhh!" the members yelled and attempted to high five Hweri all at once.
Pouncing on the leader, the members rounded up for a large group hug.
"I think we're already getting used to the idol world," Chaerin beamed at the fellow members, who nodded in response.
"It's not that scary anymore," Carmie admitted, "Definitely not as scary as our debut stage."
"I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest," Sooyun clutched her fist and put it close to her heart, "It was like. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP."
 Even Haejin pitched in while playing with the curled strands of her hair, "But after the first part of the debut stage, I felt a lot more at ease.. Part two felt a lot more refreshing and simple."
"Honestly, I thought my heart was pounding so loud that everyone around me could hear it," Setsuna put her arm on Carmie's shoulder as the members laughed in agreement.
"It's getting easier and easier!"
"But we can't slack off just because it's easier, okay? We have to give 110% in all our shows!" Hweri fist pumped the air.
"NEH, LEADER-RIEN," the other members shouted simultaneously, causing the leader to beam with pride.
 Meanwhile, Sooyun tip-toed to play with Carmie's long strands of curled blonde hair.

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O