Chapter 24: The Second Chance

When The Flower Blooms

Wendy’s Apartment

Irene reached the apartment, she open the door and saw that the apartment is empty and it was dark. No sign of Wendy had return back. She throw her back on the couch and seated herself. She looks at the clock and it shows that it’s already 1.30am in the morning. She took out her phone and dial Wendy’s number but it went straight to the voice mail. Irene is getting frustrated, she went to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. 

Suddenly her phone rings, she run toward her phone and saw unknown number appear on her phone. She answered it and it was a girl’s voice, she sound panicked.

“Unnie…is this Irene unnie?” the girl asked

“Yes, Irene’s speaking.”

“Unnie, it’s me, Mina! Unnie, its Wendy unnie!!”

“What happened?!”

“She was found unconscious, please please come over to the hospital.” Mina begged.

“Which hospital?!” Irene asked in panic, she gather her stuff and was ready to head out. Then she remembered that Wendy’s car was still at the court. 

“The hospital that near to the café.”

“I’m coming over, wait for me.”

Irene hang up and then she called for grab service. She exited the apartment and went to the lobby to wait for her grab driver to arrive.



Mina and Momo were pacing back and forth the hospital hallway. They were just on the way back from their midnight movie when they passed by Wendy’s café and saw she lay in a pool of blood on the floor. Mina immediately called for ambulance.

Yuna was feeling a little thirsty so she went out to get something to drink at the vending machine and she saw Mina pacing back and forth. She bought her drink and then went to them.

“Unnie, what are you doing here?” Yuna asked.

“Yuna! It’s Wendy unnie…” Mina cried.

“Wendy unnie?”

“Yes, we were on our way back from our midnight movie date and we passed by Zimzalabim Café, then we saw Wendy unnie lying on the ground unconscious!”

“Is she okay?” 

“She’s still in the operation room, doctor said maybe she knocked her head or something, she lost a lot of blood! So we brought her here as soon as possible!”

“Did you already tell Irene unnie?”

“I did called her, she’s on her way.”


Operation Room

Wendy woke up and she saw her own body lying on the operation bed. The doctor and nurse were trying hard to rescue her

“Doctor! Her blood pressure is getting low!”

She can hear her own heartbeat beating slower, she fell someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turn around and saw her sister smiling at her. Seunghee was wearing all white looking at her little sister longingly. She missed her but she didn’t want to see her like this. Wendy cried and she hugged her sister.

“I miss you…” 

“I miss you too little sister.” Seunghee kissed Wendy on the top of her head.

“Am I dead?” Wendy asked melancholic-ally.

 Seunghee laughed a bit then she ruffles her sister’s hair “You’re not.”

“Then how come I can see you and talk to you and hold you like this?” Wendy questioned.

“You’re not dead yet Seungwan ah. It looks like we’ve got some time, let’s go somewhere else to talk, there’s a lot for us to talk about. Now close your eyes Seungwan.”

Wendy obeyed Seunghee’s order and she closed her eyes. Then she heard her sister told her to open her eyes, when she opens her eyes they are at place that is has nothing around it, it was white all around. Seunghee snapped her fingers and 2 chairs appear.

“Please be seated.” Seunghee offered.

Wendy sits down opposite Seunghee, she just couldn’t believe that she is able to see her deceased sister again.

“So tell me Seungwan, I’ve seen you brought a girl to my grave when you visited me, who is she?

Wendy blushed when her sister mentioned about Irene, she look down, smiling to herself.

“Hmmm I see that my Seungwan is already an adult now huh…” Seunghee continue to little sister.

“She’s…she’s a princess, unnie. I…” Wendy paused when she remembered how she had put Irene in dangerous situation “I don’t deserve her, unnie…she’s the most caring, beautiful, thoughtful, inspiring woman that I ever met, but I keep putting her in danger…I can’t even protect her today…she almost got kill by Naeun! I’m a failure…if it wasn’t because of me, maybe you are still alive, maybe Henry will be alive.”

“Hey Wendy!”

“What?” Wendy was surprised when Seunghee called her by her English name as Seunghee hardly did.

“Do you love this woman or not?”

“I…I do unnie…I love her…I love her so much.”

“Then go back to her.”


“Seungwan ah, do you know why are you here?”

Wendy was getting uneasy at her sister question “I don’t understand.”

“You are dying, you are not dead yet but you are soon. You slipped and fall then you knocked your heard on the edge of the counter, your head bleed and you fell unconscious, and lost a lot of blood. I begged the people from above to give you a chance to live on. They agreed to give you a second chance, if I agree to give up my own soul. You know I never blame you for what happened that night. I was wrong for keeping all the secrets from you and for given up the Son’s inheritance, if I agree to take over dad’s place maybe all of this won’t happen. This is the least that I can do for you Seungwan.”

“What are you talking about?! Unnie!” Wendy asked when she realized that her sister is saving her once again.

“Listen here Seungwan, I am dead and no matter what I can’t be brought back alive, but you still have a chance to live! You may think that it is better for you to be dead, but Irene needs you, the kids needs you, your friend needs you, Seungwan ah. Me and Henry may not be by your side anymore, but you gained a lot of friends that you can call family. I’ve watch over you for the past 12 years, I’ve watch you grow so much, I wished that I was there to guide you…but I am proud of who you turn to be.” Seunghee brushes Wendy’s hair away from her face.

“Unniee….” Wendy cried, she didn’t want to let go of her sister, and now knowing that she will be cease to existence make Wendy cry even harder.

“You’ve made me proud sister. I may be gone forever, but I will live in your memories. So please go back, go back to your new family. Irene is waiting…don’t keep my sister in law waiting.” Seunghee caress Wendy’s face for the last time before she slowly faded away.

Wendy stood there crying as she watched her sister vanished into the thin air. Then she heard someone call for her name. The white surrounding faded and it turn back into the operation room. The doctors are trying to resurrect her.

“Clear!” the nurse shouted and the doctor shock Wendy’s lifeless body with the defibrillator. Wendy could feel the pain even though she is just a floating soul at the moment. She heard someone calling for her name. She went thru the operation room wall and she saw Irene crying her heart out. The girls are trying to calm her but she keeps on screaming for her name.

Wendy try to touch Irene but her hand went thru her, she then realized, she had to go back to her body. She had to make sure that she wakes up and be there for Irene. She runs back to the operation room, the doctors were just about to give up on resurrect her. She held out her hand and touch her own hand and that moment her heart start to beat again.

“She’s alive!!” the nurse shouted happily.

Outside Of The Operation Room

Irene was sitting on the floor, her eyes were all red, it felt like hours since she arrived and learn that Wendy is battling for her life inside the room. She wished that she went for Wendy when she vanished earlier, she regret that she didn’t care enough to go after Wendy. She keeps on hitting herself though Mina and Yuna tried to stop her.

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault!” Irene blamed herself.

Ryujin came out from her room and she rushed toward Irene’s side, comforting her. The nurses tried to take Ryujin back to her room but Ryujin said she need to be there for Irene and Wendy, and she won’t go back until after she is sure that Wendy is still alive after the operation.

The doctor came out, Irene stood up and went to the doctor asking about Wendy’s condition. The doctor told her that Wendy condition had stable, but they still need to monitor her because her skull cracked, and her brain was injured. The doctor asked if Wendy had any family member that she can talk to to explain about Wendy’s condition.

“She doesn’t have any family here…but you can tell me.” Irene said.

“I’m sorry Miss, this is confidential, only family members can…”

“I’m her wife!” Irene cut off the doctor.

The doctor look at Irene in shock, she then turns to her fellow doctors and nurse, they only nodded and the doctor turn back to Irene “Okay, I’ll meet you in my office in 10 minutes, at the mean time, no visitor is allow to be inside Ms. Son’s room.”


Kim’s Mansion

Jennie tried to sneak in into her house after she went out whole day helping Irene to settle all the things that happened in the court. She almost jumped when her mom turns on the light.

“Oh! Mom! Don’t scare me like that!”

“Where have you been?!”

“I was with Joohyun unnie…” Jennie grunted and she rolled her eyes at her mother.

“I told you not to get close with Joohyun didn’t I?”

“Mom, Joohyun unnie is your niece for god sake. Why do you hate her so much?”

“I didn’t hate her, I just don’t want her to set a bad example to you.”

“I don’t understand why you hate homoual so much mom?! Is it wrong to fall in love? Is it wrong to love?” Jennie question her mother.

“This is why I can’t never understand you Jennie, you never wanted to talk to me, you never wanted to tell me what you are thinking. It is never wrong to fall in love but to fall in love with someone who is the same as you is just absurd. I know what is going on between you and that Lisa girl. From now on, you are not allow to leave this house and meet her anymore! Kai was perfect for you but you rejected him!!”

“Kai this, Kai that, why don’t you get marry to Kai then mom?!”

“Jennie!!” Mrs Kim slapped her daughter when she raised her voice at her.

Jennie was dumbfounded when her mother slapped her, since she was young, her mom or dad had never scolded her or even slap her.

“Oh dear, I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…” Mrs Kim apologized.

“You know what mom? I like girls and I love Lalisa Manoban, you like it or not, I am a lesbian! Lisa makes me feel like I am wanted, she makes me feel alive and free, Kai made me felt I’m a caged bird…you made me feel like a cage bird.” Jennie cried and she runs to her room, shutting herself from her mother.

“You are being harsh on her…” Jennie’s father appear from the reading room.

“I don’t want her to make the same mistake I made, honey.” Mrs. Kim explain to her husband.

“But, till this day you still love her no? Don’t put all your frustration and disappointment on your daughter. You are angry that she chose someone else and not you, but our daughter is innocent. She deserve to fall in love with whoever that she wants.” Mr. Kim patted his wife on the head and then he went to their bedroom leaving her wife sighing to herself.

She is scare that Jennie will get hurt like how her first love hurt her back then. She used to date an older female, but the girl married someone else, and it break her heart so much that she hated all the lesbians. Her marriage to Jennie’s father was arranged by her family, and Jennie’s father had been good to her, that is why she insisted to arrange a marriage for Jennie. She knows Jennie hated it but she just wanted what best for her daughter.

Jennie throws her bag on her bed and she grunts angrily when she remembered her mother’s slap. She then throw herself on the bed and cries. She didn’t understand why her mother acted that way, she knows her mother always wanted the best for her but she didn’t like the feeling of being over protected by her mother. She sighed out loudly, then she takes out her phone and scroll through her social media account, until Ryujin’s name pop out on her phone. 

She picked up the call with annoyance because it’s already almost 3 in the morning and this kid calls her. “Hello, I hope that you know that it is 3am in the morning.”

“Yes I know it’s 3 in the morning, I need you to come to the hospital.”

“Why? I’m not going to babysit you.” Jennie frowns

“Unnie, Wendy unnie has been hospitalize and Irene unnie need someone to be here with her, can you come?”

It took Jennie a few second before Ryujin’s words register in her brain. “I’m coming right now.” Jennie didn’t bother to change her clothes or clean herself, she hurriedly packed her things and she run out from her room. She took the car key and drive to the hospital.


Rosé House

Rosé was thirsty so she went down to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. She spotted her sister sitting alone by the kitchen counter. 

“Unnie?” Rosé approached her sister, she noticed that her sister’s eyes were red “Had…you been crying?”

“Oh no, no, I was just tired from reading all of these papers.”

“You can’t lie to me sissy…did you cried?”

Alice sighed “I was fired from job.”

“What?! They can’t fire you, you still have a lot of case that you hadn’t complete yet, and what about your effort the get same marriage legalize?  All of your works, it will go to waste…” Rosé start to tear up as well.

Alice caress Rosé cheek, she told her that it’s okay. She will think of a way to get all of her pending case done.

“I’ll take law classes, I’ll drop of my art class and change my course to law and I will continue your work.” Rosé said but Alice was not happy with her decision.

“You don’t have to do this Chaeyoung ah, you love drawing, it was your passion. I don’t want you to be in this lawyer world. Your heart might be too fragile to handle it. I know you care about me, but don’t worry…I will find a way to get things done.”

Rosé hugged her sister tightly, she knows how much her sister love her job, it was wrong for them to fire her just because she helped the defendant side. She did what she did just to save an innocent life from being prosecuted wrongly.



The doctor allowed Irene to be in Wendy’s room after Irene manage to convince them that she is her wife. The doctor told Irene that there might be a complication when Wendy wake up from her coma. They don’t know what it will be, maybe speech difficulty or memory loss. They have to monitor her closely. Irene thanked the doctor before she left the doctor office and stay beside Wendy.

Irene sit by Wendy’s bedside, she holds Wendy’s hand, brushing her thumbs against the back of Wendy’s palm. Tears are falling down Irene’s cheek when she saw Wendy’s state.

“Seungwan ah…” Irene gently call for her lover’s name “I will be here when you wake up, I’ve called your father, he will arrive the day after tomorrow, I told him not to worry so much about you. He said that he is not because he knows I am here with you. Honestly, I think it is me who needed you more than you needed me, and I realized how selfish I am…so please Wendy, let me be selfish for the last time. Please wake up. I need you.” Irene cried.

Wendy heard all of Irene’s words, she heard it all, but she couldn’t move her body or open her eyes.

Irene was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, she turn and she saw her father standing by the door. Her nightmare begin, she knows sooner or later the news about the assault at the court room will reach the royal family but she didn’t thought that I will be this soon. She kisses Wendy on the cheek before she left the room to meet her father.


“I heard about the news Joohyun ah. Thought I gave you a year to be free but it seems like we have to shorten that time.”

“I can’t leave just yet.” Irene protested.

“Because of her?” the prince pointed at Wendy’s room.


“I came without today Joohyun, you can talk to me. I promise I will listen. Today I am not the crown prince Jaeho but I am simply your father.”

“Why…why do you want to talk to me?”

“I know I’m not a good father, I was never there for you, and I even abandon you when I learn about your uality, I rejected you as my daughter. But when I saw the news, I saw how you are almost die…it scare me. It scare me when I think about I’m going to lose my princess.”

“I’m not going to leave her, father. My answer is final.”

“Even if I drop you of your princess title? You are willing to let go of your family for a stranger?”

“I feel more at home when I’m with her than with our own family. Mother only know about image, you only know about politics. She cares for me more than she cares for herself. She is my family now.”

“You know our country laws…”

“Yes I know father, I know our laws like the back of my hand, but that’s not going to stop me from loving Wendy.”

“Joohyun, you are my only daughter, and the only heir.”

“I know that, I will do my job as your heir but let me stay with her. Please…”

Prince Jaeho sighed and he stood up, he pats his daughter on the shoulder before headed toward the hallway “Another 1 year, and after that, you have to leave everything behind.”

Irene stood there speechless, she managed to bargain more time, but when the time really comes she will have to leave everything behind and that’s mean leaving Wendy behind too. She didn’t know how to tell Wendy when the times come.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense