Chapter 2: The Past Is In The Past

When The Flower Blooms

8 A.M Wendy’s Room


Wendy was woken up by the sound of her alarm, she stirred up, stretches her body and reach out for her phone. Her eyes shot open when she saw that the time is 8a.m. She gets up from her bed, went to the bathroom, washes her face, brushes her teeth, change out of her clothes and head out to the living room. She had a meeting with her friend at 9a.m she almost forgot about it.

When she opens the door, the smells of bacon and egg feels the living room. She was greeted by the most beautiful girl that she ever laid eyes upon.


“Good morning Wendy…would you like to have breakfast? I made bacons and eggs…since that’s the only thing that I can find in your fridge.” Irene greets the brunette with a genuine smile on her face. Somehow the sadness in her eyes is not as visible as yesterday.


“Morning…you…you cook all these?” Wendy asks. She walks toward her kitchen island and seated herself in front of the well prepared breakfast. She takes a whiff on the wonderful smell “You really shouldn’t…I mean you are my guest…so”


“What a nonsense!” Irene scoffs “You let me stay here, this is the least I can do to repay your kindness.” Irene adds on.


Wendy looks at Irene and their eyes meets, she smiles at her. She reaches for the fork and tastes her scrambled eggs, her eyes lit as she chews on her food “Omg…I’m not trying to exaggerate, but this taste delicious!” Wendy exclaims.


Irene giggles as she put away the frying pan “It’s just a scrambled egg Wendy, anybody can make em.”


“I barely eat home cook food ever since I live alone…”


Irene turns to her, she rested her bum against the sink, arms folded “No wonder you are skinny…you should eat more you know. I’ll gladly cook for you if you want.” Irene offers.


“No no it’s okay! I mean this is good enough to repay me.” Wendy tries to reject Irene’s offer. Ever since she was little she doesn’t like the idea of people doing stuff for her. She always wanted to be independent than clingy to other people.


“I’m not taking no for an answer.” Irene replies sternly.


“Er…” Wendy was speechless. She never had meet someone who would not take advantages of her kindness. Usually people around her will take advantages of her kindness and she’s used to it, even though her friends always warn her about it, she just shrugs it off. This is the first time that someone insisted in paying back her kindness.


“You’re letting me stay and letting me work with you. At least let me do something for you in return.” Irene insisted.


Wendy just nodded and continues eating her breakfast “You’re not gonna eat?” She asked when she realized that Irene just stand there watching her.


“Already had mine.” She replies.




“Again with the awkwardness!” Wendy thought.


Suddenly her phone rang, she looks at the caller ID and almost spit out her coffee when she saw the ID.


Roseanne Park


“Hello Rosé!”


“Unnie! Where are you? You said you’re gonna pick me up at 830!” the voice from the other end of the call questions.


Wendy gulps when her eyes met with Irene “I’ll…I’ll be right there Rosé! Be there in 10! I’m sorry for being late! See you! Bye!” Wendy apologize profusely before she hangs up.


She quickly chow down her breakfast, wipes and takes out a spare key from her pocket

“I got some business I need to attend. The café isn’t open until 11p.m so…just in case I didn’t make it home to pick you up…I’ll ask Henry to pick you up yeah…so here’s the spare key…I gotta go see ya later.” Wendy quickly finishes her sentence, hand Irene the keys, gather her bags and rushes out.


She didn’t even let Irene says out anything, Irene just stood there, not knowing what to do.

She looks at the time and it was barely 830, she scans around the room and sighs at the untidiness so she decided to clean it with the times she has.


YG University Entrance


“Chaeyoung ah! You said she’ll be here at 830!” a short brunette whines like a baby next to a tall blonde girl.


“She said she’ll be here in 10 Jennie, it barely 830 yet can you be a little patient?” the blonde girl retorts.


“Well you know how I feel about tardiness.” The brunette huffs at her friend with her arms crosses.


“Say that to yourself ‘Miss Always Never On time’” Rosé retaliates.


Just when Jennie wanted to retaliates, a black Kia SUV honks at them.


“Hey girls! I’m here!!” Wendy peek her heads out to greet the two girls.


“Unnie!” them both greet back in unison.


“Quick get in! We gotta be late!” Wendy gestures to them to get in the car quickly.


The two girls hop in the car, Rosé sitting in front with Wendy while Jennie sit behind, they buckle up their seat belts and question Wendy about her lateness.


“I went home late last night…something happened. I’ll tell you later.” Wendy starts to explain herself to her two juniors.


Wendy had known Jennie and Chaeyoung or her English name Rosé since her high school years. They were in the music club together, and both of them is like a little sister to her.


“Unnie, you know how much Lisa hates people being late don’t you?” Rosé questions again.


“Yeah I know…” Wendy answers with a smirk as she glances the car rear view mirror to peek at the blushed Jennie.


Rosé saw Wendy’s smirk and lightly smacks the older girl on her arm “Eyes on the road Seungwan!”


“Sorry~” Wendy replies with apology.


“Stop teasing Jennie about Lisa, Unnie. That poor girl is going to get a heart attack if people

continues to .” Said Rosé while she stuffing with the bread that Wendy bought for her.


“Well if you like Lisa that much, then you should just tell Jennie-ah!” Wendy tries to give her advice to the younger brunette.


“I don’t know unnie…Lisa is so thick sometimes, she doesn’t even get the hints that I’ve been sending her…” Jennie sighs.


“Whifp fyoup scahn staph fbeing ah ftsundere fthey phrobably alfready an ifems pbhy nowmph” (If you can stop being a tsundere, they probably already an items by now) Rosé said with full.


Wendy turns to Rosé with a frown on her face “I swear to God Chaeyoung…that your death is going to be related to food. Stop talking with your mouth full!!”


Jennie just laugh at her friend’s antics “Well Chaeyoung you had no right to be talking about me, how about you? You couldn’t even act normal whenever Jisoo is around!”


“Whaa?! Whaa aarr areee you talking about?! Jennie Kim?! What Jisoo?!”


Rosé was surprised by the sudden mentioned of Jisoo’s name. Wendy knew the two latter that Jennie and Rosé mentioned, she occasionally met them whenever she hangs out with her two juniors, but she decides to not get into their business as she herself already is a mess herself when it comes to relationship.


The rest of the rides to their destination is full of laughter and teasing. When they reach their destination, Wendy parks her car nearer to the café that they were going to have the triple date. That was the main objective of her meeting her friends today. Rosé being bugging Wendy to start dating again after her huge heart break during her sophomore in university years. Wendy initially oppose to the idea. She is not ready to open her heart to anyone else yet, the wound of her last break up still bleeding, she hasn’t got time to heal her heart. That is why she decided to open Zimzalabim’s Café, hoping that if she indulge herself in her business she would forget about her last heart break.

“Unnie you’re okay?” Jennie asks when she notice that Wendy is being a little distorted.


Weny flashes a weak smile at Jennie through the car rear view mirror to reassure her juniors that she is okay.


“Don’t worry unnie! You’ll like her!” Rosé exclaims.


“You’re actually forcing me to join this triple breakfast date is because you’re just too shy to be alone with Jisoo aren’t you?” Wendy’s remark hits the bulls eye when she saw Rosé’s eyes bulge.

Rosé smacks Wendy on her arm and whines “Unnie!”


Wendy laughs as she finds that the younger girl is so cute, with her puffy cheeks and that cute voice of hers. She wanted to pinch those cheeks so much, but a knock on her car window shocks her. She turns and found Jisoo sticking her face so near to the car window and almost send the three girl in the car screaming for their life.


“Jichu!! You’re gonna give them heart attack!” a high pitched voice can be heard from the distance.


The three of them sigh in reliefs when they saw it was just Jisoo.


“Lalisa…you’re Jennie is here too.” Jisoo remarks when she saw Jennie.


Wendy steps out of the car and greets the two girls “Hey Jisoo, Lisa!”


“Unnie!” Lisa exclaims and hugs Wendy, Jisoo just nods at Wendy then turn her gaze to the tall blonde behind Wendy.


“Chaeyoung ah~” she calls out the blonde girl sweetly.

Chaeyoung was blushing when she heard the older girl calling her name.


“Yah…what about me then Kim Jisoo?” Jennie appears out of nowhere and glares at Jisoo.


“What?” Jisoo asks with a frown, she sometimes doesn’t understand the short brunette at all, one time she would get very clingy with her, and that annoy her because she hates to see Rosé’s pain expression whenever Jennie clings to her but she knows that Jennie action was just an act to get her best friend Lisa jealous, but Jisoo swears on Rosé puffy cute cheeks that her best friend Lisa, is the dumbest person alive, because Jennie had given so many hints that she likes Lisa but Lisa just couldn’t grasp on the hints. Jisoo knows that she never really expresses her feeling toward Rosé, she wants to take it slowly, she doesn’t want to rush their relationship. That is why she hasn’t declared her love to her precious Rosé. But lately Jennie is so desperately trying to get Lisa’s attention and she had to cope with her plan in order to make Lisa’s jealous and it saddened Rosé tremendously.

Jisoo saw Rosé sad smiles when Jennie was walking toward her, wanting to link their arm together. Right before Jennie could link arm with her, she pushes Lisa toward Jennie, which causes the two latter to collide body to body with each other.

"Yah Kim Jisoo!!" Lisa's shouted when Jisoo pushed her toward Jennie.

Jennie yelps when Lisa’s body slam against her and ended up Lisa pinning Jennie against Wendy’s car. Their faces were inches away, Jennie can feel Lisa’s hot breath tickling her face, she can feel that her heart beats are going out of control. Their faces turn red. Jisoo acted like she was shock, but deep inside she was grinning. Rosé was shock too, “This is your chance JENNIE!!” she mentally shouts.

“Yah! My car!” Wendy yells at them “I just bought it last month! Please be careful will you?” She scolds them.


Jennie quickly pushes Lisa away, there was a hint of sadness on Lisa’s face. “Sso…Sorry” she stutters when apologize to Jennie.


 “It’s okay…” Jennie expresses shyly.


Lisa turns to Wendy, bows to the older girl, her hand was behind her head, scratching. Lisa always had a habit of scratching her head whenever she is nervous.


Wendy just pats the girl on the shoulder and sighs telling her that it’s okay.


Jisoo stucks out her tongue and apologize sheepishly to Wendy “Sowee~ anyway Wendy ah, Nayeon had been waiting for so long inside shall we go?” Jisoo asks polite.


Wendy sighs and nods, then she follows the four of them as they walk towards the nearest restaurant.



Wendy’s Apartment


Vacuum sound can be heard echoing in the whole apartment. Irene had her mask and gloves on. Though Wendy never asked her to clean up the apartment, but after she see the state of Wendy’s apartment she can’t control the urge of start cleaning the latter house.


She had done the dishes the laundry, even ironing Wendy’s clothes for her, she had moped the floor, and everything is squeaky clean. For a moment she had forgotten about her heart break when she’s doing the cleaning. After putting everything back to the place it supposed to be, Irene seated herself on the couch. She took out her phone, she on her 4G data, and her phone is bombarded with messages.


-Where are you?!- Taeyeon

-Are you okay?!- Hani

-Unnie what happened?- Yeri

-I told you she wasn’t a good person!- Heechul Oppa

-Unnie everyone is worry! Please reply!- Yeri


30 missed call from Taengoo

77 missed call from Yerimi

109 missed call from Heechul Oppa


She keeps on scrolling the unread messages on her phone. She was looking for a certain name to pop up, to explain herself why did she left her. But no, her name never pop out in the unread message or even the call logs. Irene scoffs and throw her phone to the other side of the couch. She gets up and look at the clock, it shows that he time is 9.30 she wonders if she needed to wait for Wendy or she can go to the café by herself. She headed toward her room, she sniffs herself and scrunched her nose when she realized that she smells like sweat. She decides to take a bath before she heads out. Then she realized she doesn’t have any toiletries with her. She went to get her phone but the she remembers she didn’t even ask for Wendy phone number this morning. She grunts when she realized how stupid she is. “Well…guess I just gotta gargle now that I don’t have any tooth brush.”

She takes the towel that Wendy had prepared for her last night, that still lay neatly on her bed and the clean clothes that is also folded neatly on her bed end. She enters the bathroom and surprised at the notes that Wend left her.


Hey! Irene,

You can use the Pink toothbrush, It’s brand new.

You can use my shampoo and body wash.

I hope you don’t mind. We’ll go grocery shopping

Later this evening to get you your stuff okay!




Irene finds herself smiling at Wendy act of kindness. Honestly she never met someone who is so kind and thoughtful like Wendy. Irene does not easily trust anyone, she has a trust issues, but she does not know why she feels like she can trust Wendy. She smiles again at the thought, then she proceeds to clean herself.



Twiceland Restaurant


Wendy is trying her best to not show her disinterest toward her date’s story. All she ever talks about is her Ex. Wendy tries to act attentive when she listening to the bunny tooth girl talking.


“Can you believe it?! In front of my freaking salad, she let that Sanake kiss her?!” Nayeon grunts in disbelieve.


“Tell me about it Nayeon, she is so dense like someone that I know.” Jennie replies sarcastically while glancing at Lisa.


Lisa being as oblivious that she is went on and ask Jennie who is she talking about.


“She is talking about yo…mphmpm!” Jisoo was cut off by Rosé who covers by stuffing a chicken into before she could spill the tea.


“Who unnie who?” Lisa asked while blinking her eyes in curiosity.

"No one one.."


Wendy finds it amusing on how dense Lisa is and how oblivious she is toward Jennie’s feeling. Wendy knew that Lisa likes Jennie, she can see it from the way Lisa looks at Jennie, the way she always smiles at Jennie. “Them both whipped for each other.” Wendy thought while smirking.


“What about you Wendy?” Nayeaon asked.


Wendy was surprised when the attention suddenly is on her “Huh? What me?” she asked in confusion.


“Well you know, you’ve been quite…may I know about your love live?” Nayeon questions.

“Ah…” Wendy nods “Well…”


“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to unnie…” Rosé cuts Wendy off, because she sensing that Wendy is getting a bit uncomfortable.


Wendy smiles at Rosé to assure the blonde that she is okay, Rosé just nods with a slight frown on her face.


“My ex left me, because she chose her career. It was a messed up break up.” Wendy pauses awhile to catch her breath, all eyes are on her, she exhales and continues “Rosé and Jennie were there that time right, you two remember what happened.” Wendy pauses again and turn her gaze to Rosé and Jennie who nod silently.


“I was planning to propose to her that day, these two chipmunks were there to help me to surprise her…but then she didn’t turn up to the party. I only received a text message saying that she’s pursuing her career as actress and she’s leaving me. That was four years ago, to be honest, I was hoping that she will come back for me, but who knows, a year ago…she was engage to some idol name Yook SungJae…” Wendy scoffs a little when she remembers how stupid she was, believing that her ex will come back to her.


There was a silence for a moment until Nayeon gasp break the silence “Wait…don’t tell me…your ex…is Joy Park Soo Young?! The member of Red Velvet?!!”


Wendy nods, Nayeon is still in her disbelieve mode, she keeps looking back and forth between Chaenie and Wendy. The same thing too with LiSoo who was shook with Wendy’s sudden confession.


“But…how? Wha? I…” Nayeon was lost, she didn’t know what is she saying because she was so shook.


“We were schoolmates, she’s 2 years younger than me…maybe…I was just her experimental fling. You know…when I met her during her debut stage and asked her why she left me, her answer was she never wanted to be in a serious relationship with me.” Wendy scoffs again, but this time she is trying hard to hold her tears in.


Jennie scoot closer to Wendy and wraps her arm around the older girl’s shoulder to comfort her “It’s all in the past unnie…all in the past.”


Wendy smiles and lays her head on Jennie’s shoulder. Their little intimacy upset a certain brunette, Lisa saw how close is Jennie and Wendy, she couldn’t help herself but to feel jealous and hurt. She sips on her tea with blank expression on her eyes. As for Wendy, it was nice to finally able to say out what’s been hurting her all these years. She knows the wound that Joy left will never heal completely but she can feel that it slowly closing.


A certain dark hair girl suddenly appears in her mind, and it makes her jerks of from Jennie’s embrace she check her phone and it shows that it’s almost 11am. She scrolls for Henry’s number and pressed the call button.


“Excuse me, I gotta make one call.” She said as she excuses herself.


When Wendy left the table, Nayeon pulls Jennie and Rosé by their shirt collar and whispers to them

“Look…she’s hot, she’s beautiful and charming but I don’t think this is gonna work! She is obviously still no over her ex! Her lips may say yes but her eyes say otherwise!”


“Well you asked us if we have any single friend to introduce!” Jennie whispers back.


“Yes…I want the single and available, not single, available but couldn’t move on about her ex kind!”

Nayeon whispers but her voice is getting loud so Rosé shushes her.


“Seriously in front of us?” Jisoo asks, raising her eyebrow.


Lisa was silence, Jisoo saw that so she nudges her “You’re okay Lisa?”


Lisa looks at Jisoo and smiles while nodding her head like a happy puppy. Jisoo just smile slyly at Lisa because she knows that the tall brunette is jealous of Jennie and Wendy little interaction a little while ago.


Meanwhile Wendy who went outside to make a call to Henry.




“Hey Henry Lau! Can you stop by my place and pick up Irene?” Wendy pleads.


“Why can’t you just tag her along when you’re coming?” Henry asks in annoyed tone.


“I’m outside, with JenChuLiChaeng.” Wendy answers while rolling her eyes.


“So I’m your personal driver now huh?”


“Pick her up and you can leave early today.” Wendy answers.


“Yes boss~ can you give me her phone number?”


“Yes of course…her number is…” Wendy pauses, as she realized she didn’t have Irene’s number.


“You didn’t get her phone number did you?” Henry guesses.


“…Yeah…” Wendy can hear Henry sighed at the end of the phone.


“It’s a good think I have your spare keys. I’m on my way to your place, I’ll pick her up.” And then Henry hangs up on her.


Wendy was irritated by Henry’s rude attitude toward her, but she got used to it, Henry is like her big brother, they were childhood friend. So she always let it slides. She put her phone back in her pocket and walk back into the restaurant.


“Oh oh! She’s back!” Jisoo warns ChaeNieYeon.


“Hey girls, I gotta go, it’s almost 11 I gotta open my café you know. It was nice meeting you Nayeon, here’s my number.” Wendy takes out her business card and hands it to Nayeon “If you need any friend to talk to, feel free to call me, or you can just send me a message on LINE.”


“What? You’re going already? But we haven’t finish in catching up!” Rosé whines.

Wendy gently pats the blonde on her head “Feel free to come to my café if you want to talk Chaeyoung ah. Ah girls you don’t have to worry about bills, I’ve got it settled.”


Everyone thanks her and Jennie express her disappointment because she was planning to pay since it was her idea to have a triple date.


The five girls watched Wendy walk out the restaurant and head to her car, then Nayeon turn to ChaeNie “On second thought maybe I will try to date her.” She said with a smirks.


“If you want to date her because you feel something for her, you may, but if you want to date her just because you wanna make Jeongyeon unnie to come back to you, you better don’t Im Nayeon.” Jisoo warns the girl.


Nayeon being the drama queen she is gasps loudly at Jisoo’s warning. “EXCUSESSESSESESSS ME Kim Jisoo, am I that type of girl in your eyes?”


“What Jisoo unnie tried to say is, Wendy unnie is a good girl Nayeon unnie. She only ever loves one girl in her life, which is you know who. We don’t want her to get hurt anymore. She is a selfless person. So please…if you wanna date her, do it with a good intention.” Rosé says as she backs Jisoo’s up.


“Oh my…Pasta you are so clever!” Jisoo exclaims while cupping Rosé’s face.


“Get a room you two! I know what you’re trying to say. Let’s just stay as friend first then I will see how the feelings goes.” Nayeon says.


“Yeah…” Lisa and Jennie said in unison, them both were surprise by their answer and both look at each other. Jennie saw a pained expression on Lisa face. She wonders why was that. She tries to hold the girl’s hand but somehow, Lisa retreat her hand before Jennie could reach for it.

Jisoo saw it, she just smirks while sipping on her iced Americano.



Wendy’s Apartment


Ding Dong


The bells ring, Irene who had been scrolling on her phone gets up from the couch and went straight to the door. “That must be Wendy.” She thoughts. When she opens the door she was surprise to see Henry standing by the door smiling like a dork.


“Wendy couldn’t make it home so she asked me to come pick you up. Ready to go?” He asks.


Irene tried not to be obvious when she rolls her eyes, she nods and step outside with Henry. Irene doesn’t know when it started that she hated to stand or being around boys or man. It was not a phobia, no, it was more like despise or she just generally doesn’t have any interest in man. When she knew that she was a lesbian, she went to her mom, but her mom shunned her, when the news reached her dad, she was grounded in her room, she was transfer from all girl school to a mixed school, in hoping to get her rethink about her uality, but nothing changes. Irene likes girls, and she knows it, that is why when she met her fiancé during her university years, she decided to run away from home and live with her fiancé. She wanted to be free, free from all the judgement her parents give her, how she must live up to their standard. She was lucky that she got her cousin, Taeyeon who always be there to help her.


The rides to the café was silence. No words were exchange between Henry and Irene. Irene eyes were fixed on her phone. She decides to text her cousin to tell her not to worry about her.


Ireneisbae – Unnie, I’m currently crashing at a friend’s house, don’t worry about me, tell Yeri to not worry about me too…I’ll see you when I’ve calm down.




Taengoo – is typing….


Taengoo – Thank god…I was so worry about you…just update me anything if you need help.


Henry glance over to Irene, he tries to start a conversation “So…did you sleep well last night?”

“Just focus on your driving…” Irene replies, and Henry takes the hint, she wasn’t in the mood to talk.


They reach the café and Henry parallel park his car in front of the shop. He saw that Wendy is already there. “Oh Wendy is here already!” and with that he saw that Irene’s eyes light up at the mentioned of Wendy’s name.

“Hmm…interesting.” He thoughts.


Author notes:

Ehe, well...other than WenRene I am soft for Chaesoo too! 

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense