Sequel: Chapter 15: The Past Haunting

When The Flower Blooms

Irene and Wendy went back to Wendy’s apartment to get some rest before the wedding dinner. Ever since the two of them go together, Irene had moved some of her stuff to Wendy’s apartment and Wendy even asked her if she wants to move in together but Irene thinks it was too fast so she asked Wendy to wait for the right moment.

“We’re home…”

“Mamarene~~~~” Iris came out running toward Irene and Irene welcomes her with a warm hug.

“Have you been good today Iwis??”

Iris nods enthusiastically and she show Irene her finger nails that she had painted. “Mamarene, look at this!”

“Oh! Did you paint it yourself?”

“Lia unnie helped me!” said Iris and at that moment Lia came out from Ryujin’s room look all messy. Lia and Irene’s eyes met and Lia instantly blushed. Irene smirks, and she gives Lia a thumb up causing Lia to blush even harder.

“Lia~ let’s…” Ryujin stops when she noticed Irene standing at the living room “Ooh…Irene…when did you get back?”

“I see you’re busy Ryujin…” said Wendy.

“Mama!” Iris reaches out to her mother and Irene passes Iris to Wendy. Wendy holds Iris in her arms and kisses her all over her face.

“I miss you~” said Wendy.

“I don’t miss Mama…” said Iris with a straight face and it sends punches to Wendy’s gut “Eh?!”

“Because Iris got Jinjin unnie and Lia unnie with Iris!” said Iris happily.

“Alright you little bud.” Wendy puts Iris down and pat her on the head “Go and continue to play with your sister, Mama and Mamarene need to discuss something.”


Lia leads Iris back to her room and Ryujin watches them walk into the room. Ryujin turns to her mother and asked “How was the wedding? Did you managed to stop it?”

“Surprisingly, Sungjae was the one who stop the wedding.”


“Yep, I was surprised that he changed his mind last minute…I mean he was stubborn.” Said Wendy as she pours some drinks for herself and Irene.

“He was worried about Joy, and the decision he makes will affected a lot of people, especially Joy’s career.” Said Irene.

“Well yeah, but I am surprised that Joy would do to such extend for her group…”

“Wendy, you don’t understand idols life. They sacrificed their youth for the sake of their debuts, Joy sacrificed a lot, she sacrificed her friendship with her friends, and her relationship with you…of course she wanted her group to success…so I understand why she would do that. But it’s my fault too…if I didn’t tried to kill myself…maybe…just maybe I still can protect them.” Said Irene in a sad tone.

Ryujin goes to Irene’s side and rubs her on the back to comfort her “Irene unnie, it’s all in the past now…”

“You don’t have to worry about them now that we just bought SM, RV is safe.” Said Wendy.

Ryujin blinks a few times and when Wendy’s words registered in her mind she gasps “You bought SM?!”

“Yes…” Wendy laughed sheepishly at Ryujin’s question.

“Mean we own SM now? Why SM? Why no JYP and YG too?!”

“Don’t be greedy Ryujin-ah.” Irene scolded the girl.

“Well, if we buy all big three we hold the entertainment industry in Korea. I’m surprised that Wendy still want to continue with the café? You have money, and the café isn’t making any progress at all.”

Wendy smiles and she pats Ryujin on the head “I don’t need the money as long as I have Iris, you and…” Wendy pauses and she turns to Irene “And Irene by my side, it’s enough…” said Wendy.

Ryujin scowls at her mother’s cheesy remark “Eww, please don’t be so cringe! Ah well, I’m gonna go play with Iris and Lia, you two adults continue with your discussion.”

The two adults decided to go to the balcony to sit and talk. Irene likes the scenery from Wendy’s apartment. Wendy sips on her hot chrysanthemum tea and enjoy the soft breeze. Irene couldn’t keep her eyes away from the woman, Wendy is her favourite scenery.

“You know, today is really chaotic, I can already see the news popping up everywhere. I pitied Sungjae, but he did the right things…but I know he loves Joy so much…and he let go of her because he loves her…”

“What do you have in mind Wendy?” Irene asked, because she knows Wendy is thinking about something, but she hesitates to say it out.

Wendy turns to Irene and she had the softest expression on her face “Watching Seulgi and Joy exchanged their vow, I want to be in that moment too someday…” said Wendy.

Irene blushed at Wendy’s words, in her mind there’s a lot of question going on “Is she hinting on something? What does she mean by that?! Does this mean she is ready for the next step?!”


“Yes I do!” Irene said abruptly when she snapped out of her thought.

“Yes I do?”

“Ah…no, nothing…” said Irene shyly and she sips on her tea to avoid Wendy’s gaze.

Wendy smiles and she scoot closer to Irene and wraps her arm around Irene and pulls her closer “What?” Irene asked.

“Nothing, I just want to stay close to you. I like to hold you…you make me feel warm.” Said Wendy.

Irene blushes even harder, she prayed hard that Wendy won’t notice her face. They stay in that position until Ryujin comes to remind Wendy to get ready for the dinner.

“I’ll go get ready at my own place.” Said Irene and she excuses herself.

“Alright, I see you soon.” Said Wendy and they kissed each other before Irene left.

“When are you going to pop the question to her?” Ryujin mother.

“It’s not time yet Ryujin, we are still trying to get to know each other.” Wendy answered.

“You better ask it before it’s too late mom…”


“Or is it you’re scared?”


“Even though I’ve known you only for a few years and I don’t know what happened to you before Irene unnie came…but I can sense that you are scared.”

“Love had hurt me so many times Ryujin…it’s all thanked to Iris and you that I’m able to love someone again…and then when Irene came, I got scared again, what if she leaves me like Joy left me? Like how my mothers left me…” said Wendy.

“If you’re not willing to take the risk, what’s the point in loving someone?” said Ryujin.

Wendy laughs “Okay, so now I’m getting advises from a 16-year-old kids?” said Wendy.

“I maybe young but I’m mature~ anyway, can Lia come with us too?”


“Think about what I said, mom…”

“…I will.”



Joy was getting ready for the wedding dinner, she puts on her wedding dress and examine herself in the mirror. She smiles when she sees the ring on her wedding finger. She brings her finger and kisses the ring. She couldn’t believe that she is now married to Seulgi. Married to Seulgi had never crossed her mind before, she loved the woman but marrying her is on another level, today’s decision was a little rush and maybe from all the adrenaline she said yes. Did she regret it? No she didn’t, she was happy, but she felt bad for Sungjae. She was still a little confused about what Sungjae meant by he had taken care of the SM contract. Joy snaps out of her thought when she heard the door open, she sees her wife walking toward her in her suit. Seulgi looks so dashing in her suits, because the event happened so suddenly, they didn’t got time to get a wedding dress for Seulgi so Sungjae suggested that they can just alter his suit to Seulgi’s body and she can wear it.

“You looks good.”

“You looks good too…” said Seulgi to her wife.

“You never told me I look before, so does that mean I am hideous before?” Joy wife.

“Wha…no I mean you’ve always been gorgeous! You’re always been beautiful but today you look exceptional…”

Joy laugh and Seulgi looks at her weirdly “Did…I said something wrong?”

“I was just joking at you.” Said Joy “I know I’m gorgeous.”

“Yes you are.” Said Seulgi as she approaches Joy. She hugs Joy from behind and rested her chin on Joy’s shoulder, and she admires her wife figure from the mirror reflection.

“I can’t believe we’re married.” Said Seulgi.

“Me too.”

“Are you happy marrying me?” Seulgi asked.

“I am…but let’s me be honest with you.”

Seulgi was a little shock upon hearing Joy’s answer “Yyes…?”

“I’m scare Deulgi…what if…this doesn’t work out? We only confirmed our feelings recently, what if you fall out of love with me? The uncertainty of the future scares me.” Said Joy as she holds to Seulgi’s arms.

Seulgi silence Joy with a kiss on the lips, Joy was surprised at first but then she returns the kiss and even deepened it. Seulgi breaks the kiss and stare into Joy’s eyes lovingly “I made a vow to you right? That I will always be by your side and cherish you, love you unconditionally until my last breath, and if I breach my vow, you can do whatever you want to me.”

“I believe you…but I feel bad for Sungjae.”

“Yeah…me too…I know that he truly loves you.”

“He told me the SM contract had been terminated, but how can he do it?”

“Err…well you see…your Ex bought the entire SM stock…so she’s the owner of SM now.”

Joy’s eyes grow big and then she turns to Seulgi “You told Wendy unnie?!”

“No! She found it out herself, and, I didn’t expect that she will buy SM…how rich is your ex?”

“I didn’t want to get her involve in my matter…” Joy sighed but as she was about to continue, Seulgi stops her and kisses her some more.

“We got time before the dinner…would you like to…you know…”

Joy blushes when she gets what Seulgi means when Seulgi tilt her head toward the bed direction.

“It took me an hour to put on this dress.” Joy tried to reject.

“We don’t have to take it off then.” Said Seulgi.

“Then it’s going to get crumbly…this is a very expensive dress Seulgi and your suit too, it’s very expensive.”

Seulgi takes off her suit and Joy blushes at the sight of Seulgi standing in front of her with only her underwear. “There I take it off.” Said Seulgi.

“Okay, we need to do it fast, or else we’re going to be late for the dinner.”

“We are the star here Joy, they will wait for us!”


“Ryujin you’re ready? Lia, Iris?”

“Hold on a second mom! Can someone help me with this zip?” Ryujin yelled from her room.

“I’ll check on her.” said Lia and she went to her girlfriend’s room. Wendy attends to her baby, and her expressions turn soft upon seeing Iris’s sleepy face. Iris didn’t take her afternoon nap today because she was busy playing with her sister and Lia. Wendy tried to get her to take a short nap but she refuses.


“Mmm?” Iris answered tiredly.

“Do you want to stay at home and sleep? I’ll call aunty Mina and Momo to come and watch over you okay?”

“But Iwis want to follow…” whined the little girl.

Wendy kisses Iris on the temple and hold her in her arms “Okay okay, why don’t you sleep now, when we get there I’ll wake you up okay?”

Iris nods tiredly and she rested her head on her mom’s shoulder. Wendy walks to Ryujin room with Iris on her arms to check on her eldest daughter.

“Are you guys okay?”

“Mom! This dress doesn’t fit me!!” Ryujin cried because she and Lia had tried so many ways to zip the dress but they just can’t.

“Told ya you need to control binge eating with your sister and now look, we just bought that dress last month!”

“Hey, I’m still in my growing stage! You can’t stop me from eating.” Ryujin whined.

“Maybe you should just change to other dress Ryujin-ah.” Said Lia because the girl had given up in trying to help Ryujin with the dress.

“I don’t have any other dress…I hate wearing dress! So mom bought me this but then she bought the wrong size!” Ryujin hissed and she glared at Wendy. Wendy doesn’t know whether she should laugh or sympathize with her adopted daughter. Wendy never stops Ryujin from eating all the things she wants because Ryujin is still in her growing state, and Wendy wants Ryujin to grow up healthily, but lately Ryujin really did put up a few pound. Her face getting rounder and Wendy thinks that Ryujin is cute like that so she didn’t say anything.

“Why don’t you just wear suits?”

“Everyone goes there wearing a nice dress then you want me to wear suits?”

“I’ll wear it with you. Lia can you hold Iris for me.”

“Oh… okay.” Lia takes Iris from Wendy’s arms and she goes to the living room to wait for the mother daughter finish changing their dress.

The doorbell rings, Lia slowly put Iris down on the couch, afraid of waking her up and then she goes to get the door.

“Hi Lia, where’s the others?” Irene greeted her.

“OH! Unnie, please come in. Wendy unnie and Ryujin is still changing their clothes.”

“I thought you guys are ready? What took them so long?”

“Ryujin couldn’t fit into her dress.” Said Lia before she giggled.

Irene chuckles at Lia’s statement about Ryujin, she did notice that Ryujin had grown a little but she didn’t mind it because Ryujin is still growing. Irene saw that Iris on the cough sleeping so she whispered to Lia “Is she sleeping?”


“Wendy should call a babysitter and let someone take care of her, we can’t bring her along.” Said Irene.

“It’s okay, she can come with us, I can take care of her while you girls enjoy yourself at the dinner.” Said Wendy when she comes out from her room followed by Ryujin. The mother daughter duo looks so stunning in their suits, especially Wendy with her loose buttoned white shirt and complimented her silky white skin and the maroon colour of her suits makes Wendy looks like a 3000 years old vampire.

“You look dashing…”

“You too Irene, you look like a goddess.” Said Wendy as she admired her girlfriend.

“Ryujin you look so good too…”

“Thanks Irene…what do you think Lia?” Ryujin turned to her girlfriend but Lia was too smitten by Ryujin’s handsomeness in the suits, she always sees Ryujin in school uniform and casual wear but this time seeing Ryujin wearing a suits makes Lia feels something more.

“Earth to Lia?” Ryujin called and she waved her hand in front of Lia’s face to catch the girl’s attention.

“Ugh! Sorry…but you look…so fine.”

Ryujin blushes a little and she scratches her head “Ehehe, thanks. I’m liking this look better than that dress.” Said Ryujin.

“Okay now, let’s go or we will be late.”


“This food is so good!!” Rosé muffles with full.

“Honey, please don’t speak with your mouth full…” Said Jennie to her best friend with a disgusted face.

“The buffet hasn’t start yet, where did you get all the food?” Lisa questioned the blondie.

“She had a special access to the kitchen, so the chef gave her early access to the food, because she refused to leave the kitchen unless she gets some.” Jennie explained.

“How the hell can she get special access to the kitchen?” Lisa asked again.

“Jisoo is the owner of this resort.”

“Ah I see…so, she had special access because she is soon to be Mrs. Owner too huh.” Lisa teased the blondie and it causes her to choke on her potato.

“Yah Lalisa! You’re going to kill her!” Jennie scolded her girlfriend for making Rosé almost choked on the potato salad.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect Chaeyoung to give such reaction, but you two are going out together right? The whole campus is gossiping about you and Jisoo.”

“We…we rather not say.” Said Rosé.

“Well~ but do you like her thou?” asked Jennie and she scoot closer to the blonde girl, who seems to be blushing so hard that her face is turning to a tomato.

Rosé shly nods and then she continues to eat her salad but she almost screams when she felt a cold hands covering her eyes “Ah! Who?!”

“Guess who am I?”

“Jisoo unnie?”

“Ah, how did you know?” Jisoo was disappointed by Rosé correct answer.

“Anyone can guess it’s you Jisoo, you and your freaking low voice.” Said Jennie sarcastically.

“But Chaeyoungie love my voice~ Especially in bed.”

And again Rosé choke on her food and cough out loudly that she begins to attract people’s attention. Jisoo and Lisa apologized to the people while Jennie attend to Rosé.

“Stop it you two, stop teasing her.”


“Oh! There’s Wendy unnie!!” Jennie waves her hand when she spotted Wendy and her kids walking in the entrance.

“Kyaaa, Iris~~” Lisa and Jennie squealed at the mini Wendy and they took her from Wendy’s arms.

Wendy thank the god when Iris didn’t get fussy, because every time Iris is sleepy, she gets irritated easily even with the people that she knows. Wendy helps Irene with her coat and she pulls the chair for Irene too.

“Do you want to drink anything?” Wendy asked.

“A glass of champagne should be nice.”

“Alright I’ll go get you some.” Said Wendy and she left the table to go to the bar section.

“Wendy Son?”

Wendy turns to the voice owner “Yes?”

“It’s really you! Wendy it’s me, Eric…remember me?”

Wendy was stunned, she didn’t expect to see the last person that she wanted to see. Wendy hurriedly get the drinks from the bartender and excuses herself to go back to her seats.

“Hey Wendy! You’re just going to ignore me? Hey?” Eric followed Wendy though she obviously didn’t want to interact with him.

Wendy reach her place and pick up Iris “I gotta go, Jisoo can you drop the girls at my house later?” said Wendy.

“Where are you going?” Ryujin asked, and she noticed the panic in Wendy’s eyes.

“Home.” Said Wendy.

“We can go back with you if you want…” offered Irene.

“No…ugh, you stay with the girls as their chauffeur, I really gotta go, see you back at home.” Said Wendy hurriedly and she kisses Irene on the forehead before she walked away. Irene knows something is up but she didn’t want to make things awkward in front of their friends so she keeps quiet.

“Did she feels unwell before we came here?” Lia asked Ryujin.

“She was fine before…” said Ryujin with her shoulder shrugged.

Irene looks around to see if there’s anyone or anything that made Wendy left. She really wanted to take a steps and leave the dinner too, but she had to take care of Ryujin and Lia who is underage, and she knows that she can just ask Jennie to keep an eye on them but Wendy will not forgive her if she neglected the kids.

“Eh, wait yah yah Jennie-ah, isn’t that Eric Nam?” Jisoo asked and she elbowed Jennie to get the girl’s attention. Jennie turns and she spits on her water when she saw the guy that Jisoo mentioned.

“What is he doing here?!”

“How should I know what is he doing here!” Jisoo answered back.

“I think he’s the reason why Wendy unnie ran away.” Whispered Jisoo to Jennie.

“We need to do something.”

The lights suddenly dim and the MC announced the arrival of the brides and they turned their attention to the brides. Everyone gets up from their seats and they cheer for the newly wed. Sungjae and his family were present too, and he is clapping happily for the couple. There were tears in his eyes but it was happy tears.


“Mama where are we going?” Iris asked.

“We’re going to get ice cream okay?” said Wendy.

“Ice cweam!!” Iris squealed happily.

“But what about Mamarene and Jinjin unnie and Lia unnie?”

“Hmmm…they are going to eat those not delicious food but you and me are going to eat something delicious! So tell Mama what you want to eat? Let’s go eat ‘kay?” said Wendy to coax her daughter.

“Iwis want fwied Chikin!”

“Fried chicken it is then.” Said Wendy and they drive to the nearest fried chicken shop.


“For all the single ladies!! Please come forward for the flower bouquet throwing ceremony!” said the MC. Jennie and Rosé didn’t hesitate to get up from their seat and headed toward the area where Joy and Seulgi are going to throw their flower bouquets. Jisoo asked Irene to join them but Irene decline. Jennie came back and drag Irene with her. Irene protested at first but Jennie said “This is your change to hint on Wendy unnie, I’ll make sure they take a nice shot of you catching the bouquet.” Said Jennie to her cousin.

Irene tries to get away from Jennie but Jennie had her arms lock around Irene. Irene gives up and decided to join in the bouquets throwing game too, but she had to make sure to keep her competitiveness in check because she doesn’t want to claw all these girls out.

“JoyGi are you ready?”


“Girls are you ready?!”

“Yes!!” the girls on the floor answered enthusiastically.

“In 1…2…3!!”

Joy and Seulgi throws the bouquets and Irene was surprised by the girls’ enthusiasm to catch the bouquets, even Jennie who didn’t like crowded places, scramble to snatch the bouquets. One of the bouquets were caught by Rosé and another one landed on Irene’s hand.

“I got it!! Jichu unnie I got it!!!” said Rosé happily.

“Yay! You got it baby!!” said Jisoo to Rosé.

“Do you know that means you have to get marry to her soon right?” said Lisa.

“I know.” Jisoo replied with a wink.


Irene stands there awkwardly with the bouquet in her hand, Seulgi, Joy and Yeri call came to her to congratulate her.

“Where’s Wendy?!” they asked.

“She, ugh…went home.” Said Irene awkwardly.

“Ehe, too bad she isn’t her to see you catch the flower. You should hint her.” said Yeri.

Irene can’t help but to blush when her ex artists keep on teasing her. Seulgi pats Irene on the fore arm and told her to be happy with Wendy. Joy hugs Irene and wishes her the best in her life, now that she had found her happiness with Seulgi, she wishes Irene can find her own happiness too.

“You two be happy from now on.” Irene wishes the newly wed.

“Irene unnie…I am really sorry for what happened in the past.”

“Yah…how many times do I have to tell you, you are forgiven, and you better treat Joy right.”

“Yes ma’am!!”

“Hey Seulgi!!”

“Hey Eric! You made it!”

“Yeah of course I made it to my cousin’s wedding! Congratulation Seul and we were all surprised when you called and tell us that you are married. All of the sudden cuzz!”

“It’s a long story, let me fill you in tomorrow morning over breakfast.” Said Seulgi “Oh and by the way, Eric, this is Irene, she…”

“Your ex right? Well thank God that I didn’t attend the previous wedding, mom and dad said it was a mess…”

Seulgi stops his cousin before he rants even more “Stop it Eric, it’s all in the past. Let it just stay in the past.”

“Oops sorry if I crossed the line sis.”

“I’m sorry Irene unnie, his mouth doesn’t have a filter. Eric here is my cousin.”

“Hi I’m Eric.”

“Hi…I’m Irene.”

“Irene unnie!!” Jennie called for Irene.

Jennie breaks the handshake between Irene and Eric and she apologizes to Joy and Seulgi before she drags Irene away with her.

“Jennie it’s rude to drag people away when they are in the middle of a conversation.” Said Irene.

“Oh, she was just saving you from Eric.” Rosé said.

“From Eric?”

“Don’t you know? Eric was Wendy’s one-night stand boyfriend and he is Iris’s father.”



To be continue…


Hello guys, the situation now is getting worser for Malaysia and our country is being lock down, well not really a total lock down just all fellow Malaysians need to adhere to the MRO that our government had issued. But then I saw the ugly side of human the night before the MRO effectively take place. Everyone decided to go back to their hometown, and everyone become racist… (not everyone but some) and selfish, go lah go spread the virus to all of Malaysia states. I had a colleague that had a close contact with a positive Covid-19 patient (EBC church in Kuching), but she just keeps quiet until the case in my town start to increase only then she admitted. And she refuses to go for a check-up! She only quarantine herself, but refuses to go to the hospital to check! Can you imagine the chaos? I had a close contact with her because our department depend on each other, but so far so good for me, no symptoms, still healthy, and I check my body temperature every day, so don’t worry, I am carefully taking care of myself and yes I isolated myself from my family members. I am thankful that my company allow us to work from home. So the conclusion I want to make is, stop being selfish, stop lying to the health officers, stop trying to hide if you ever had close contact with the patient, stop hoarding all the essentials stuff. Malaysia government is trying their best to stop the spreading of this pandemic, but it cannot be done if the citizen isn’t going to adhere to the rule. Okay enough with my rant! So Iris father is here!! Will Wendy fight for Iris? What will Irene do?  Last word, stay safe everyone, stay indoor if you don’t have any important thing to do outside. Stay safe everyone. I hope I didn’t contract the virus from my colleague, because she’s too stubborn…oh and since I’m working from home for this 14 days, you can expect a frequent update from me! Cheers!

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense