Chapter 21: The New Underground Lord

When The Flower Blooms

The girls were waiting Wendy and Irene to join them for lunch at the restaurant where Wendy had made a reservation. They were chit chatting while waiting for the two. JenChuLiChaeng made effort to get to know the Itzy girls better because they hadn’t really had a proper conversation before. Yeji and Lisa instantly bonded because of their love for dancing. It was until Yeji saw Lia and her family enter the restaurant.

“Lia!” Yeji calls for the girl.

Lia panicked when she saw Yeji, she tried to turn away but she bumped to Wendy who was just wanted to enter the restaurant. 

“Sorry…” Lia apologized and she runs away.

“Julia Choi Jisoo!” Mr.Choi called for his daughter.

Lia stopped, she didn’t dare to turn back to face her parents and the Itzy. “Come back here young lady.” Mr. Choi demanded. Lia slowly turned, her eyes met with Yeji’s eyes, she averted her gaze and made her way to her father.

“That’s Lia?” Rosé whispered to ask Jennie.

“I don’t know, I never met her before!”

“She had the same name as you Jisoo unnie!” Lisa exclaims.

“Shut up Lisa!” Jisoo scolded the younger girl.

“Ignore the girls Lia, we are here to have a nice a family lunch. Let’s go.”

Lia obey her father and walk to their table. She seated herself back facing the other girls. Yeji wanted to walk over to her but the rest of the Itzy girls stop her.

“Don’t go Yeji, we don’t know what Mr. Choi will do if he sees you approach them.” Ryujin warned

“I need to talk to her…”

“We know, but it’s worthless, her dad hates us remember?” Chaeryoung reminds the oldest member of Itzy.

“Calm down Yeji…I will find a way for you to talk to her.” Wendy said as she approached them.

Wendy and Irene joined the girls. Wendy call for the waiter and she whispered something to the waiter. The waiter nodded and Wendy gave the waiter some tips before the waiter walk away.

“What are you doing?” Irene asked.

“Just wait and see…” Wendy whispered back. She signal for her body guard to come over and he did. She whispered to him as well, the guard nodded and he went to whisper to his henchmen. They all nodded and they look to Wendy for affirmation, Wendy nods at them.

“What are you doing unnie?” the girls asked her. Wendy just smile and ask them to wait for it. Wendy told them to order their food and she patiently waiting for the waiter to make her move. Wendy purposely seat at the angle where she can see the whole Choi family. She watched as the waiter walk toward their table with their drinks. The waiter accidentally splashed the water on Lia. He apologize profusely to Lia, Lia told the waiter that it’s okay. She excuse herself to the toilet, her father excused her. Wendy saw that Lia is walking toward the toilet direction and she immediately tell Yeji to go to the toilet.

“Go now Yeji, this is your chance, I already ask my guards to guards the toilet, so go now, this is your golden chance!”

Yeji nodded and hurriedly went to the toilet. Wendy sighed out in relief. Everyone at the table look at her with their eyes open wide.


“Nothing…” the other replied in unison.



Lia was surprised when someone slam the toilet door and lock it from the inside. She looked up and saw Yeji. She wanted to run away but Yeji was blocking the door.

“We need to talk.” Yeji said with relentless voice.

“We don’t have anything to talk about.”

“Why did you leave?”

“Why should I answer you?” Lia crossed her arms looked annoyed.

“Lia…I tried so hard to please you. I even got a part time job because we made a promise that we will build our future together…I gave you all my heart but this is how you treated me?”

“Don’t be stupid Yeji…we’re too young for all those promises that we made. We’re just 16 back then.”

“Yah, so you’re telling me all those love letters that you wrote are all lies? All those kisses and moment we share are all lies? Look into my eyes Lia and tell me that it’s all a lie!” Yeji holds Lia on her arms to make the girl looks into her eyes. Lia was anxious, she couldn’t look into Yeji’s eyes.

She loves the cat eye girl but she can’t let her feeling show. Especially when her father found out their plan to elope once they have graduate from high school. She was beaten and threatened by her family members. When her father told her that he will make sure Yeji’s name is on the black list of every authorities, Lia panicked, and Mr. Choi forced her to study aboard in Canada, just so that he can keep her away from Yeji. Lia purposely made it look like she wanted to break up with Yeji because she couldn’t bare to give Yeji fake hope that they still got chance to be together. She didn’t expect to meet Yeji here in Toronto.

“We are over Yeji! Please just move on with the others, I don’t want to have any connection with any of you anymore!”

Yeji tear up at Lia’s remark “You hate me?” she asked in between her sob.

Lia was tempted to wipe away Yeji’s tears but she stops herself “I don’t hate you but we can’t be together…it’s for your own good Yeji. Please send my regards to the other girls. Now move,let me pass.”

Yeji was too stunned at Lia’s remark that she just let her through. Lia unlocked the door and she went back to her table. Leaving Yeji crying in the bathroom.

Wendy saw that Lia came out but there was no sign of Yeji anywhere. “Did you girls see Yeji?” she asked the girls. Everyone was too busy digging in their food to reply Wendy. Wendy excuses herself and she went to the toilet to search for Yeji.

Wendy found Yeji sitting on the ground with her back rested on the cubicle wall. Wendy squatted to face the expressionless Yeji. They didn’t exchange words. Yeji start to cries and she hugs Wendy. Wendy comforts her and tell her that everything will be okay. Yeji situation reminds her of her breakup with Joy. She vowed to herself that she will not let anything happen to this girl.

Ryujin followed Wendy when she saw Wendy excuse herself to the toilet, she is also worry about Yeji. She saw Yeji’s state in the toilet and her blood boils, she marched toward the Choi’s family. Jisoo who saw Ryujin angrily marching toward the family, tried to warn Irene and the rest of the Itzy before they create a scene but she was too late. Ryujin already slammed her hand on the Choi’s family table.

“Ryujin-ah!” Irene immediately get up from her seat and went to Ryujin, follow by Jennie and the Itzy.

“Julia Choi Jisoo, you are a rotten person!” Ryujin scolded Lia “Yeji unnie gave her all to you but this is how you decided to give back? You could give her a proper break up, why do you have to hurt her like this?” Ryujin said out loud with her perfect English. The whole restaurant had their eyes on them, Mr. Choi was embarrassed.

“Waiter! Bill!” he asked .

“You know what Mr. Choi, your bill, it’s under me, I’ll pay for you lunch, just pretend that it’s my last courtesy as Lia’s friend!”

“Ryujin-ah!” Irene bowed to apologized to Lia and her family and she pulls Ryujin away with her. Ryujin resisted at first but after a few tug of war and Irene’s death glare, she goes back to her seat.

“What the hell was that?!” Yuna asked angrily.

“Did you just cut tie with Lia?!” Chaeryoung adds on.

“She doesn’t deserve our friendship!” Ryujin fired back.

Irene look at Jennie and she asked Jennie to find Wendy ASAP because Itzy are causing a scene and it’s attracting glares from the patrons.

Wendy came out with Yeji just in time and she frowned when she saw that Ryujin and Yuna are at each other throat fighting.

“Hey hey, what happened?”

“We need to get out of here!” Jennie said.

Wendy just nod and she goes and pay their bill then they exited the restaurant. Wendy apologized to the restaurant manager and she exited.

Wendy sighed tiredly, the Itzy girls are still bickering, JenLisa trying to calm them down but to no avail. Jisoo and Rosé just stood there don’t know what to do to stop them from bickering. The bickering got too loud and Yeji exploded.

“SHUT UP!!!”

Wendy and the rest were shocked by her sudden outburst.

“We’re over, that’s it. I won’t pursuit Lia anymore…”

“But Yeji-unnie…”

“No! No more Yuna…please…” Yeji sighed and she walk back to the limo.

“It take times everyone…” Wendy explained.


Son’s Mansion

 “How was the lunch?”

“It was good…a little drama but the food was great.” Wendy said.

“Seungwan…tomorrow is the ceremony. I would prefer if your friends stay here, I will ask Mr. Lau to double up the security…it’s too dangerous to bring them to the secret meeting place.”

Wendy think about it for a moment, she is reluctant to leave the girls behind. She is a bit paranoid after the incident. But her father was right, the place where she is going to take her vow as the next leader is a secret place where only the Mafia leaders can enter. She agreed with her father but with the condition that Mr. Lau is the one who will guard the house. She cannot trust anyone anymore except for Mr. Lau. Wayne agree with his daughter and immediately arrange for the security double up.

Ryujin went to Yeji and Chaeryoung’s room to check on the older girl. She softly knocked on the door and Chaeryoung open it. They exchanged look and a shrug. Chaeryoung let Ryujin in, Yeji was all cover up with her blanket in her bed. Ryujin throw herself on the bed and lay down next to Yeji.

“Unnie you okay?”


“Want to share about it?”


“Do you need anything?”


“Do you…”

“No Ryujin…I don’t need anything. Just leave me alone.”

“I’m here if you need someone to talk to.” Ryujin offered.

“Since when do you care about me?”

“I’ve always care about you, about everyone, I just find it’s hard to open up! Irene unnie taught me to be more honest with my feeling and I am trying to be honest with you all but if you continue to act this way, how am I able to understand you?”

“Thank you Ryujinie…but just give me sometime…I will be okay.”

“You sure?”


Ryujin went over Yeji and lay on top of her.

“Yah! Get off me!”

“Nope~ you gotta receive all of this love from me~” Ryujin teased.


Yuna went to Yeji and Chaeryoung room when she saw that the Ryujin hasn’t come back to their room. She softly knock on the door, she saw that the door is not locked so she excuse herself and enter the room and then she saw that the three of them were chit chatting happily on Yeji’s bed. Yuna hopped on the bed to join to girls and they all almost fell of the bed because they all wanted to avoid getting crush by Yuna.

“Yah! That was dangerous!” Ryujin scolded the youngest girl.

“Hehehehe.” Yuna laughed. Despite being the youngest of the group, Yuna is probably the mature one among all of them. She make sure that she is always the happy pill that make her unnie laugh whenever they sad. The girls chat away thru the night and decided to just sleep over at Yeji and Chaeryoung’s room.


The next Day

Wendy dress up in suit and tie, her hair was tied up and she looked sharp. Irene helped her in getting ready. Irene was worried for her but she tried to be as supportive as she can because this is what Wendy want and she is not going to be her obstacle. 

“Are you nervous?” Irene asked while straightened Wendy’s coat.

“A little…” Wendy replied.

“You’ll be okay…because I know you are strong woman, you can handle all those old geezers.” Irene smiled at Wendy, both of her hands were rested on Wendy’s shoulder.

Wendy rested her hands on Irene’s waist and they look into each other’s eyes. Wendy lean forward but Irene stopped her “Nope, you’ll get your shirt wrinkle.”

“But can I have at least a peck thou?” Wendy pouted.

Irene smiles and give Wendy a quick peck “Okay, that’s all, now go on, you don’t want to be late for your appointment.”

Wendy was heavy hearted to leave Irene alone in the mansion, well technically she is not alone but she still thinks that it would be a lot better if Irene could follow her to the secret meeting place.

They bid each other good bye and Wendy left with all of her escorts. Irene stand by the door way to wave goodbye to Wendy. Wayne had already gone earlier, he needs to be there early in order to make sure that the power transition happen smoothly.

Mr. Lau Irene back to the mansion and he ensure that his men guard is everyone to guard the mansion.


Jisoo and Rosé Room

Jisoo was lying flat on her stomach while playing games on her phone. Rosé had just taken her bath and is drying her hair by the dresser. Her phone rings and she saw that her sister is calling, so she picks it up.

“Hey sissy~”

“Where the hell are you?” Alice asked in angry tone through the phone.

“Didn’t I told you I’m at Canada?”

“Ya, I know but I thought you told me only for one and two days, it’s almost a week now!”

“Sorry, I thought I did send you a text telling you that I’m staying a little longer?”

“You did?” there was a silent on the other side of the phone and then there was a gasp “Oh yes, you’re right, you did sent me a text, I must have been so busy to miss out your text.”


“Yah I’m sorry okay, I’m just worry about you, haven’t seen you like a few days now and I have been busy with RV Yeri’s case.”

“What RV Yeri case?”

“You didn’t read the news? Yeri was caught owning illegal drug and she is now being prosecuted.”

“You’re her lawyer?”

“No, I’m with the prosecutor.”

“Oh no unnie! Why are you with the prosecutors?! Yeri is Jennie’s cousin!”

“I know who Yeri is! I am trying to help her as well okay, but the authorities sought me first before the Kims could. I feel guilty that I have to put her on through the prosecution” 

“Unnie, you gotta do something! I don’t believe that Yeri would do something like that.”

“I know Chaeyoung ah, I know, I’m trying to find a way to help her.”

“I think I should let Jennie know about this.”

“Jennie already know, her mom already start suing all the media that spreading fake rumors about Yeri.”

“But…why she didn’t tell us anything?”

“I don’t know, maybe you should ask her.”

“I will…talk to you later sis, gotta have a talk with Jennie. Bye.” Rosé hang up and Jisoo is already looking at her.

“What Yeri?”

“She is being prosecuted because she owned some illegal drugs.” Rosé explained.

“What? But how.”

“I don’t know! So I’m going to go and talk to Jennie about this.”

Jisoo gets up from the bed and put on a sweater “Okay let’s go.”

“Can we at least wait until my hair dry?” Rosé pouted.

Jisoo smiles and she volunteer to help Rosé dry her hair.


Wendy’s Room.

Irene was scrolling thru her phone when she saw the news about Yeri. “Oh no!” she gasped. She quickly dialed her cousin phone but it was engaged, she then tried to call Taeyeon and it is also engaged. She was getting a little restless, so she decided to go out from to room to search for Wendy. All that she could think of is to fly back to Korea at the moment but she is in dilemma right now because Wendy needed her but Yeri needed her too.

She walked pass Jennie and Lisa room when she heard that they are talking about Yeri. She stopped and eavesdrop on them.

Jennie can be heard grunting in the room “Can’t your sister do something about it?!”

“She is trying to do her best in delaying the case Jennie!” Rosé argued back.

“Why can’t she ditch the prosecutor side and join the defendant side?” Lisa asked.

“They have code of conduct Lisa, we can’t just ask my sister to do so, it may affect her reputation and license as a lawyer!”

“Yeri wouldn’t do such thing…I know my cousin better than anyone else! Someone must have frame her.”

“Calm down Nini, we cannot make assumption yet. We have to wait for the report to come out.”

“Have you seen the way Korean authorities treated her? It was like she was a criminal!” Jennie argued.

Irene decided to interfere in the discussion because it concern her baby cousin too. She entered and the four girls in the room were surprised by the sudden slam of the door.

“You all know about Yeri but no one care to tell me about it?” Irene asked.

“Unnie…it’s not like what you think, I knew about it a few days ago, when we are on our way coming here. Wendy told me not to tell you first because we didn’t want you to panic and upset.”

“And by not telling I and I heard it from others will make me feel better?” Irene answered sarcastically.


“I’m don’t want to listen, I am going to go back to Korea right now!” Irene stormed out from the room and went back to Wendy room and start packing. 

Jennie looked at Rosé desperately, they went after Irene, trying to coax her into staying, at least until Wendy come back. Ryujin was just about to go to check on Irene when she saw that the adults were all gathering in Irene and Wendy’s room.

“Unnie, at least stay until Wendy unnie come back.” Jennie tried to persuade her older cousin.

“I cannot let Yeri suffer alone over there. She needs me.”

“Wendy need you too, unnie.” Ryujin interfered.

“Yeah, Wendy need you!” Rosé backed Ryujin up.

“Imagine how sad she will be if you are not here when she come back.” Jisoo add on more.

“She got you girls here with her, so she will be fine.”

“If you really want to go back, allow me to go back with you.” Ryujin suggested.

“No Ryujin, you stay here…I’ll go back myself.” Irene finished packed her stuff, she was ready to exit the room but Jennie and Ryujin stopped her.

“I will go back with you.” they both said in unison and then they look at each other awkwardly.

Irene got no time to deal with the other she just told them to go and pack their stuff. Jennie and Ryujin hurriedly run back to their respective room and they quickly packed their clothes despite the protest Lisa and the rest of the Itzy.

Mr. Lau didn’t want to let them pass but Irene’s question him if he will abandon his post if his family members is in trouble. He reluctant but he agreed to let them go, only if Irene allow him to drive them to the airport and they have to use the Son’s family private jet. Irene agreed, it will save her the time to buy a ticket and waiting for boarding time. Mr. Lau break the protocol and sneak the 3 of them out and drive them to the airport.


Secret Meeting Place

“You nervous?” a female body guard asked

Wendy shakes her head, but deep down inside she is slowly losing her mind. The place was cold because is suited underground of Toronto biggest museum. They continue to walk down the dark alley until they reach a big metal door. The guard knock the door 4 times and when she was asked about the secret code, she replied red flavour. The other guard from the other side of the door, slide open the metal door for them to get through. Once Wendy stepped into the room, she was scared. There was a round table, with 12 people seating around it and her father was seated in the middle. Wendy see that are 3 women out of the twelve person that is present at the round table. The 12 clans are, Son, Jung, Bosch, Williams, Mogilevich, Yamaguchi, Gotti, Carter,Xie, Escobar, Dong and Accardo.

“Son Seungwan, glad to see that you are here to join us today.” Wendy’s father began to speak. It felt awkward for her to hear her father being very formal with her. But she knows he had to follow the protocol.

“Please be seated at the middle, the 11 clans leader will test you to see if you are suitable to lead the family or not. Son family had been the leader for 3 generations and I do hope you can lead the family too, Seungwan. Let the test begins!” Wayne said loudly.

Before the clans’ leader could begin their questioning, Wendy stood up abruptly, causing all the guards to take out their gun and aim it at Wendy. Wendy scoffed a little.

“Seungwan…what are you doing?” Wayne asked.

“Tell me…who was it that decided to rebels against the family code of conduct?” Wendy questioned.

“What are you talking about young lady?” a middle age man asked.

“A brother of mine died a few days ago. He died while try to protect me and my father, and guess what? It’s the work of an insider. I have my source that told me some clans decided to rebel because you guys think that my father is not fit to lead the family any longer and suddenly he decided to appoint his long lost daughter to take over his place. Someone who you guys never met or probably some you never know existed. The thought of some stranger leading the family made you insecure and that’s why when Naeun suggested to rebel, you all agreed, am I not right?” Wendy asked.

“And who told you that?”

“It was me…” a young woman put up her hand and everyone looked at her.

“Jessica Jung! Are you try to betray us?!”

“Betray? It was y’all who betrayed the code of conduct!! No one is ever allow to hurt a family but you guys, tried to murder uncle Wayne! Just because some outsider instigate you to murder him so that you guys can take over his place. What a pathetic.” the lady get up from her seat and join Wendy’s side.

“How dare you!” The Bosch Clan leader stand up and slammed the table.

“According to the tradition, if I got 7 vote out of 12 I will automatically become the leader…” Wendy smirked.

“Why are you so sure that you can get 7 votes?” the leader of the Dong Clan speak up.

“Because…” Wendy paused and she clapped her hands, her new bodyguard took out her phone and send a video files to all of the table members. The video shows that several family members of the mafia are being held captive in some place that look like an empty warehouse “If you don’t, I’m afraid I’m afraid that I have to kill them.” Wendy threatened.

The mafia members went crazy when they saw that their family are held captive by Wendy. They all aim their guns at her threatened her if she didn’t let go of their family they will shoot her right there, but Wendy and Jessica only laughed. Wendy said that if they kill her, they probably won’t be able to see their family ever again because if she or her father are dead, so are their family members. They calmed down and went back to their seat. They took out their pens and cast their vote for Wendy. Wendy thanked them and she asked her men to collect the votes.

“Glad that we all can agree on this. Now bow to your new queen, from now onwards, I shall lead this family and everyone who dare to disobey me will be kill. I know where you live and I know who are your family members…”

“You are going to regret this Ms. Son…”

“No, you guys are going to regret for killing Henry.” Wendy raised her voice. Everyone is the room went silence and they start to leave one by one, giving Wendy their salute as their new leader.

Once the room is empty, with Jessica and her father left, Wendy let out her breath and she loosen her tie, her cool appearance now turn to panic. “Oh thank God thank God they didn’t suspect anything!”

“Seungwan, threatening the family is not a good way to get votes. You have to let go of the family members that you kidnapped!”

“No worries dad, I didn’t kidnap them…those video, they aren’t real, I mean they were but, it was just an act.”

“I don’t understand…”

“It was Jessica’s idea…”

“What?” Wayne was getting more and more confuse with Wendy’s statement.

“Well…what happened was…”


Flashback to Henry’s Memorial Service

The church was quiet, sobs can be heard here and there. Sunny and Henry’s mother were greeting everyone that came to pay their last respect to the young lad. Their face were swollen from all of the crying, but they still put on a facade to greet the guests. The girls were seated at the last row watching the people went up to Henry’s casket to say their goodbyes. They are waiting for their turn, but Wendy was no where to be seen.

Wendy was hiding in the confession room, she couldn’t stop herself from shaking, her face were pale as the snow. She couldn’t stop her tears from falling. She bit her lower lips in order to stop herself from making any sound from crying her heart out. She still couldn’t believe that the person that she treated as an older brother had left her forever. Wendy jumped a little when she heard the priest door room opened. She apologized and was about to leave when she heard the female voice asking her to stay.

Wendy stayed and the girl introduce herself as a Jung, Jessica Jung, currently the 10th generation leader of the Jung Clan. Wendy thought she was there to kill her but Jessica denied it. Jessica told her she was there to help her.

“I know that Son Naeun infiltrated the mindset of the clans’ leader, I know she is your half sister, she isn’t entitled to be part of the Mafia family because she isn’t pure blood. She instigated the clans to go against your father, even stage a intervention to stop him from naming you as his heir and to take over the leadership. She even tried to make me sign a petition to get rid of your father and name her as the 12th member of the clans.”

“Why are you telling me all this?”

“Look Wendy, we are connected, your mothers were a Jung, I’m a Jung. I owe a lot to Uncle Wayne, he had been helping me when I was struggling to lead the Jung. He tried to change the way the Mafia conduct their activity. He tried to minimize all the illegal activity, the council didn’t like it, they didn’t like it that the Mafia is going soft.”

“Then what can a person like me do?! I’m weak too…if I take over the, they will hate it even more.”

“I know, that’s why you have to act strong when you are being judge by the council. You have to take your place Wendy, as you are our only hope to continue the Son’s legacy. I am tired of all the violence and illegal trading…Your father made it better. I know you will do the same too, because you are his daughter.” Jessica said.

“Teach me how…teach me how to be mean and strong in front of the council.”

“I’m close with all the family members of the council’s leaders, I can help you to set up an act.”

End of Flashback

“So Jessica contacted all of the family members and they all agreed to help us because they are tired of all the illegal stuff their father and mother had been doing, so we set up a camera, invited them to an empty warehouse and recorded the video. No one is hurt in the process…” Wendy explained.

Wayne disbelieve in what he just heard. He did not hate it, matter fact he liked it. He like that his daughter is a genius to be able to carried out such a stunt. He slowly stood up and pats his daughter on the shoulder.

“You are the right choice to take over this position Wendy Son Seungwan…I Wayne Son Seunghyun, hereby officially step down as the leader of the Mafia council and you will be my rightful replacement.” Wayne then saluted his new leader.  

Wendy phone rings and she saw that Mr. Lau name appear on her caller ID, she panicked because she worries that something happened to the girls.

“Hello Mr. Lau! This better not be a bad news!”

“Ms Wendy…Irene, Ryujin and Jennie had gone back to Korea.”

“What?! Why?! Who let them?!” Wendy shouted and she begins to run toward the exit. Wayne and Jessica wanted to run after her but with Wayne condition didn’t allow him so Jessica stay behind with him.

“She knows what she is doing uncle.” Jessica explained

Wayne only could look at her daughter back sadly.Wendy exited the building and headed toward her car.

“It was me…I let them…”

“Why Mr. Lau?! I specifically told you to not let them go out from the house without my permission! Naeun is on the loose and she knows them! What if she kidnapped them?!”

“That is why I’m calling…”

Wendy stopped on her track “Mr. Lau…this better not be the news that…”

“No Wendy, they are safe don’t worry, Ryujin is with them, she already arranged for her men to fetch them once they touch down in Korea.”

“Still…Mr. Lau…”

“I want to resign Wendy. I know that you are the new leader now, and you deserve your own army of guards and not an old guy like me. I have no meaning in serving the Son family anymore.”

Wendy was stunned, she couldn’t believe that her father most loyal guard decided to resign.

“Mr. Lau…does this got anything to do with Henry’s death?”

“No child…it was me. I failed to be there for your father on time and thus caused the death of my son. Most importantly I wanted to be there for my grandchild, I hope you understand. You don’t have to worry, my underlings are reliable, they can take care of you.”

Wendy was sad that she had to let go one of the finest guards her father ever have, she wipes away her tears and said “Mr. Lau, you are now forever dismiss from your post as the Son’s family guards captain.”

“Thank you.” and the phone call ended.

Wendy enter the cars and commanded her driver to drive back to the mansion.


Incheon International Airport

Naeun arrived in Korea with a fake passport, she was wearing a mask and eyeglass. She took out her phone and smile to herself. She was looking at the picture of Irene. She put her phone back in her pocket and she hums some melody as she walked toward a black car that was waiting for her outside the airport.


To be Continue…

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense