Sequel: Chapter 14: Let's Be Happily Ever After

When The Flower Blooms


Everyone fixed their eyes at Sungjae and people start to murmur at Sungjae sudden’s action.

“Mr. Yook?”

Sungjae turns to Joy who had surprised and confused look on her.

“Oppa…what are you doing?”

“Sorry Joy, I don’t think I can marry you.”

“What is he doing?”

“Oh my god, what is this scandal?”

Sungjae can hear everyone talking about him clearly but he chooses to ignore it. He holds Joy’s hand and take off the wedding ring that he put on.

“You deserve to be happy Joy…and this isn’t the way.”

“Oppa…we can’t.”

“You don’t have to worry about your contract with SM, someone I know already taken care of that situation…you’re free now.”

“Oppa…please don’t do this. You’re going to make your mom heart broken.” Joy begged Sungjae to stop in whatever that he is doing. She was happy to heard that SM situation has already been taken care of but she doesn’t want Sungjae to humiliate himself in front of all his family and friends, and all those media companies too.

“Pastor, and everyone present here, especially my side of the family and Joy’s family. I Yook Sungjae, hereby announce that I am not going to marry Joy Park Sooyoung.” Sungjae announced to all the people that were present.

“What is he doing?” Wendy whispers to Irene.

“I don’t know.” Irene whispers back.

“Oppa, what are you doing?!” Joy asked Sungjae.

“Is the wedding cancel then?” someone shouted from the crowd.

“Oh no, don’t you worry, there is still going to be a wedding alright.” Sungjae replied and then he searches for someone in the crowd. When he spotted Seulgi among the attendee, he left the altar and went to her.

The people around gasped when they see Sungjae approached Seulgi, everyone take out their phone and recorded the scene. Someone even tweeted

‘Sungjae leaving Joy for Seulgi? It was true that Sungjae actually love Seulgi and not Joy?!’

“Sungjae what are you doing?” Seulgi asked while tried to hide from all the camera that’s zooming on them.

“Noona…come on, your bride is waiting for you.”


Sungjae didn’t wait for Seulgi to reply, he grabs her by the wrist and drag her to the altar with him. Everyone booed Sungjae because they thought he ditched her wife for someone else, but they don’t know the exact situation. Yeri had cover when she saw Seulgi.

Once they reach the altar, Sungjae reach for Joy’s hand and he put her hand together with Seulgi’s hand.

“Even if we got married today, I don’t think I can ever make you happy Joy. I know that your heart belongs to someone else…and that person love you too.” Sungjae pauses and he can hear everyone murmuring behind them but he ignores all those thing that people said.

“Noona…take Joy’s hand and promise me you’ll make her happy…”

“But Sungjae…what about…SM and…”

“You don’t have to worry about that…It’s already been taken care of.” Said Sungjae with a wink.

“Taken care of by who?”

Sungjae turns back to the crowd and spotted Jisoo, Jenny, Rosé and Lisa among the crowd and he smiles at them “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about your contract with SM Joy…”

“But oppa what about yours and Cube…”

“You don’t have to worry about it too…what you need to worry about now is your own feeling Joy…” said Sungjae and he takes Joy’s hand. He takes off the ring that he just put on Joy then hand it to Seulgi.

“You deserve her more than I do.” Said Sungjae.

Seulgi takes the ring, and Sungjae gives her a little push. Seulgi looks around and see everyone watching them with anticipation and she can see some people are cheering for them.

“Do it unnie!!” said Yeri from the side.

Seulgi turns to Joy, who was standing there look so confuse with what just happened. Seulgi gently takes Joy’s trembling hands and she stares straight into Joy’s eyes.

“Park Sooyoung…”


“I…I love you Joy…I really do, and I want to let the people here know too, that I love you so much. I was such a coward, I didn’t dare to face and accept my own feeling…I hurt Irene unnie when I ran away last time and when I thought I had enough of running away from my feeling…I still did the same thing, I hurt you and I left you when needed someone by your side. I was a selfish brat, but I want to stop running away. I want to face my feeling, so here in front of everyone…I want to ask, will you marry me?”

Seulgi was getting nervous when Joy didn’t response. She begins to sweat nervously and the silent is deafening.

Wendy and Irene get worried when Joy didn’t response, they are afraid that Joy is having a second thought. Yeri gets worried too, then she decided to break the silence by chanting “Say yes! Say yes!”

The attendees start to chant along with Yeri, and Seulgi looks around and she was amazed by the crowd’s response, then she turns to Joy again wait for her response, and she saw that Joy’s face turn beet red. Seulgi knows that Joy is thinking, her decision right now may affect a lot of people. The fans especially, Seulgi knows that Joy is worried how the fans are going to react to them, especially that most of the fans know Seulgi’s past with Irene, and some were still hoping for them to get back together. Then Seulgi knows that Joy is worried about her family as well, Seulgi knows that her parents don’t really care about who Joy choose as her partner. They know about their daughter’s uality and they accepted it, so Joy doesn’t need to worry about her parents at all. The third thing that Seulgi knows Joy is thinking is their group’s future. Sungjae said there is no need to worry about the stupid SM contract, and Seulgi knows Sungjae wouldn’t lie about it, but she isn’t sure what Sungjae did, but she had faith in her.

“Joy…” Seulgi tries to get Joy’s attention.

“Unnie I…”

“It’s okay if you can’t make your decision now…but I just want you to know, I will wait for you no matter how long it takes.”

“I do.” Joy finally said it but Seulgi couldn’t catch it.

“I do Seulgi…I do! I want to marry you and I want to grow old with you…I love you.”

It was the first time Joy ever see Seulgi’s grins happily like that. Seulgi pulls Joy into her arms and hug her tightly as if Joy is going to disappear soon. Everyone cheered for them, Sungjae was happy for them too.

Wendy sighs in relieve when she heard Joy’s answer, she feels a little squeeze on her hand and she knows Irene is trying to give her a little encouragement. Wendy turns to Irene and smiles, she leans in and kisses Irene’s on the cheek.

“What was that for?” Irene asked.

“I just feel like want to kiss you.” Replied Wendy.

Irene just giggle and then she turns her attention back to the couple in front of the altar. Wendy didn’t, Wendy only keep her eyes on Irene, she feels her heart tingle every time she stares at Irene and she wants to keep staring at her. She loves the woman, and she is sure of it and right now that they are in the church and watching Seulgi and Joy exchanging their vows, makes Wendy wonder about their relationship. She never once told Irene that she loves her, but her action speaks louder than words, so she assumes that Irene knows that she loves her. But does she want to marry the woman? She wants to get married someday, but she doesn’t know if she is ready for that kind of life. But if it’s with Irene, she doesn’t mind it, because she had seen how Irene treated Iris and Ryujin. She feels like she is at home with Irene around. She holds Irene’s hand tighter and Irene responses with a smile.

“With the power invested in me, I pronounce you both wife and wife, you may kiss your bride.”

Seulgi turns to Joy and they exchange their kisses as wives. Sungjae watches them with tears in his eyes, but he smiles at Joy when Joy looks at him. He told Joy not to worry about him as he shows her a thumbs up.

When they reach the church entrance, they were swarmed by a bunch of reporters asking various questions to the newly wed. Sungjae steps up and asked them to give the couple some spaces and he told the reporter that he will make a press conference later on to explain what happened. The BTOB members help the couple to get to the car safely, Seulgi turns back a few times to catch a glimpse of Sungjae, she mouthed thank you to him. Sungjae gives her a thumbs up and ask them to hurriedly get in the car.

Once Sungjae is sure that the couple gotten away safely, he turns away and silently walk away to a corner. Wendy saw him, so she decided to follow him.

“Wendy-ah where are you going?” Irene asked.

“I’ll be back in a minute…” Wendy replied with a soft smile.

Irene nods and watches her girlfriend walk toward Sungjae. Wendy taps Sungjae on the shoulder and the guy turn to face her as he hurriedly wipes his tears.

“Why Sungjae? I thought you…”

“I just want her to be happy…and ugh, Wendy, thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate that you manage to persuade SM to void that contract.” Sungjae cut Wendy off.


Flashback 4 hours before the wedding

Sungjae was getting ready in his hotel room. He was tying his tie when his phone rang. He saw the caller ID, and it was Wendy, he didn’t want to pick it up, but it keeps on ringing and he was annoyed so he ended up picking it up.


“I know, you probably hated to hear my voice but right now, I just want to tell you, I managed to call SM and they agreed to void the contract with Joy.”


“Look Sungjae…I know how much you love Joy, but if you continued with the wedding, you’re only torturing her. She had to live with someone whom she doesn’t love for her whole life, can you imagine that? You’re forcing your feeling on her.”

“What do you know about loving someone? I watched Joy trying to get over you, and I watched her falling for Seulgi and get hurt by Seulgi, I watched her cried when she wasn’t around her members, I watched her vent out her frustration, and no one was there for her during those time. I was the one who always by her side, who comforted her, who lend her a shoulder. I’m not stopping the wedding unless she wanted me to.”

“I know I’m not in the position to give you advice or trying to stop you from marrying her. But as Joy’s ex, I know Joy better than you do. She won’t stop the wedding for the sake of her feelings. She probably is going to commit herself to you for all the things that you’ve done for her. Joy is the type that will do anything to repay someone’s kindness. I’m begging of you Sungjae…think this over.”

Sungjae was quiet, he didn’t give Wendy any response.

“If you’re worried about that contract might ruin RV and Joy’s career, you don’t have to worry anymore. I bought SM yesterday, and now SM is mine, so they can’t say no to whatever that I want. Even if they don’t want to focus on RV, I’ve already sold part of my share to Kim Jisoo, so YG now partially owned SM, so you don’t have to worry, Jisoo will take a good care of RV.”

“You…bought SM? How?”

“The details aren’t important…Sungjae, all I wanted to ask from you now is think before it’s too late, for both of you.”

Wendy hung up first, leaving Sungjae hanging on for an answer. He snapped back to reality when her members crashed his hotel room.

“There’s our favourite groom! Are you nervous?!” Eunkwang asked as he try to hype the atmosphere.

Changsub notice the gloom expression on Sungjae’s face and he patted Sungjae on the shoulder “You okay bro?” he asked.

Sungjae smiled “Yeah…I’m just nervous.” He replied.

“Look, whatever that you’re going to do, we will always be by your side.”

End of Flashback

“No worries…so what are you going to do now?”

“Move on.” Sungjae replied.

“The members, they know?”

“Yeah…they know.”

“I’m sorry for what happened Sungjae, but you’re a great person…I don’t know how to thank you for what you’ve done.” Said Wendy.

“Just promise me you will make sure that Joy is happy with Seulgi.” Sungjae replied.

“I will…”

“You don’t have to worry about me Wendy. I’ll see you at the wedding dinner party.” Sungjae gently pats Wendy on her forearm.

“Yeah…anyway Sungjae, I will pay for all the expenses of this wedding, just tell me the cost and…”

“No, everything will be under me, consider this as the last gift from me for Joy.”

Wendy watches as Sungjae walk away to s and family. All of th BTOB members hug him and comfort him. Wendy turns to her side when she felt someone stand by her side and it was Irene. Irene holds Wendy’s hand and she pulls the latter closer.

“What did you two talked about?” Irene asked.

“I just want to thanked him for what he had done.”

Irene stares at Wendy lovingly “Thank you Wendy.”


“Everything that you’ve done…” said Irene.

Wendy chuckles “I didn’t do anything~”

“I’m really grateful that I fell in love with you…”

“I love you too…” Wendy replied and Irene gasped when she heard Wendy said that she loves her.

“Can you say it one more time?”

“I love you Bae Joohyun…I know I never said it out loud before but I want you to know it, I love you so much.”

“I love you too…” Irene said with happy tears.

Wendy laughs at her and she helps Irene to wipe her tears before it ruins her make up “Don’t cry~ come one, we need to go pick up Iris from the day care and get ready for the wedding dinner tonight.”

Irene nods and Wendy leads her to exit the church, they reunited with their friends and Lisa invited them to take pictures with them.

“Everyone say cheese kimbap!”

“Why kimbap though?” Jisoo questioned Lisa and Lisa frowns at Jisoo for ruin the perfect group picture.

“Yah! Unnie!”

Jennie takes the selfie stick from Lisa and asked everyone to say Kimchi, Jisoo and Lisa stops quarrelling and pose for the photo. Once they’ve done taking picture, the duo continues to argue.

“Are you going to the dinner tonight unnie?” Jennie asked Irene.

“Yup, I’m bringing the kids with me.”

“Oooh~~ so I see you’ve gone steady with Wendy unnie huh~” Jennie cousin.

Irene blushes and she smack Jennie gently on the arm “We’re comfortable.” She replied.

“So when is the wedding?” Jennie teased more while looking at Wendy who is trying to stop Lisoo from killing each other.

“What wedding?”

“Yours and Wendy unnie.”

“I…don’t know.” Said Irene. The thought of getting married to Wendy had always been in her mind but she is not sure if the latter feel the same way as her. They only been with each other less than a year and she felt like they are moving too fast. She is scare that she might lose Wendy, if she pushed that question to her.

“Maybe it’s still too early for both of you.” Said Jennie as she tried to change the topic.

“Yeah.” Irene replied with a weak smile.

“Nini! Jichu unnie bullied me!” Lisa comes to Jennie while whining.

“Oh no my poor poo poo…”

“Yah! Jennie Kim! Your girlfriend is a freak!” Jisoo pointed at Lisa angrily, but Jennie knows that Jisoo is just joking. It had been their antic ever since she knows them.

Irene stood there thinking about Jennie’s question, does she wants to have a happy marriage life with Wendy? She does, but somehow she felt like Wendy isn’t ready yet. She decided that she is willing to wait until the day the two of them are ready for that kind of life.



“What are you thinking?”

“Nothing.” Irene lied.

“Well, are you ready to go?”

“Yep…let’s go.”

To be continued…

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update! I’ve been busy with work~ Anyway! Next chapter is going to focus more on Wendy and Irene’s relationship and how they are going to take their relationship to the next level. Their relationship will be tested, and can they pass the test?

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
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Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense