Chapter 27: Ready for House Party

When The Flower Blooms

After their lunch, Wendy brought the girls to go buy some stuff. They went to the nearest shopping mall to buy their grocery and also to buy stuff for their new house. Yeri chose all pink for her bed sheet cover and pillow case. Ryujin chose darker color scheme for hers. Wendy told Irene to choose whatever she wants. Irene make sure she chose all of their stuff in one pair for both her and Wendy’s.

Wendy decided to wait for them at the nearby café, she gave Irene her black card and Yeri was surprised when she saw Wendy had a black card.

The girls were queuing up to pay for their stuff. Yeri pulled Irene to the side and asked her “Unnie…how rich is your girlfriend? Why do she has a black card?”

“She’s ing rich.” Ryujin interfered the two girls.

“Ryujin, language please.” Irene warn Ryujin for her language.

“Wendy is rich, that’s all that you need to know.” Irene told Yeri.

Yeri was dissatisfied with the answer so she pulled Ryujin to the side when Irene was making their payment “How rich is Wendy?”

“Richer than Irene unnie, does that satisfied you?”

“How the hell can she be so rich?” 

“You wouldn’t want to know.” Ryujin warned Yeri.

“If she’s the one that my cousin is going to spend her whole life with, I need to know who she is. How can she be so rich?!”

Ryujin look around to make sure no one is listening to them and then she whisper to Yeri “Because Wendy is a Mafia leader.”

“She’s a what?!!” Yeri shouted but Ryujin quickly cover up to muffle her shouting.

“Don’t shout!” Ryujin warns Yeri. Yeri calm herself down and yanked Ryujin’s hand away from her.

“What are you people? One is a Yakuza another one is a Mafia!! I gotta tell Irene unnie.”

“She knows, a lot of things happened that you don’t know, but I know.” Ryujin had a smug look on her face.

Yeri was scared of the fact that she is going to live with two notorious criminal, but seeing that Irene is comfortable around them, she decided to trust the two.

Wendy scrolling through her phone while waiting for the girls finish shopping. She had ordered a watermelon juice and a plate of souffle. She stop at one article that titled ‘The End of Red Velvet’ Wendy’s heart ache when she read the news. She feels guilty and responsible toward what had happened to RV. She watched the video where Joy apologized for the group disbandment. It was a serious crime of what Seulgi had done, but Wendy didn’t have the heart to punish the girl. She knows how love can make you go array sometimes. Love can make you do unpredictable thing. But Seulgi’s love had turn to obsession, she wished that she could realized it sooner before thing escalated. She put down her phone when she sees that Irene and the girls are approaching her.

“Since we already had western food for lunch, why can’t we have kimchi stew for diner?” Ryujin whined while being dragged by Irene.

“Come on Ryujin, play well with Yeri. And Yeri, please treat Ryujin like your younger sister please.”

“I don’t want to have a sister like her!” Yeri whined.

Irene only could sighed, she knows that Yeri is always cling to her ever since she was a little baby. That’s because her older brother and sister were busy being the next successor of their family business. Heechul and Taeyeon spend most of their time in their boarding school until they graduated, and then both went abroad to continue study. Yeri was left behind and it was Irene who took care of Yeri when she was just an elementary school kids until the adult she is right now.

Irene is always proud of Yeri, she is still her baby cousin but now she had seen how mature she had become when it comes to dealt with her problem. She didn’t mind that Yeri is being a baby to her once in awhile. Then there’s Ryujin, who was abandoned by her parents since young age, and all she wanted is someone to pamper her. She had to take care of two babies, it’s a tough job but she loves them both. She saw Wendy, and her heart fluttered, Wendy is her baby too, her one and only baby.

“Wow, what a haul huh, didn’t expect you guys to shop this much.” Wendy said as she helped Irene to carry some of the stuff to her car.

“The kids won’t stop fighting about some of the stuff so I just get them both one each.” Irene sighed.

“Yah, can you two don’t be a nuisance to Irene.” Wendy scolded the two young girls.

“It’s okay, we will get used to it.” Irene said “Anyway, anywhere else to go?”

“Let’s get some grocery, I’m thinking of inviting our friends over to our new house for house warming party tomorrow night.”

“Oh! Party!” Yeri exclaims.

“Can I invite Yeji them?”

“Yes you can Ryujin…and Yeri, how about you invite over Joy and Seulgi?” Wendy asked as she loaded the things into the car.

“Are you sure you want to invite them? You’re not scare that Seulgi will do something bad again?” Yeri asked, she is worried.

“If she wanted to do something bad to me and Irene, she would have done it during our stay at the hospital. I believe she had changed, so why don’t we invite them over?”

“I don’t know Wendy, having your ex and Irene’s unnie ex over, the idea is so obnoxious.”

“It’s not, but look if you don’t want to invite them over then it’s fine.”

“No, we should invite them over.” Irene chipped in “Because if it wasn’t for Joy, I think I would have bee dead. We should properly thank her.”

Irene look at the three girls, awaiting for their response.

“Fine.” Yeri gives in to her cousin’s request.

JYP High School

Yeji was just finish her track and field club activity. She went to the nearby water fountain to quench her thirst. She saw Lia was sitting by the nearby bench and she was asleep. Yeji quickly wipes her face with the clean towel that she brought with her. She approached Lia, and Lia’s beauty had never fail to amuse her. She was so beautiful and so white just like an angel. Yeji’s hand reach for Lia’s face but she stop midway, she pull back her hand and stood there.

“If you want to touch me, then touch me.” Lia said with her eyes closed.

“I can’t.” Yeji said.

“I know you can’t but I’m giving you the chance…”

“We’re already through Lia…you broke up with me.”

“I know.” Lia opens her eyes and their eyes meet “It just felt empty that we used to be so close, then when I look at you and the girls being happy, I missed our time together.”

“You cut the ties with you remember?! Don’t tell me now that you wanted to go back to how we used to be?”

“No…because I know it’s impossible. I just want to be friend again, can I?”

“No we can’t…I’m sorry but you did not only hurt me but you hurt our friends too.”

Lia look down to her shoes, she did not know how to reply Yeji. She knows that she had hurt them, her life never had been the same ever since she cut ties with the girls. She was ostracized at her school in Toronto, she was bullied. It was never the same without the girls. She tried to amend their relationship but it looks like it will never work out.

Lia gathered her book and she stood up, ready to leave. “It was nice talking to you. I better get going, the next period is starting soon.”

Yeji just watch Lia walked away, her heart wanted to stop Lia but her mind told her to let Lia go. Yeji turns away and walk in the different direction.

“Yeji Sunbae!!” one of her juniors called her, she joined her juniors but she look back to Lia. She still loves that girl, she knows her heart still yearn for her, but she knows, it is impossible for both of them to be together, she only wishes the best for Lia.


Saturday WenRene New House

Irene instructed Yeri and Ryujin to be in charge to decorate the house and she helps Wendy to prepare the food for the guests. Wendy had decided to invite all the girls over, then she asked Irene to invite over her cousins, since Yeri is staying with them. She invited her father and Jessica too because she thought she wanted to let her father meet with Irene’s side of family. She did contacted Joy and Seulgi, they said they will try to make it to the party because Joy currently is busy filming and Seulgi is still didn’t want to expose herself to the public yet after her contract being terminated.

Wendy hoped that both of them can make it because she wanted to amend what had happened between them and Wend couldn’t thank Joy much after she saved Irene and almost got herself killed.

Irene decided that they should cook some pasta and roasted beef and pork. Wendy asked if she could order some fried chicken too because she knows how much the girls especially Jisoo like fried chicken and since the girl had been in slump after Rosé left, she thought maybe she can enlightened her mood with some fried chicken. Wendy knows Irene can’t eat chicken, that is why she asked for her permission. Irene told her she doesn’t need her permission for that. Wendy decided to make some cheese red velvet cake for dessert. Irene said she preferred ice cream or chocolate cakes, both argue a bit and in the end they decided to both make their own dessert and let the guests decide who is the winner.

Yeri and Ryujin on the other hand is arguing on the decoration. Yeri wanted it to be more colourful while Ryujin wanted it to be more elegant so that it can blend well with the house. Yeri said it is better to go with contrast but Ryujin keep on disagreeing. The two almost start fighting but Wendy manage to stop them in time. Wendy sent both to each corner for time out. Irene came out from the kitchen to look at what happened.

“They are fighting again.” Wendy sighed.

Irene sighed, she look at Wendy and signal her to follow her back to the kitchen. Wendy follow Irene to the kitchen.

“Look, we have to talk to those two, we can’t have they continuously bickering around.” Irene suggested.

“I agree…I’ll go talk to Yeri and you talk to Ryujin. Ryujin listen better to you than she does with me.”


Both of the adults exited the kitchen and both went to the kids. Irene invited Ryujin to go to the balcony to talk while Wendy invited Yeri to her room to talk.


Yeri’s Room

“What is it? Are you going to scold me because I had a fight with Ryujin?” Yeri asked with teary eyes.

Wendy was dumbfounded at first, Yeri’s attitude remind her a lot of Ryujin’s attitude when they first met. Wendy put her hands on Yeri’s shoulder and stare right into her eyes.

“You’re not gonna kill me are you?” stammered Yeri.

“Kill you? What? No! Why would I?”

“Because you are a mafia! Ryujin is a Yakuza, you’re both dangerous!”

Wendy doesn’t know whether she should laugh or angry at the remark, she pat Yeri on the head and asked her to sit down. Yeri obeys, she sits on the end of the bed and Wendy pull a chair and sit opposite of Yeri.

“Listen Yeri, you are right I am a Mafia and Ryujin is a Yakuza, but we mean no harm. You are our friend and we don’t harm friend. I just wanted to talk to you about Ryujin. Ever since you two met, you’ve been bickering non stop.”

“Well, you should ask her! She had been annoying me since day 1!”

“She did that for a reason. You see, Ryujin lost her parents when she was young. Her parents were never there for her, she grow up in a cold and lonely household. A mob happened in Japan, and her parents died during that time, her grandparents had to send her over to Korea just to keep her save, she had been living alone in her father’s mansion. Her cousin did asked her to live with them but she refused. And for your information, Sungjae is her cousin.”


“Let me finish my story…” Wendy cut Yeri before Yeri could ask anything yet “She was spoiled by her grandfather, anything she wanted she gets, but the only thing that she wanted is a family, a warm family. She had a crush on your cousin, but Irene rejected her, she was sad but Irene promised her that she will always be there for her. In other words, Irene unofficially volunteer to be her mom. So when you came, Ryujin was jealous. I mean she had to share Irene’s affection with me and now there’s you, but I’m gonna be frank with you, it should be me who got jealous because two kids were fighting for my girlfriend’s affection. Ryujin never felt how it was being loved by someone, so I agreed with Irene that me and her will teach Ryujin about family love. That girl is willing to die for your cousin you know? She even got shot just to save Irene during that court assault. I want you to play nice with her Yeri. I know I’m nobody to you but you’re staying in my house so my rules okay?”

Yeri was feeling guilty after listening to Ryujin’s tragic childhood.

“So can you promise me no more fighting after this?” Wendy asked.

Yeri nods, Wendy smiles proudly at her and she pet her by the head “Good girl, now go out there and made peace with Ryujin.”


“Tell me Ryujinie…what is the problem?” Irene asked Ryujin softly, her hands were on top of Ryujin’s hand and she make sure the younger girl looked at her on the eyes.

“There is no problem at all.” Ryujin lied.


“Fine! I’ll tell you, when Yeri came in, you hardly spend anytime with me, all you ever said is Yeri this and Yeri that…but what about me? What about our ‘bonding’ time? I know when Wendy unnie was still in coma, your top priority is unnie, but after Wendy unnie woke up and Yeri came into our life, it’s like you’ve forgotten all about me.”

Irene realized it, Ryujin did try to make effort to get her attention lately but Irene was too focus with Wendy’s recovery and Yeri. She didn’t know that it will affect Ryujin this much.

Ryujin wipes away her tears “It’s okay now, I get it, Wendy is your lover, Yeri is your beloved baby cousin, and I am no one. I will not fight with Yeri anymore.” Ryujin was about to leave but Irene stop her.

“Ryujin-ah, I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. I care for as much as I care for Yeri and Wendy. I want you to understand, Even though Yeri still has her family, but she was abandon too like you. Her parents were busy making money, her siblings were sent away to study abroad. She was lonely and I was her only companion when she was young. After what had happened, I just wanted to make her happy again. I didn’t mean to make you feel abandon.”

Irene caress Ryujin’s face and she kisses the girl on the forehead “I love you okay, don’t forget that…I know you might feel that Yeri is fighting for my affection but I love you all equally, so if you ever feel like I’m not being fair to you, you need to talk to me okay?”

Ryujin cried a bit, and she nod with a pout. Irene smiles at her, and she pinches Ryujin’s chubby cheek. Ryujin hugs Irene and she thanked her. They turn when they heard Yeri clearing . Yeri approached Ryujin, she held out her hand, and Ryujin raised an eyebrow at her.

“Let’s make a truce, from today onward, no more fighting.”

Wendy was standing behind Yeri, with both of her hands in her pockets. Irene gives Ryujin a gentle push, and the pink hair girl now standing in front of Yeri. She held out her hand and shake Yeri’s hand.

“Frend?” Yeri asked.

Ryujin turns back to look at Irene, Irene gave her a soft nods and Ryujin turns back to face Yeri “Yeah…sure, friend.”

Irene goes to Wendy’s side, she nudges Wendy and Wendy looks at her “What did you tell Yeri?”

“I told her, Ryujin just need a mother loves, that’s all.”

“Hmm…” Irene hummed and she wrapped her arm on Wendy’s waist and Wendy wrapped hers on Irene’s shoulder. They lean on each other as they watch Ryujin and Yeri apologizing to each other. Then Wendy smelt something burning and she remembered about their cake.

“Oh ! Our cakes!!”

To be Continue…


Another short update!

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense