Sequel: Chapter 10: Seunghee Unnie's Return

When The Flower Blooms


“Doctor...Ryujin, is my daughter?” Wendy asked, her voice was full of concern. Irene was there with her, holding her hand, giving her the support and comfort that she needed.

“We suspected Ryujin had a blood infection…or in medical terms we called it Sepsis.”

“Bbblood infection? How…”

“We only can confirm if it’s Sepsis or not when the blood test returns, but in the meantime we will watch her closely...we will do our best for Ryujin, Wendy don’t worry about it.” said the doctor.

“Thank you doctor...Can I...can I go check on her?” 

The doctor looks at Ryujin’s room and then she looks back at Wendy “I know you’re worried about Ryujin, but currently no one is allowed to visit…I’ll call you when I get the blood results from the lab. Stay strong Wendy.”

“Thanks Moonbyul…”

Dr. Moonbyul pats Wendy on the forearm before she walks away. Wendy slowly turns to Irene, and Irene saw the tears in her eyes, so Irene pulls Wendy into her arms. She rubs Wendy’s back to stop her from crying.

“Ryujin will be okay...she’s strong...she will be okay…”

“I’m a failure as a mother… If I’m being attentive to Ryujin, maybe she won’t be here tonight.”

“Wendy…please don’t blame yourself.” Irene hated it when Wendy blames everything on herself, this version of Wendy is like the one in her dream.

“I will be here for you and Ryujin okay?” Irene tried to reassure Wendy.

The two of them stay at the hospital until the morning comes. 


Red Velvet Dorm

Seulgi woke up when her alarm rings, she opens her eyes and she smiles when the first thing that she sees is Joy in her arms. She lightly brushes away Joy’s hair that covers her face and she gently kisses Joy’s on the forehead.  She slowly tried to free her arm under Joy’s head.

“Oh no, my arm is dead!” Seulgi thought to herself when she managed to pull it out. She massages her sore arms and slowly gets up from the bed. She leaves the room to go freshen herself up. After she is done brushing her teeth and washing her face, she goes to the kitchen to make something for Joy. She made a peanut butter jelly sandwich for Joy, she herself ate some before she goes to her room to get change. She checks on her phone as she gets ready to leave the dorm and she stopped on her track to the front door. 

‘RV Scandal?! Kang Seulgi of RV is seen going out on date with her member’s soon to be husband Yoo Sungjae? Is Sungjae cheating on Joy?’

Seulgi rolls her eyes upon reading the news, she closes the news and immediately calls her manager before her manager calls her.


“Seulgi I was about to call you, what’s the meaning of the news?”

“Yes I did go out with Sungjae, but it’s just a meeting to discuss his and Joy’s wedding. Nothing more...I can explain it to the media if it’s needed.” Seulgi explained.

“I know Seulgi, and I know you’re gay so I know it’s not a romantic meeting. You don’t have to worry, I will settle the press. Just… stay low okay?”

“Yes oppa...and oppa, can we meet? There’s something that I want to discuss.”

“’re coming to the HQ right?”

“Yes… I’m just going to leave our dorm.”

“Alright. I’ll see you at SM.”

Seulgi hangs up and leaves the dorm. 



Wendy didn’t sleep a wink since last night, Irene however is fast asleep on Wendy’s shoulder. Wendy’s thought is lost, she didn’t know what to do in this situation. A part of her wanted to be by Ryujin’s side and a part of her wanted to runaway from all of her problems. She rested her head on Irene’s head and continued to stare into the empty space. 


Wendy turns to the voice that’s calling her “Unnie…” She was surprised to see her sister there.

“How is Ryujin?” Seunghee asked while panting.

“We’re still awaiting the test result from the lab… when did you arrive?”

“Oh, this morning, I went to your house but there’s a bunch of high school kids there, did you hire them as Iris’s babysitter?”

“Oh, they’re probably Ryujin’s friend. I left Iris with Ryujin’s girlfriend, Lia.”

“Oh, so that girl is Ryujin’s girlfriend…” 

Seunghee peeks at the girl who is resting her head on Wendy’s shoulder and she also sees how Wendy’s holding her hand, she smirks and then tases Wendy “Who is this girl?”

“Ah...ermm...this is girlfriend, Irene.” Wendy struggles to introduce Irene as her girlfriend because she had been single for 4 years now.

“You had a girlfriend?! And you never tell me?!”

“We just became official yesterday unnie...and now Ryujin happened.” explained Wendy with a tired sigh.

Seunghee seated herself next to her younger sister “I got here as soon as possible when Lia told me about Ryujin, I was scared too you know, but I know Ryujin will be okay.”

“Thanks for the encouragement unnie...but what are you doing here? Aren’t you busy running our family business?” Wendy questioned her older sister.

“I missed you, why can't a sister come to visit her younger sis?” Seunghee question Wendy back.

“ can, just curious.” 

Irene stirs up beside Wendy and Wendy immediately turns to Irene “You’re awake?” she asked softly.

“Mmm...sorry I fell asleep.” Irene apologized.

“No it’s’re tired, I understand.”

“Did you get any sleep?”

Wendy shakes her head but she smiles at Irene, their moments were interrupted by Seunghee who clears to get their attention.

“Oh uh, sorry, Irene, this is my older sister, Seunghee and unnie this is Irene, my girlfriend.”

Irene blushes when she heard Wendy introduced her as her girlfriend.

“Hello, I’m this loser’s older sister Seunghee…” Seunghee holds out her hand to offer a handshake.

Irene accepted Seunghee’s handshake and she was happy to see that Seunghee is still alive. “Nice to meet Seunghee…”

“Wow, Wendy is so lucky to have a beautiful girlfriend like you. I thought she was going to give up when she broke up with Joy.”

“Unniee!” Wendy whined.

“What? Irene is beautiful~”

Irene giggles at Wendy and Seunghee bantering, she stops when she saw Moonbyul walks toward them “Wendy.” she tugged on Wendy’s sleeve to get her attention.

“Moonbyul, is the result out?”

“'s good news, she doesn’t have Sepsis, but there’s an infection in her lung, we probably need to keep her until her situation gets better, but for mean time, it is better if we put her in isolation first, until her fever goes down a bit then you can go and visit her.”

“Infection on her lung? Is it serious?” Wendy’s voice cracked when she asked the question.

Moonbyul smiles and she gives Wendy a little squeeze on the shoulder “She will be okay, we just need to give her some antibiotic to fight off the infection, she will be okay. I promise.”

Wendy is relieved, she pulls Moonbyul into a tight hug to thank her, and then she hugs Irene and Seunghee. She is crying, with happy tears.

“Why don’t you go home first Wendy, and come back later, you need some rest, I’ll call you if Ryujin wakes up.” Moonbyul told Wendy.

“Yeah Wendy, I think you need some rest.” Irene suggested too.

Wendy reluctantly agreed, she wanted to stay behind but at the same time, her body is rejecting the idea.

“Here give me the car key, I’ll drive, Irene do you need me to drop you at your place first or do you want to come home to Wendy’s apartment?”

“She lives next door to me.” Wendy said to her sister.”

“Oh~~ okay, come on let’s go home.”

Seunghee drives them home and she smiles when she sees her sister fall asleep once they get in the car. Wendy’s head rested on Irene’s lap, and Irene kept staring at her while brushing her hair. Seunghee watches from the rear camera and she couldn’t help but keep smiling at Irene and Wendy’s interaction.


SM Entertainment

“What do you mean you want to nullify your contract Seulgi?” her manager was perplexed by the idol’s sudden request.

“It’s either I leave RV, go solo or nullify my contract with SM...I don’t want to have anything to do with RV anymore.” Seulgi lied, she loves RV so much, but she hates to think that Joy couldn’t have her freedom because of the stupid contract that SM made her signed.

“Seulgi, with your scandal now, if you leave SM or RV, the fans are going to think that there is something between you and Sungjae. Did you think this through?”

“Ah...I… I didn’t think about that…”

“Your decision to leave RV and SM, does it have anything to do with Joy?”

Seulgi is silent, she looks down, unable to look straight into her manager’s eyes, her manager crosses his arms because he knows Seulgi is infatuated with Joy.

“I know it since your debut day, everyone can see it but you. Sunmi was just a cover up, Irene knows too, but she was too blind by her own feelings that she ignored the chemistry between you and Joy.”

“You knew?” Seulgi was surprised that her manager knew.

“I knew because I was there with you ever since your debut.”

“Yes oppa...I know about the agreement that Joy made with SM...I thought if there’s no more RV, she can be free…”

“And did you think about Joy and Yeri feelings if you wanted to disband?”

“Oppa, I am here not to get consultation from you.”

“Seulgi you’re a nice person, you’re the nicest idol that I ever work with, I won’t accept your decision, please think through first, and think about Yeri and Joy too.”

Seulgi’s manager left her alone at the cafeteria, she sighs and covers her face. “What should I do?” Seulgi thought to herself.

To Be Continued…

A/N: Sorry for the short update guys...I've been down with a high fever, and couldn’t write anything. With the recent Wuhan Virus outbreak, please take care of yourself, don’t go to crowded places, drink more water, if you’re not feeling well and recently came back from over sea, please go seek a doctor. I promise I will write better storyline after I got over my sickness~ 



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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense