Chapter 16: Wendy's Identity

When The Flower Blooms

3 months had passed after the incident, everything is back to normal. RV went to a hiatus after the incident, Yeri continues with her solo activity, while Seulgi went completely gone from the media’s eyes. Joy continues to star in a few dramas. Rosé parents approved of Jisoo to date their youngest daughter. Jennie moved out from her house and live together with Lisa, of course without her mother knowledge. The 4 high schooler continues to work with Wendy, and Wendy had become their part time tutor because Wendy didn’t want the girls to be left behind in their studies. Henry had proposed to Sunny and they are planning to get married in spring the following year. Irene and Wendy still haven’t had improvement on their relationship. Wendy knows she loves Irene but she just couldn’t find the right time and right way to confess to Irene. Occasionally Wendy would have nightmare about her sister death and Irene would go to her room to comfort her. Irene asked if Wendy wanted to go back to her hometown in Canada to visit her grave, Wendy would just brush her off, telling her that she will go visit them when the times come. Irene since then didn’t dare to ask Wendy regarding her visit to Canada ever again.

The two of them continue to live normally. Their everyday routine would be like, Wendy wake up early made them breakfast, they would go to work, and Irene is in charge of preparing lunch. After they close the café, they would drop the 4 kids back home, then they went back to their apartment. They work together to prepare for diner. Usually Irene will do the dishes after they’ve done eating, and Wendy will go take her bath first. Irene would do the laundry and folded their already dry clothes, while Wendy sitting on the couch watching Netflix, sometimes they would cuddle and watch Netflix together. Occasionally they will invite the others girls over to have a sleep over or watch some movies together, especially when the kids didn’t have school the next day. Sometimes Wendy would bring Irene to the amusement park and they would have a date at the park too.

Jennie would occasionally tease Irene, she would tell her that she and Wendy were like a married couple and the 4 kids were like their daughters. Irene would blush every time. Irene admitted to Jennie that over the three months, she had fallen for Wendy, but she didn’t want to ruin their friendship, now that they are comfortable being friend with each other. Jennie told Irene to pick up her courage and go for it, Irene said she will wait for Wendy to take the first move. Irene and Jennie sometimes would have a discussion about how to deal with Irene’s father demand, where he wanted her to go back to the palace. Irene are not ready to become royal again after what had happened in the past. She felt more like home when she spends her time with the girls and she rather trade her royalty with her friendships will all the girls. Irene told Jennie the thoughts of her going back to the palace and leaving Wendy behind scares her, also the reason why she didn’t want to confess her feelings first. Irene knew that Wendy kept her feelings to herself because Wendy knew that Irene will eventually had to go back to the palace.

Jennie told Irene to worry about that later, because if Irene didn’t take the opportunity to tell Wendy her feeling now, when will she be able to? Irene always brushed Jennie off everything she asked her to confess her feeling to Wendy.


Wendy’s Apartment

Wendy walked out to the kitchen and she saw that Irene is by the balcony hanging out their clothes to be dry “You’re early today.” Wendy said between yawns.

“I went to the market to buy some veggies and fruits. I mean you always complained that we didn’t eat much veggies in this house. ‘We gotta eat healthily Irene, we can’t keep eating meats everyday’ is all you ever say.” Irene mocked Wendy.

Wendy smiles and she rested herself by the balcony door frame, watching Irene hanging all of their clothes. “What are you smiling at?” Irene asked.

“Us…” Wendy replied.

“Us?” Irene asked.

Wendy went up to Irene, she took away the basket that was in Irene’s hand. Irene take a step backward until her bum bumped to the railing of the balcony. Wendy rested both of her hands on the railing trapping Irene.

“Yeah us…” Wendy whispered closely to Irene’s face.

Irene smiles at Wendy attempt to seduce her, she snakes her arms around Wendy and Wendy got panic “Hmm… I thought you were gonna seduce me Ms. Son but why are you panic now?”

Wendy quickly moves her hands away from the railing and wrapped it around Irene’s waist. “Irene…you should know by now that I do like you…”

“Mmhmm…” Irene nodded “And I like you too.”

Irene leaned in trying to capture Wendy’s lips but Wendy avoided her, she took a step backward and Irene understand so she let go of her arms around Wendy’s neck. The is high between them. There are a few times when they were about to kiss, but it’s always Wendy that got scare.

“Let’s go get breakfast.” Wendy invited.

Irene pick up the basket and closes the balcony door behind her. She put the basket at the laundry room and went to join Wendy at the dining table.

“I hope you like banana pancakes.” Irene said when she joins Wendy at the dining table. Wendy is already start to eat her pancakes.

“This is good.” Wendy muffled with full.

“Yah, eat slowly or you’re gonna choke yourself.”

“Hey, I was thinking if we can close the café early today.” Wendy asked.

“Why? Is there any special occasion today?” Irene asked, she sliced her pancake into a tiny pieces and eat gracefully, like a princess she is.

“Nothing special, just want to spend more time with you I guess, at home.”

Irene smiles shyly, she didn’t reply Wendy and she continues to eat her pancakes.

“Since tomorrow is Saturday, I was thinking to invite the girls to come over and we can have a diner together.” Wendy suggested.

“Cool…” Irene agreed.

“Oh and Rosé said that her older sister wanted to meet you, if that’s okay with you.” Wendy said before sipping on her orange juice

“I heard that Rosé’s older sister is a lawyer.” Irene asked.

“Yeah, Alice is a renowned lawyer, she had been working making the same marriage legal in this country. And since Rosé couldn’t keep shut, she slipped and told her sister that you are Prince Bae Joohyun.” Wendy rolled her eyes when she remembered how Rosé called her in the middle of the night to apologized to her that she had blown Irene secret to her sister.

Wendy trust Alice more than she trusted Rosé so she is not worry that Alice knew about Irene’s identity. The two finish their breakfast and went to their rooms to get ready to go to work.


Zimzalabim Café

Wendy parallel parked her car in front of the café. Irene went to the trunk to get the ingredients that they got from the suppliers. Wendy helped Irene, Irene closes the trunk and they were surprised to see Seulgi leaning against the café’s wall.

“Hi Wendy…Irene-unnie.” Joy greeted from behind.

Wendy frowned, she ignored Joy and tried to walk away with Irene.

“We’re here to talk.” Seulgi said calmly.

“I thought you had vanished from the entertainment industry.” Wendy mocked Seulgi. Irene gently tugged Wendy by the hem of her shirt to stop the girl from continue to mock the other taller girl. She didn’t want another fighting break between them.

“I’m not here to fight Wendy.”

“Oh you know my name? Not calling me a jerk anymore huh?” Wendy mocked again.

“Yah…” Irene tried to stop Wendy from taunting Seulgi.

“Wendy…” Joy called, she went to Seulgi side and she holds Seulgi’s hand because she saw Seulgi’s vein is popping already. “We’re really here to talk.” Joy confirmed.

“So talk…” Wendy didn’t want to waste time to entertain the two tower.

“We want you two back.” Joy said.

Wendy and Irene looked at each other and then look back to Seulgi and Joy “Pardon me.” both of them said.

“Wendy, Joy still loves you…and she wants you back. Look I know you two had a rough past, Joy left you for her career, but she never forgets you, she still loves you. She is willing to get back to you if…”

“If what?” Wendy was getting angry.

“If you give me back Irene.” Seulgi continued.

“What make you think I want to return to you Seulgi?” Irene asked in anger tone.

“Baby…I know you still love me…if you can put up with me all this while, impossible that you can forget me that easily.” Seulgi said.

“Go back.” Wendy said coldly and she pulled Irene with her.

“I’m not giving up on us again Wendy!” Joy shouted.

Wendy turned to Joy furiously “There was no US anymore Joy, there was no US when you decided to leave me for your career! We are over 4 years ago Joy, and you’re getting married soon no?!”

“Wendy, that’s enough, let’s go in now…” Irene tried to calm Wendy.

“Go back Joy, Seulgi or we will call the security.” Irene asked the two to leave.

“Irene, if you don’t want to take me back, you’re gonna regret it!” Seulgi warned Irene before she left with Joy.

Wendy and Irene hurriedly enter the café via the back door. Wendy went straight to the office to cool herself down. Irene put all of the paper bag on the kitchen’s counter and she went back to the office to check on Wendy.

“You’re okay?” Irene asked when she saw Wendy sitting on the chair with her head throw back and eyes close.

“Yeah.” Wendy replied without even looking at Irene.

“Do you want a glass of water?”

“It’s okay Irene, I’m fine.” Wendy opens her eyes and smiles at Irene. “Let’s get started alright.” She gets up from the chair and head to the kitchen to start baking.

Irene knew Wendy is not fine, but she decides it is better if she just keep her silence and let Wendy decides when to talk to her.

Irene followed Wendy to the kitchen and start making preparation. She told Wendy that she can take it from there and she asked Wendy to go and start brewing her tea and coffee and start making her boba.

Wendy were halfway making her boba when she saw Henry had an argument with someone outside of the café. She stops making her boba and she went to check on Henry.


“I told you to go back Naeun ah! Tell your father no!”

“Oppa, please…dad just wanted to apologize to Wendy…Dad asked you to come here with Wendy because he wants you to keep an eyes on her. Don’t forget that you work with dad too Henry!”

“I may work with him but Wendy is like a little sister to me and I am not going to let your father hurt her anymore Naeun.”


Henry’s eyes are wide open when he heard Wendy’s voice.

“Seungwan…” Naeun called for her sister.

“You work for my father?”

“Wendy listen…I”

“We were friends since childhood Henry…why can’t you be more honest with me?” Wendy’s voice was shaking.

“Seungwan…I can explain what happen, can you please calm down and listen to me?” Naeun asked, she tried to reach for Wendy’s hand but Wendy flinched.

“Wendy…let’s go inside I will explain everything.”

Wendy was reluctant but she follows when Henry begged her too. Naeun still feel that Wendy is being hostile with her, but she didn’t blame Wendy for hating her. She knows that partially it was her fault that Wendy lost her mother and sister, but Wendy need to know the truth.

Irene went to the drink making station to ask Wendy something about her cupcakes recipe but she was not there. Then she saw Henry and Wendy with a stranger walked into the café. All three of them look gloomy.

“Wendy…” Irene called out to Wendy.

“Irene can you go to the office…we have something to discuss…”

“She can stay.” Wendy cut Henry off.

Henry looked at Irene and he sighed as he nodded and ask Irene to sit next to Wendy.

“Irene…this is Naeun…Son Naeun, Wendy’s sister.” Henry introduced Naeun to Irene.

“She’s not…my sister…” Wendy denied bitterly.

“Fine, she’s Wendy’s half-sister.” Henry corrected himself.

“Should I really be here?” Irene looks at Wendy for confirmation.

“I want you to stay…please…” Wendy begged.

Irene stay beside her, she scooted her chair to get closer to Wendy. She holds Wendy hand to give her support.

“Speak.” Wendy turned to Henry and Naeun.

“Wendy…I didn’t mean to lie to you…but…”


Flashback to 12 years ago (A few months before Seunghee’s death)

“Mr.Wayne…” a 19 years old Henry entered the office and greeted the man who was sitting looking out the big window.

“Henry…you’ve been friend with my daughter since she was a baby. You’re like a big brother to her.”

“Yes sir…”

“Your father had been the head of my body guards for more than 20 years, he is like part of the family now. He asked me to offer you a job, so I was thinking to put you as Wendy’s body guard. Now I know my daughter hated and stuff, that is why you’re the best candidate. She wouldn’t suspect that you are her body guard.”

“Thank you for the opportunity sir.” Henry thanked him and he was about to leave the room when Wayne called for him.


“Yes sir?”

“You have to protect Wendy with your whole life you understand that? Your family owe mine a lot.”

Henry disliked it whenever Wayne mentioned about the deed that he had done for his family, but he is right, without the Son family, his family would probably starve to death in the street. He nodded, and he bowed before he went out from the office.

“How was it son?” Mr. Lau asked.

“He asked me to take care of Wendy.” Henry replied his father.

“Then you should take the job seriously son.”

“Yes, father.”

Henry was about to leave the building when he saw Naeun and her mom walked into the office. Henry asked her father who are them. Mr.Lau kept silence until they reached their car “That was…Wendy’s half-sister.”

“Wendy had a half-sister?”

“Let’s go to Seunghee…she will explain everything to you.” Mr. Lau tells his son.


Seunghee’s Office

“Miss Son, your body guard is here.”

Seunghee was busy reading her client’s file when Mr. Lau and Henry reached her office.

“Uncle Lau! Henry!” she closed her files and went to give both a hug.

“Ariana can you prepare coffee for us, thank you.” Seunghee asked her assistant to brew coffee for them.

“Please be seated you two.”

“Have you been busy Seunghee?” Mr. Lau asked.

“Yeah, I have to get things settle before going to the hospital you know. Wendy had been skipping too many class just so she could take care of our mom, so I’m thinking of halting my business for a moment and focus on my mom.”

“You are a good daughter Seunghee…even though she wasn’t your real mother.”

Henry was confused at his father words but he remained silence.

“Have you told Wendy yet?” Mr. Lau asked Seunghee.

“No…I don’t know what to tell her. Tell her that our mother isn’t our biological mother. Tell her that our real mother had died a long time ago, and tell her that our parents’ marriage is fake. I don’t know where to start from uncle.” Seunghee sighed.

“The girl…the girl that we saw earlier…you said she was Wendy’s half-sister…” Henry interfered.

“Oh you have met Naeun? She’s a sweet girl…” Seunghee sighed.

“I don’t understand…” Henry was confused, all of the information that he got is too much for him.

“Henry…promised you will keep this as a secret from Wendy.” Seunghee told Henry and Henry nodded.

“I’ve been keeping this secret forever…but eventually one day Wendy have to know too. Our biological mother died when she gave birth to Wendy. You see my dad isn’t really someone who like to committed to something, he and my mom were never married, but he loves my mom and when mom died while giving birth to Wendy…dad regret that he didn’t married her.”

“Then…who is that women that Mr.Wayne married?”

“She’s my biological mom’s twin…When my mom died, her sister, decided to adopt us and because she looks alike to my mom, dad decided to marry her in order to cope with his grief. It was a contract marriage…No matter how much my mom looks like my biological mom, my dad couldn’t love her like how he loved my biological mom.” Seunghee explained.

“Then Naeun…”

“My dad had an affair, but it was a one-night stand, the women got pregnant, my dad decided to take the responsibility and he had been raising Naeun too.” Seunghee explained. she did met with her half-sister and they did bond. That girl was sweet and Seunghee took a liking to her.

“Dad had been staying with Naeun and her mom after my real mom died, he was filled with guilt every time he sees us. He loves us but he just couldn’t face us whenever he looks at Wendy, he keeps on thinking about our real mom. As time goes by he ended up falling in love with Naeun’s mom…”

“…I see…” Henry said heavily.

“I just don’t know how to explain to Wendy about all this…” Seunghee sighed deeply.

A soft knock can be heard, Ariana came back with 3 cup of coffee and she put it on the coffee table.

Suenghee thanked her assistant and dismissed her. She took the coffee and had a sip.

“Henry I heard that my dad put you in charge of Wendy?” Seunghee asked the youngman.

“Yes…he did.”

“My dad was mad at me when I told him that I didn’t want to take over the family business, Wendy is his only option now.”

“I doubt Wendy will want to take over…” Henry shrugged.

“Henry.” Mr. Lau glared at his son for his remarks.

“Wendy is too kind to be a Mafia boss, dad.”

“Want it or not, it is her destiny to be the next leader of the Son’s Mafia group.” Mr. Lau said calmly.

“I do think Wendy will reject the idea of taking over the family business too uncle…Wendy hates violence.”

“It’s either Wendy or Naeun…” Henry stated.

“No Henry, you don’t understand. It had to be me or Wendy. Despite that Naeun is also our sister, but her mother was not from the mafia clans' bloodline, so she will not be approved by the clans if she is ever elected to take over my dad’s place.”

Henry nodded, he understands the complexness of the Mafia group. He knew that they wanted to keep the bloodline clean so the member of the clan will only marry someone from other clan.


Being the leader of the Mafia’s clans Wayne Son Seunghyun need to keep his reputation. He initially against marrying Wendy’s biological mom because he didn’t want to get tied down by marriage. He was the biggest Casanova in town. He loves the Wendy’s biological mom, but he wasn’t a romantic guy, he couldn’t confess his feeling to her (sound like someone huh? Like father like daughter). She however knew that he loves her, so she didn’t mind to be by his side even though they didn’t label their relationship. Wayne never declare Wendy Jung as his girlfriend, or fiancé or wife. She was his woman, and everyone in the clans know that. When Wendy got pregnant with Seunghee, Wayne was excited, he was scare. He was scared that he couldn’t be a good father, but Winnie said they will both learn how to be parents together.

Wayne was devastated when his woman die giving birth to his second daughter. He regrets that they had a fight when Wendy found out he had fathered another child with other woman. He regrets that he never told her that he loves her. He regrets that he didn’t marry her when he should. He regrets that he couldn’t be there for her when she needed him the most. He named his daughter Wendy as a remembrance to his one true love. Wendy was a baby and yet she lost her mother. Seungmi was willing to take the responsibility of raising her nieces, Seunghee who was 6 at that time and baby Wendy. Wendy’s grandfather Son Seunghoon didn’t want his heirs to be taken away by the Jung, thus he arranged his son Wayne to wed Seungmi. Wendy’s grandfather thought that since Seungmi shared the same with Wendy, she can help Wayne to get over his heart break.

Wayne couldn’t love Seungmi, so he decided to buy a second house and live there, raising Naeun with her mom. He will spend the weekend at Seungmi’s place to spend time with his daughters. When Seungmi learnt that she is dying from heart disease, she requested Wayne to divorce her. She told Wayne that she can’t live in this lie anymore. She told Wayne to let her go, Wayne didn’t want to divorce her, but Seungmi requested so that she could marry her lover before she dies. Wayne complied, but it seems like he was too late. Seungmi died during the operation, and at the same day, Wayne lost his eldest daughter. Maybe it was karma, he had killed so many people before, and now God is punishing him by taking the people he loves one by one.

He is a changed man after Seunghee and Seungmi death. He starts abusing substances and become alcoholic. He constantly abuses Wendy, blaming Wendy for the death of her mother (both mothers) and her sister. There are times when Wendy lived together in the house where Naeun and her mother live. She thought Naeun’s mom would protect her, but she was wrong, Naeun’s mom ignored her when Wayne abuses her. Wendy ran away from home and hide in the Lau household. Henry was having enough of seeing Wendy getting abused by her father. He went to meet him one day to confront him.


SON Group of Companies

“I’m sorry Mr.Lau you cannot just barge in like that!” Mr.Wayne’s secretary tried to stop Henry but Henry brushed her off and he barged into Wayne’s office.

“Mr.Wayne!” He called for the late 40s man.

“Yes Henry…” he slowly turned his chair and faces the young man. He was playing with his Mafia ring while looking fiercely at Henry.

“You told me to protect Wendy at all cost, you told me to kill whoever that dare to harm her! Tell me how I can do my job when it was you who had been hurting Wendy?!” Henry raised his voice at Wayne.

“Well…why didn’t you come and attack me? You’re failing your job Henry.”

“Sir…I don’t want to hurt you…nor I want to see you continue to hurt Wendy…every ing day she came to me crying and body full of bruises!”

“Do you think I want to hurt her? I can’t control myself Henry…she looks so much like her mom, like her sister…like her aunt…every time I see her, it reminds me of them and reminds me of a failure I am.”

“What you want me to do then sir? Tell me how I can protect Wendy from you?!!” Henry shouted angrily at the middle age man.

“Take her away Henry…far away from me…”

“I will…and I won’t let you even find her anymore because she doesn’t need a father like you.” Henry hissed and he dashed out of the office angrily.

End of Flashback.


Wendy was emotionless, but her tears keep streaming down her cheeks. Irene couldn’t believe what she just heard. She couldn’t believe the girl she is with right now is the heir of the world notorious Mafia’s clan. Maybe that’s explain how she can afford a high end apartment and a fancy car.

“Your father never dismisses me from my job Wendy…but I do not consider that I am working with her. I want you to know I’m sticking around you, isn’t because your father tasked me to, I stay beside you because you are like my little sister. You grew up in front of my eyes, I promised Seunghee too that I will keep that precious smile of yours to be forever shown on your face. There are few times I failed to keep the smiles on your face. When you learnt about your mother and Seunghee's death, and when Joy left you, when you were depressed…I am a failure…” Henry starts to choke on his tears “I’m so sorry Wendy…” Henry apologized while kneeling in front of Wendy. He was holding her other hand, crying and begging.

“I’m sorry that we didn’t try to protect you when you were with us Wendy…mom tried to stand up to you but she was hit by dad…she was hospitalized for months…” Naeun cried “I tried to talk to dad but he would threaten to kill me…We were scared Wendy…I’m so sorry…”

Wendy gets up from her chair, Henry wanted to follow her but Irene stopped him. Henry turns to Irene and Irene shakes her head, she was telling him that Wendy need time alone. Henry just watch Wendy walked out from the Café. She stands in the middle of the walkway and she screams. She screams her heart out, screams all of her frustration out.

Henry, Irene and Naeun could only look at Wendy painfully. Irene thought her family was complicated but it seems like Wendy had a more complicated family history. She sympathized with the girl. Irene told Henry to just close the café for today, Wendy need to rest after learning about her parents past. Irene told Naeun to go back to her hotel first, she will talk to Wendy. Naeun made Irene promised that she will bring Wendy back to Canada.

Irene offered to drive back to their apartment. Wendy was quiet, she didn’t even answer when Irene asked her questions. They reached the apartment and Wendy went straight to her room. Irene knocked on Wendy’s door to make sure the girl won’t do something stupid.


“Come in and close the door.”

“Wendy I’m sorry that I interfere but…”

“He was a good father…” Wendy cut Irene off. Irene stay quiet so Wendy can continue what she wanted to say.

“Dad loves us…though we only get to spend the weekends together…his reason is always he is busy during the weekdays…so he can only come to play with us on weekends. Whenever he got the free time, he would bring us go to amusement park, though it was heavily guarded most of the time because he always wanted to have safety protocol. I don’t understand why they wanted to keep the secret away from me Irene…why would dad took drastic step in marrying my biological mom’s twin? Why? I don’t understand!” Wendy cried.

“Let’s go to Canada next week, let’s go meet your father and let him explains to you why he keeps it a secret from you.” Irene tried to coax the girl.

“Wendy…it’s been 12 years…you were young at that time, but now you are a woman, you are strong. Let’s not run away anymore and let’s face the past okay? I promise I will be there with you.” Irene cupped Wendy’s face to make the girl look at her.

Wendy wipes her tears and nodded her head to agree. Irene smiles and hugged Wendy.


To be continue…

There it is, it’s complicated. Ryujin’s motive will be reveal next chapter, and also something will happen to Yeri. Since they are going to Canada, Itzy and BP will be going too. Yay~ vacation~ okay so the heir of the notorious mafia clan and a princess...a modern Romeo and Juliet tragic love story? 

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense