Chapter 37.1 Dear Bae Suzy

When The Flower Blooms

Dog Café

“Why didn’t?!” Hayoung gasped.

“I let it slipped!” Yerin cried.

“If Joy knows…” Hayoung was about to continue her sentence when she notices Joy coming through the main entrance door she stopped. “Sooyoung ah! Over here!” she waves at her friend.

“Hey girls.” Joy greets them.

“You don’t look good.” Yerin noticed the fatigue on Joy’s face.

“Sooyoung ah…you better don’t over work yourself.”

“I’m okay…” Joy sighed and she sits with her friends, a few puppies gather around her, she plays with them for a while and she pick up on puppy and put it on her lap “If I’m not working I keep on thinking about Seulgi…so I have to continue to stop her from appearing in my mind.”

“Sooyoung ah…”


“Yerin told me all about Seulgi and you…I thought you were very much still in love with your ex, Wendy, so how did this happened?” Hayoung questioned Joy.

“I…don’t know…” Joy explained.

Yerin and Hayoung looked at each other and then they turn to Joy.

“But you two kissed!” Yerin shouted and Hayoung quickly cover .

“Yes we kissed…”

“And you told me you are falling for her!” Yerin shouted again and this time Hayoung stuffs a piece of bread into Yerin’s mouth to shut her up.

“I don’t know about my own feeling anymore.” Joy is in the verge of crying “I don’t know about this feeling anymore.”

Hayoung went to Joy’s side and she her back to comfort her friend. “Sooyoung ah…I may not be an expert in love but I think you should confront your own feeling, you need to sit down and try to dive deep in your heart and find out who you truly love.”

“I know I’ve always notice how charismatic she looks like whenever she is on stage…I’ve noticed how caring she is, I noticed how clumsy she can be…I also noticed how jealous I get when she spend time with Irene, but I never pay any attention to that feeling because I thought I was just getting jealous over the fact that my friend rather spend more time with her girlfriend than with the team members.”

Yerin and Hayoung once again exchange looks “How about we go for a girls day out today? None of us have any schedule no?” Yerin suggested.

“Yeah, let’s go out watch some movie, or go to the karaoke and go eat to our heart contents!”

Joy was grateful that she still have friends that she can rely on. She wipes her tears and nods happily to her friends suggestion.


YG Café

“You sound so urgent to meet me last night.”

“I got a fight with Irene…” Wendy explained “For helping you.”

Seulgi looks guilty, she bows her head low and mumbled sorry to Wendy.

“It’s okay, anyway, you got anything?”

“For?” Seulgi asked in a confusing tone.

“Your lyrics?” Wendy replied with annoyance.

“Oh! Yeah about that I did write something…” Seulgi took out her note book and show it to Wendy.

Wendy reads the lyric that Seulgi wrote and she cringes “This is so cheesy and cringy…”

“You told me to convey my feeling for Joy and I did, you said you were going to see it on Saturday but you change the meeting to today…” Seulgi complained.

“I’m sorry, but you see Irene was mad at me for helping you, so I was being force to sleep outside of our bedroom…so I gotta help you quick.”

“What is your plan?” Seulgi asked.

“Joy like romantic surprises, so we gotta plan some event for her, and then you’re gonna sing this song to her during that event…” said Wendy.

“But she doesn’t even want to reply to my texts or answer my call…how am I going to make her go the the event?”

“I’ll think of a way…but for now we gotta work on your lyrics…” Wendy sighed in disappointment.


Wenrene Condo

“Morning unnie, I heard for Ryujin that you and Wendy unnie had a fight?” Yeri greeted the groggy Irene.

Irene didn’t answer Yeri and went straight to the fridge to get something to drink.

“Where’s Ryujin?” Irene asked.

“Yah unnie, you didn’t even answer me!”

Irene sighed “She’s helping Seulgi to get together with Joy.”

Yeri paused from eating her breakfast and stare at Irene with disbelieve eyes “Joy and Seulgi?!”

“Yeah, I have the same reaction as you too…”

“What…how…” Yeri agapes.

“Seulgi had been in love with Joy for so long, even when she was still with me.”

“How come I didn’t notice it?” Yeri couldn’t believe it.

“But why Wendy wants to help Seulgi out? After all that Seulgi unnie had done.”

Irene sighed “Joy was Wendy’s ex, what do you expect?”

Yeri stays quiet “How long are you going to stay mad at her?”

“I’m not mad anymore over the fact she wanted to help Seulgi without consulting me first but I am mad now that she didn’t even try to take the effort to coax me.”

Yeri laughed at Irene, her cousin could be a little childish when it comes to lover quarrel.


“Nothing…” Yeri replied with a head shake.

“By the way where is Ryujin?”

“She went to school, unnie it’s 9am now.” Yeri pointed at the clock.

“School? But she is still not well!”

“Unnie ah, this is Ryujin that we talked about, a few bruises shouldn’t be so hard on her.”

“Did she brought her medicine with her?” Irene asked.

“I don’t know…” Yeri shrugged.

“Yeri ah! You should have taken better care of your sister!” Irene sighed “Who picked her up just now?” Irene questioned.

“My manager…” Yeri replied.


JYP High

“Ryuddaeng!!!” Yeji runs to her best friend when she saw Ryujin walks into the school compound. Ryujin uses her foot to stop Yeji from lunging toward her.

“We miss you Ryujin ah!” Yuna comes after Ryujin like a little puppy.

“Ryujinie!” Chaeryoung approached Ryujin.

Lia was there too, she slowly approaches Ryujin, she noticed the bruises all over Ryujin so she tries to stop herself from hugging the pink hair girl.

“Ryujin what happened to you?” Lia asked.

“Oh, you mean this bruises?” Ryujin asked back.

“Did you got in a fight?!” Yeji gasped “I thought we left those kind of life behind us?!”

“Wow Yeji, can you speak slowly? I think my ears drum just pop because of you.”

“Guys, let’s not fight, we should celebrate this moment together! Ryujin who had missed school for months finally back!” Chaeryoung said happily.

Ryujin was happy that she got back to school and meet her friends. She missed them and she missed school. Things are still awkward between her and Lia despite that they have reconciled. Seeing Yeji is now happy with Lia, Ryujin is relieved. It seems like Lia manage to persuade her father to accept Yeji and the rest of the Itzy girls. Ryujin made the right decision to be with them.

“Let’s go have some burger after school.” Ryujin suggested.


YG Studio

“What are you doing here unnie?” asked Jisoo when she saw that Wendy in the recording studio.

“Hey Jisoo~ hope you don’t mind I borrow your studio!”

Jisoo frowned “I don’t mind but, how did you get in? YG building is strictly only for employees.”

“I let her in” Seulgi replied.


“We’re recording a song for Joy.” Seulgi explained.

“And Irene…” Wendy added in.

Jisoo crossed her arms and look at the 94’s duo suspiciously “Okay tell me what you two did?”

After explaining to Jisoo what they two of them decided to do, Jisoo had a blank expression on her face. She wishes them luck but she stick around to oversee the recording session.

“Okay that’s a wrap!”

After spending 3 hours in the recording studio, they finally finished the recording of the song. Wendy turned to Jisoo and asked for her help. Jisoo was more than willing to help the girls with their plan. The trio then left the YG building and went to Wendy’s café to set up the café and clean it up. Wendy orders Jisoo to go out and buy all of the ingredients that she needed to make her drinks and pastry. Jisoo called Jennie and Lisa to help her and the duo agreed. Seulgi and Wendy stay behind to clean the café.

After 2 hours of cleaning, the whole café is squeaky clean. Both of them rest by the window both were tired.

“Why you choose your café?” Seulgi asked.

“This is the first place that I met Irene and I name this place by your song’s name too...”

“I notice the name…” Seulgi replied.

Wendy’s head start to throb, she tries to hide the pain from Seulgi, but the pain was getting more and more intense. Seulgi noticed the pain in Wendy’s face “You okay?” she asked.

Wendy nodded “It’s just a normal headache.” Wendy lied and she reached for her bag to take out her med. She took one pil out and swallow it.

Seulgi saw the label on the tablet bottle she grabs it fast before Wendy could put it back in her bag “Hey!” Wendy shouted and snatches the bottle back.

“Wendy…are you sick?” Seulgi asked, her face is full with concern “That is a brain tumor drug, why are you consuming it?”

Wendy cursed, she wasn’t ready to let anyone know about her tumor just yet. All she wanted to do is to clean up all the mess, await for Suzy to arrive in Korea before she decided to go for operation but now Seulgi found out.

“Did you tell Irene about this?” Seulgi asked.

Wendy put the medicine back in her bag and she look into Seulgi’s eyes “No, she doesn’t have to know.”

“How bad is it?” Seulgi asked.

“Before I tell you, promise me that you will keep this as a secret.”

Seulgi didn’t answer, and Wendy getting more and more agitated “Promise me!”

“Fine! I promise you!”

“Good…Make sure you don’t tell anyone about this…Doctor said there’s a 2% chances of me surviving the operation...”

“2%?! that’s too low Wendy, you have to tell Irene about your condition!”

“She’s already had a lot of things in her mind I don’t want her to worry over me. 2% is still a better chance than not surviving at all…I only have 2 choices here, get under the table and have the operation or let the tumor eat me alive.”

“When are you going to go for the operation then?!”

“Until I settled all of my problems, but there’s a catch…” Wendy paused “Even if I go through the operation…I’m still going to lose all of my memories…”

The two of them went silent, no one dare to speak first, Seulgi is shocked, the guilt inside her is getting bigger, she had caused so much problem for Wendy and now she wanted to help her as a way to redeem herself.

“Tell me what should I do to help you…” Seulgi offered her help.

“Just don’t tell anyone about my illness…and here…” Wendy hands Seulgi her journal “Since now that you know about my condition I think you can be my perfect hiding place for all this.”

“What is this?” Seulgi flips through the pages but Wendy stops her.

“It’s personal things…my journal. I’m about to lose all of my memories Seulgi…these are all of my memories.”


“Can you do me a favour?” Wendy asked.

“What is it?”

“Find me after my operation and give me these journals and albums…”

“Wendy…you’re really not planning to tell Irene about…”

“No…I don’t want her to worry about me. I’ve put her in a lot of situation and this one I rather face it alone. For now, I know I shouldn’t trust you but you’re the only one that I can trust for now.”

“Oh wow that’s hurtful, you said you can’t trust me but then said I’m the only one whom you can trust…” Seulgi pouted.

“After all the drama you have caused…I rather not.”

“We’re back!” Jisoo announced as she walk through the doors with all the supplies.

“Quick hide it!” Wendy tells Seulgi and Seulgi quickly shove Wendy’s journals in her backpack.

“Welcome back! Lisa! Jennie! It’s been awhile!” Wendy put on her happy face and greets her friends. Seulgi watches Wendy acting happy in front of her friends, she pitied the girl. Things seems like had never work in favour for Wendy. Seulgi made a vow to herself, she will helps Wendy, as a away to redeem her sin against Wendy and as a way for her to show her gratitude to Wendy for helping her and forgiving her.

The girls help in setting the café, Wendy had made the decision to reopen her café earlier than she had planned. Jennie and Lisa were in charge of the decoration, Seulgi and Jisoo helped with setting up with a mini busking stage at the corner of the café. Wendy is cleaning all the glasses and the counter.

Lisa and Jennie finished their tasked and they went to Wendy to see if they can help with anything else. Wendy thanked them and told them that everything is in order and she rewarded them with a new drinks that she just develop.

“Here, try my popcorn milkshake drink.”


Jennie takes and sip and she loves it “Oh! Unnie this is delicious!”

“Ah Ah…Mic test one two, one two…”

“Oh! Unnie the sound is too loud!” Lisa covers her ears and she cringes.

“Sorry.” Jisoo said to the mic and it makes a high frequency sound and all of them scolded Jisoo. They wrapped up all the decorating and Wendy asked them to gather around and she made them drinks. She start to tell them their plans on how to win Irene and Joy back.

“So the plan is, this will be a private event, only friends and family are allowed.”

“Then how are you going to invite Joy in without her getting suspicious?” Jennie questioned the plan that Wendy and Seulgi had laid out.

“That’s the part where Jisoo can help…” 

“How?” Jisoo asked with full.

“I don’t know, you are the CEO of an entertainment company, just say that you need to meet her to talk about future collaboration with your artist or how, just create some lies…”

“Oh wow, Wendy the good student ask us to lie…” Jisoo mocked Wendy.

“Jisoo please…” Wendy glare at her.

“Joking, joking…”

“Then Jennie, can you help to invite your cousin?” Wendy asked Jennie.

“Should be no problem, but for what reason?”

“I don’t know…just create…”

“A lie…I know.” Jennie completes Wendy’s sentence.

“Okay, that’s conclude our meeting for today, everyone is dismissed…see you all on Saturday.”

Jennie and Lisa left, they needed to be home before 6 because they need to feed their pets. Jisoo stay behind with Wendy and Seulgi. The three of them sighed and exchange glances. Jisoo look at her watch and it’s almost 6pm so she turns to the duo and grins at them “Want to hit the bar with me?” she asked.

Seulgi eyes light up upon Jisoo’s invitation “I’m down!”

“I think I’ll pass…” Wendy declines but Jisoo and Seulgi keep persuading her “Come on Wendy, only for this time…please.” Jisoo begged the older girl.

Wendy is weak against persuasion, she agrees to go with them but told them that she cannot join them for long because she has to go back home to cook for the girls. Jisoo offers to drive them to the bar and told Wendy to leave her car at her café.


Wenrene Condo

“I’m home…” Ryujin announced as she enters the house with exhausted face. Irene greets the young lady and she offers to carry her backpack. Ryujin hands Irene her backpack and they walk together to the living room. Irene gently put Ryujin’s backpack on the couch and she asked her how was school.

“There’s so much that I need to catch up.” Ryujin complained.

“I thought you were the smart one.” Irene teased the younger girl.

“Well it seems like I’ve been taking things lightly.” Ryujin sighed. “I need to get my head in the game and try to catch up, if not I’ll be losing my ace student status.”

“You do that, now go take your bath and dinner will be served shortly.” Irene instructs.

“Where’s Wendy unnie and Yeri unnie?” Ryujin asked.

“Yeri is resting in her room.” Irene replied, skipping Wendy’s name.

“Wendy unnie?”

“I don’t know where she went to. Just go and take your bath…” Irene was trying to avoid the conversation about Wendy, she is still mad at Wendy for not trying to talk to and comfort her. She had been waiting for Wendy to come home and talk to her but Wendy didn’t come back the whole day, didn’t even text her or call her. It’s like Wendy is ignoring her.

“Oh…” Ryujin acknowledged the angry tone in Irene’s voice so she quietly takes her bag and go to her room.

Irene goes to the kitchen to prepare their dinner. She sighs and she checks her phone for the last time and it shows 6.15pm but still no message from Wendy.


Soshi Bar

“3 glass of Jack Daniel…” Jisoo ordered for the girl.

“Seulgi and Jisoo gulped it down in one shot. Wendy drink her whiskey slowly, savoring the taste of the bitterness and the sourness of the whiskey.

“Ah life feels good…”

“Honestly I’m telling you, it’s almost half a year since I last saw Rosé…do you think I should go and surprise her?” Jisoo asked.

“Who is Rosé?” Seulgi asked.

“She is my girlfriend, but she’s now at Melbourne, we’re kinda like on a time break.” Jisoo pouted and order another round.

“Correction Jisoo, Chaeyoung is focusing on her study so she can’t contact you at the moment, why are you acting like she’s breaking up with you?” Wendy corrected Jisoo.

“Unnie, I have needs okay, and my needs is Chaeyoung, but that girl hadn’t contact me for almost a week…I’m lonely…” Jisoo faked a cried.

“I understand your feeling sajangnim!” Seulgi held up her glass to make a toast with Jisoo. The two of them clank their glass and cheers on.

Wendy only shakes her head on the side upon seeing their antics.

“I’ve tried so hard to win over Joy’s attention but she just ignore me…I text her every morning, I tried to call…I even send flowers over to SM but it got rejected.”

“Hey Seulgi, as your boss, may I know how you fell for Joy?” Jisoo asked. Without Wendy noticed, Jisoo already order a bottle of whiskey for them.

Seulgi help herself by pouring the whiskey into her glass “Well…I noticed that I have feeling for her was when she enter that We Got Married with Sungjae, but I think I’ve always like her way before that. I remember the first time we were introduce together, I think she looks very beautiful and y…” Seulgi paused and then she pours another glass for herself, she drinks it all up and then continue her admiration toward Joy “When she smiles, she looks like an angel…my head is telling me I’m dating Irene but my heart can’t stop itself from falling for Joy.”


“Then you Wendy? What makes you fell in love with Irene?” Seulgi asked.

Wendy felt a little awkward receiving the question from Irene’s ex “She completes my colourless life.” Wendy replied with a smile “Before her, my world is black and white, when she comes in, she filled it with colors. I thought I can’t never love again after Joy left me but Irene prove me wrong…she showed me love and that’s what make me fall for her.” unknowingly, Wendy starts to tears up and drink down her whiskey like a shot.

Seulgi helps her refill the glass, Wendy continuous gulp it down like a shot. Seulgi keeps on refilling the empty glass too, until Jisoo stops her “That’s enough Seulgi. Wendy unnie, you need to slow it down.”

“Keep em coming…” Wendy snatched the bottle from Seulgi and pour it herself.

“Oh , she is losing it.” Jisoo gasped. Jisso tries to snatch the whiskey from Wendy but Wendy manage to avoid and she chug down the whole bottle.

“Seulgi…” Jisoo calls for Seulgi.

“Yeah?” Seulgi was a little scare seeing Wendy change of attitude.

“Let’s get wasted.” Jisoo literally said it all and decided to go wasted, she order another 2 more bottles of whiskey and they chug it all down.


Wenrene Condo

The kids had gone to bed, Irene make sure Ryujin finished all of her school work before she goes to sleep. Irene sits at the couch, eyes anxiously looking at the wall clock. It’s almost 11 but Wendy is still not back. She decided to put down her egoism and decided to dial Wendy’s number but it went to the voice mail. Irene tries to focus on the TV show but her eyes keep on wander off to the wall clock.

The door bell rings, Irene got a bad feeling, she jumped up from the couch and goes straight to open the door. Irene opens the door and saw Seulgi carrying Wendy on her back “Hey. Can I come in?” Seulgi asked. Irene opens wide the door to let Seulgi walk in, Seulgi asked where should she drop Wendy. Irene shows her their bedroom and Seulgi gentle put down Wendy. Irene check on Wendy, her body was hot.

“What did you do to her?” Irene asked Seulgi.

“I didn’t do anything. We went for a drink and Wendy and Jisoo lose themselves and got drunk. I’m just here to drop Wendy.” Seulgi explained, she can feel the awkwardness between her and Irene.

“I’ll get going now…” Seulgi excuses herself but Irene stops her.

“Wait, you’re not driving by yourself right? Your face is flushed, you drink too right?”

“I did but my alcohol tolerance is better than Wendy and Jisoo, don’t worry unnie, I called Sunmi unnie to pick us up earlier, so now we’re going to send Jisoo back.” Seulgi clarified.


“Unnie…I know that you are mad at Wendy unnie for helping me…I think I’m a coward because I couldn’t be honest with you. I know when we’re still together you can feel the love between us faded…I try to make you hate me but I didn’t work, you are so determine to save our relationship. I felt bad that you’re the only one who put effort in trying to save our relationship. I am sorry that I couldn’t tell you earlier…I am sorry that I caused a lot of trouble for you…after I left you on our wedding day, I was grieve with guilt, I wanted to fix things with you.” Seulgi paused a while to wipes her tears “Unnie I’ve tried but my heart can’t…the things that I have done to Yeri was awful and the things that I have done to you was awful too. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I am grateful that you are able to forgive a rotten person like me. When Joy jumped to protect you, I realized my biggest fear is that I would lose her forever…when doctor said she will survive it was like God had given me a second chance to redeem myself.”

“I am mad that you lied to me and you caused so much trouble to Wendy and my kids…but you are a nice person Seulgi, I was surprised of your sudden change…you made me doubt myself…wondering if it’s my problem…Yeri almost got her name blacklisted because of you, Ryujin got shot because of you, and Wendy…she almost break up with me because she was afraid that being with her might put me in danger…”

Seulgi’s guilt grew inside of her, she lowers her head, does not dare to look up to meet with Irene’s gaze.

“But you did it for love…only if you can show me that kind of love and dedication…”

“Look unnie, after Saturday I promise I won’t bother Wendy anymore…”

“No, it is okay, Wendy isn’t the type that leaving you behind half way through…but please don’t cause her any troubles.” Irene pleads.

“I promise I won’t…thank you for giving me a second chance.”

“Seulgi…Take care of Joy okay? Don’t hurt her like how you hurt me. Drive safe…make sure you drop Jisoo safely at her place.”

Seulgi smiles, she wipes her tears away and she bows to Irene. Irene asked her to lift up her head and Seulgi did, then Irene pull Seulgi to a quick hug. She whispers ‘Thank you’ at Seulgi’s ear before she let go. Seulgi gives Irene a gentle squeeze on the shoulder “Whatever happens in the future…please be strong.”

Irene was perplexed by Seulgi’s sudden remark, but she smiles at her and then guide her to the main door. She opens the door for Seulgi and bid her good bye.

After Seulgi left, Irene goes back to her bedroom and attend to the drunken Wendy. She helps Wendy to take off her coats and her shoes. She goes to their bathroom and takes a basin, fills it with water. Irene put the basin next to their bed and she soaks a clean towel in the water, wrings it and use it to dab on Wendy’s face.

“You are an idiot Seungwan ah…yes I’m mad at you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you anymore…you scare me Seungwan ah, lately it feels like you’ve distant yourself away from me.” Irene kisses Wendy on the forehead, she looks at her longingly. Irene Wendy’s hair, she loves watching Wendy’s sleeping face, it’s the only time that Wendy looks serene. She kisses Wendy’s cheek and then she tucks her in before turn off the light. She lay down beside Wendy, she can’t keep her eyes away from Wendy until she feels her eyes getting heavier and then she fall asleep.


The Next Day

Wendy wakes up with a throbbing head. She grunts as she tries to sit up, she scans the room and it looks familiar and then she realized she is at her own bedroom. She turns to the side and no sign of Irene, she saw there is a note and a glass of water and also aspirin on the nightstand.

‘Eat this after you wake up to lessen the hangover.’

Wendy swallow the pills and drink the glass of water. She slowly gets up from her bed and goes to the bathroom. She washes her face and brushes her teeth. She changes her clothes to a more comfortable one and exited her room.

“Ryujin ah! Quick finish your breakfast we’re going to be late!” Yeri rushed Ryujin.

“Imfrying!” Ryujin muffled with full. Yeri took the orange juice bottle and drink directly from the bottle.

“Yah! Yeri ah! Who teaches you to drink like that?!” Irene scolded her cousin.

“We’re going to be late unnie!” Yeri explained herself.

“I tried to wake both of you since 7am!”

Yeri ignores Irene and she drags Ryujin by the collar “Ryujin my manager is here we gotta move fast!!”

“Yah yah slow down! Ryujin’s injury is still not fully healed!” 

Wendy was amused by the scene in front of her. She smiles at them, this memories are the one she wanted to cherish forever. She wished that her eyes could record all of this, and replay it when she loses her memories.

“Unnie!” Ryujin greets Wendy.

“Morning…” Wendy greets back “You better get going Ryujin, it’s almost 8…”

“Ryujin ah!” Yeri calls for the younger girl. Ryujin hastily wear her shoes and then grab her bag, she bids Irene good bye and then left.

Irene turns to Wendy “How is your head?” Irene asked.

“Throbbing…” Wendy replied.

“Let’s have breakfast together okay?”

Wendy nods and she follows Irene to the kitchen, the sit opposite each other and silently eat their breakfast. Wendy can feel that Irene is still a little mad.


“I forgive you…” Irene cuts Wendy “I hate that you always put others before you Wendy. I hate it so much, but I learn to accept it as your charm…”

“Irene…I love you, really love you. I’m sorry that I made you feel this way. I hate this cold war between us…let’s stop okay?” 

Wendy’s pouting face melts Irene’s heart. Irene cups Wendy’s face and kiss her gently “I love you too…” she said when she breaks the kiss. Wendy saw this as a good opportunity to tell Wendy about her plan to get Seulgi and Joy together.



“This Saturday are you free?”

“Seungwan ah…I’m literally like a housewife right now ever since you close your café.” Irene huffed.

“Housewife eh…that’s sound good…”

“What’s good about it?” 

“Well, I imagine that when I come back from work a beautiful wife will be there to greet me…it will makes all my worries and stress gone.” Wendy teased Irene and it makes Irene blushes.

“Let’s go on a date today, we got nothing to do.”

“What about the café?” Irene asked.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve already settle it, you will see on Saturday.”

“Okay…where do you want to go?”

“I’ll go wherever you want to go.” Wendy said as she sip on her tea.

“The let’s go to Yeri’s musical, there will be a show at 10pm, after that we can go for lunch and then…let’s go shopping after that we can pick up Ryujin?”

“Sounds like a good plan, alright, I’m going to take my shower then we’ll go.”


Jisoo Place

Jisoo wakes up abruptly when she heard someone ringing her door bell. Her dog Dalgom is already barking at the door. Jisoo gets up and see that she is still in her previous night clothes, she softly curse under her breath and then slowly get up to get the door.

The door bell ring nonstop, and it’s hurting her head “I’m coming okay?!” she shouted. She grunts while holding to her throbbing head and she opens the door. A girl with blonde hair lungs at her and hugs her tightly.

Jisoo loses her balance and they both fall on the group. Jisoo struggles to push the girl away that was until she heard the girl’s voice ‘I miss you Jichu…”


Rosé tilts up her head to meet with the girl’s gaze, she nods in tears.

“I miss be dreaming…” Jisoo try to denies.

Rosé pinches Jisoo on the cheeks and caused the girl to yelps in pain “Ouch! What was that for?”

“You said you were dreaming, but you felt the pain no?” Rosé replied with a blank expression.

“I don’t even care if this a dream or what, as long as you’re here with me…” Jisoo said before she captures the girl’s lips.

The lovers share passionate kiss before one surrender due to lack of oxygen. When Jisoo breaks the kiss, she can’t stop to stare into Rose’s eyes. She just can’t believe that the person that she missed so much is right on top of her now.

“Wait…why are you here?”

“Semester break…so I get to be with you for a month before I go back.”

“Then…stay with me the whole month okay?” Jisoo tightened her arms around Rosé. Rosé giggles and she rested her head on top of Jisoo’s chest “I miss you so much unnie…”

“You didn’t even answer my calls and reply my texts…I thought you are getting tired of our relationship…”

“I would never! Why would you think like that unnie…I thought I wanted to surprised you so I try to ignore you…”

“It doesn’t matter now, you are here…and I feel so alive again. I love you.” Jisoo kisses the top of Rosé’s head. Rosé blushed and she gets up from pinning Jisoo on the floor, immediately Jisoo misses Rosé’s warm.

“How long are you planning to lie on the floor Jichu unnie? And you smell!”

“Ehe, sorry about that, let’s go out for breakfast, did you have your breakfast?”


“Great, I’ll go clean up and we’ll go eat okay?”

“Okay…by the way Jichu unnie, I didn’t even tell anyone that I’m back, after I arrive I come here directly.”

“Oh great, we can call your sister and the girls to meet up for breakfast!”


Kyoto, Japan

Suzy sighed as she put the last item in her room inside the box and seals it. She stands up and looks around her room, everything is empty, her heart is a bit sad to leave this place. Haruna approaches her little sister and she the girl’s hair.

“Can’t believe that we’re really moving Neechan…”

“Everything will be okay…” Haruna tries to lift up her sister’s mood.

“I wonder how the royal family going to react to me returning…what if they think that I return because I wanted to snatch the throne from them?”

“Your cousin told you that you are the rightful heir to the throne didn’t she? I don’t think that she would lie about something this important…”


“By the way did you tell them that we’re going there earlier than what we’ve schedule?”

“I was planning to give Wendy a call when we reach there…beside it’s going to take a week for all of this thing to be ship to Seoul…”

“Oh! Suzy-chan…here, I found this in otou-san old stuff…I think you should have it.” Haruna hands Suzy an envelope with Suzy’s name on it.

Suzy opens the envelope and in it she found a photo of her and her parents. She shed a tears upon seeing the photo. She turns the photo around to read what her father wrote.

Suzy-ah, always remember who you are, you are a Bae. The true heiress of the Korea Imperial. I am sorry that I strip you down from your title because I wanted to give you a chance to explore the world. I don’t know if you wanted to be a princess or not, but I promise when you’re old enough to understand I will explain everything to you and let you choose your own path. Grow well and prosper Suzy.

Suzy cries upon reading the notes. She falls on her knees, Haruna tries to help her.


“I’m okay Neechan…I miss my dad…”

“Neechan is here for you okay?”

“Neechan…can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Yes you can…” Haruna pulls Suzy into her embrace and tries to calm the crying girl down.


To be continue


I thought I can fit the reason why Irene loses her title in this chapter but it’s going to be super long, so I decided to split this chapter into 2 parts! I'm sorry for the lack of motivation lately~ work had been hectic....

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense