44 : Group Picnic (Bonus)

you are my forever

Wendy was staring at Irene, who wasnt that far from her though. Irene was playing with the seawater while laughing, joking around with some of the girls. 

Wendy smiled seeing the happy face of Irene and she felt content. 

"She's the happiest person since you're back"

Wendy turned to her left to see Seulgi just came approaching her. 

"She missed you, a lot", Seulgi said.


"Never once that you left her mind", Seulgi added.

"Same thing happened to me", Wendy mumbled and looked back at Irene.

Seulgi smiled and looked at Wendy. 

"She was a fool, Wendy", Seulgi said causing Wendy to frown as she looked at Seulgi again.

"She was a fool, for breaking up with you before and also for hurting you both", Seulgi said.

"But she made that mistake because she loves you too much, Wendy ah"

Seulgi smiled and patted Wendy's shoulder gently.

"I just feel like, i need to tell you this. Irene cant go on with her life without you. I've seen how bad it was for her when you left. So Wendy, if ever.. She becomes a fool once again, do not.. let go. Even if she ask for it, dont ever let go. Because by the end of the day, she will still need you. Will always need you, for her to continue living happily", Seulgi said sincerely.

Wendy looked at Seulgi carefully and there's something that has been bothering her from long time ago.

"You love her too", Wendy muttered lowly.

Seulgi chuckled and nodded her head.

"I do. I love her so much. But i know where i stand in her heart. I can always try to get into her heart when you left, but no and im not like Bogum. I see the love she have for you, Wendy. Its too strong and I dont think i can beat you", Seulgi said.

"But, Wendy ah.. You dont need to worry. I wont come in between you two. Like i said earlier, I know where i stand", Seulgi added.

"How did you manage to hide this for years?", Wendy asked while frowning.

"Wendy. Your Irene isnt that smart, ok? She's too dense", Seulgi laughed.

"Seriously, if she hear you.. Tsk", Wendy replied.

"But anyway.. I wish you two will last long. No more breaking up. And please make her happy. Dont let tears falling from her beautiful eyes anymore", Seulgi said.

"Thankyou, Seul. I feel grateful. You could've had the chance cause you know her first and-"

"Wendy? Lets put aside my feeling for her. Its all in the past now. Also, even if you never come into our life, I still cant be with her. She only see me as her bestfriend, thats all", Seulgi said.

"Really. Thankyou so much", Wendy hugged Seulgi. Seulgi patted Wendy's back. 

"You're always welcome"

Wendy then excused herself to join Irene. Seulgi continued to watch Wendy approached Irene. 

Seulgi smiled seeing how Irene smiled brightly for Wendy and pulled Wendy closer to her. Seulgi also saw Irene and Wendy went a little bit far from the rest of the girls to have their moment alone.

"Please always be happy, the two of you", Seulgi whispered as a single tear rolled down on her cheek. 


Joy suddenly came and stood beside Seulgi, giving Seulgi a handkerchief. 

Seulgi chuckled and took it.

"Thanks", Seulgi mumbled and wiped her tear using the handkerchief. 

Joy stared at Seulgi for few seconds before she cleared . 

"Im sorry", Joy apologised.

Seulgi raised her eyebrows and looked at Joy with her confused face.

"I heard your conversation with Wendy earlier, accidentally", Joy said. 

"Oh", Seulgi nodded. 

"It must be hard for you, right?", Joy asked.


"Letting go of Irene, to be with someone she loves", Joy said.

"Ah. About that, actually.. It wasnt that hard though. I love her with a sincere heart, so when I know she never look at me the way I do, I willingly let her go and accepted my fate", Seulgi replied.

"Arent you hurting?", Joy asked.

"Loving can hurt sometimes. Thats the fact. But I never regret it. Loving her is a beautiful thing for me", Seulgi answered

"So what about now?", Joy asked.

Seulgi laughed at Joy's question.

"I've moved on. I still do love her but only as my bestfriend and someone important in my life. Also, Im in love with you now. Remember?", Seulgi smirked at Joy.

Joy rolled her eyes and looked away.

"You fall in love so easily", Joy mumbled.

"Thats not true. I didnt mean to fall for you but you give my poor broken heart a new life the moment i met you, and right there and then, I found my new love. Its you", Seulgi said honestly.

"And Im not flirting for fun, Joy", Seulgi said firmly.

Joy looked into Seulgi's eyes to find if there is any hint of her being playful or not. But found none. 

"You're beautiful and very, very very attractive. I cant help myself but fall for a stunning lady like you. So, allow me to court you", Seulgi said. 


"And its not a question. Im telling you to allow me to court you, for real", Seulgi smiled. 

"Yah you-", Joy stopped when Seulgi patted her cheek gently.

"There there, I wont annoy you anymore nor making you upset. I will court you properly from now on. But I cant promise to stop being cheesy", Seulgi grinned then winked at Joy.

"Cheese? I heard Cheese", Yeri suddenly came and disturbed their conversation.

"Yes Cheese. I want some cheese", Seulgi laughed.

"Where to get the cheese then?", Yeri asked.

"In a Cheeseland", Seulgi joked and laughed as she left Yeri in confusion.

"I dont understand", Yeri told Joy.

Joy looked at Seulgi who was skipping happily towards Irene and Wendy, then Seulgi ruffled both Irene's and Wendy's hair playfully while laughing like a crazy woman.

"I dont understand as well", Joy whispered.










"Give me your hand", Sooyoung told Tiffany as she sat down beside her.

"Why- oh.."

Sooyoung just took Tiffany's hand and put it on her laps, She caressed Tiffany's wrist gently since its swollen due to the guy's strong grip earlier when Tiffany pulled his hair.

Sooyoung then put the small ice packet on Tiffany's wrist.

"This will help to reduce the swollen and pain", Sooyoung said 

"Thankyou", Tiffany mumbled lowly and glanced at Sooyoung secretly.

Yuri who was sitting there as well, just smiled to herself. Feeling the need to leave the two alone, Yuri took one apple before getting up to join the rest of their friends playing with water.

"You should be careful next time. I know you love Jessica as much as we all do, but please dont forget your own safety", Sooyoung scolded Tiffany with a frown on her face as she still focused on Tiffany's wrist.

"Yeah, I will remember that", Tiffany said. 

Sooyoung sighed and looked at Tiffany.

"Were you hurt somewhere else? No?", Sooyoung asked.

"No. Im good", Tiffany answered.

"If this happen again, can you just let me and Yul handle it? You should stay away from troubles", Sooyoung said.


"Fany ah. Me and Yul care about you like how we care about Sica. We both are stronger than you two and its our responsibility to protect the two of you", Sooyoung said. 

"Ok...", Tiffany pouted.

Sooyoung chuckled and patted Tiffany's head gently.

"For someone scary like you, you can be cute too", Sooyoung grinned.

"Yaaaah", Tiffany glared at Sooyoung but Sooyoung just laughed at her. 

"I want to join them playing", Tiffany said.

"You can go but be careful of your wrist and bring the ice", Sooyoung replied.

"How about you?", Tiffany asked.

"I think i need to pay this little ones my attention now", Sooyoung joked as she pointed at the various of food on the mat.

Tiffany shook her head before she chuckled.

"Alright. I'll go to them first. And Soo, Thankyou again", Tiffany said and left a quick peck on Sooyoung's cheek before she got up quickly to leave a dumbfounded Sooyoung.

"W-Whaa.. What was that?", Sooyoung mumbled to herself









"Seriously Seul, why are you sticking here with us? arent you going to Joy?", Irene asked Seulgi when Seulgi continued teasing her and Wendy.

"Meanie. You dont want me here?", Seulgi asked while pouting.

Wendy chuckled and hugged Seulgi's shoulder.

"Dont be silly. Joohyun was just curious as to why you werent bothering Joy like usual", Wendy said and Irene nodded in agreement.

"And im jealous here. Too much skinship, both of you", Irene squinted her eyes at Wendy and Seulgi.

Seulgi groaned while Wendy just laughed. Seulgi pushed Wendy lightly and sticked out her tongue at Irene.

"Cant believe you got jealous with your own bestfriend. Fine, I'll leave you lovebirds now", Seulgi said before she went towards Joy and Yeri.

"Hey", Wendy cupped Irene cheeks and chuckled.

"What?", Irene asked and pouted at Wendy.

"Why were you jealous of her? Seulgi and me are like sisters"

"You both were too close with each other"

Wendy shook her head and pinched Irene's nose playfully.

'If only you knew, Hyun ah. If only..', Wendy thought.

"Hyunnie, by now you should know my heart well already", Wendy said softly as she Irene's hair lovingly. 

"I know. Im sorry but I still get jealous easily if someone else touch you a lot or too close with you", Irene said and sighed.

Wendy smiled and leaned her face closer as she stared into Irene's eyes with full of love.

"And I love it when you're jealous, sweetheart. You're adorable", Wendy whispered.

Irene blushed and looked down on her feet. Wendy chuckled and lifted her chin up.

"I love you, Joohyun ah", Wendy said sweetly then planted a soft kiss on Irene's forehead.

Irene smiled warmly at Wendy.

"I love you too", Irene replied. 

After that, Wendy hugged Irene as Irene hugged her back.

'Seul, I promise I'll take care of her', Wendy said in her mind.

"You guys might fall asleep standing while hugging like that too", Yeri said as she's the one who came to disturb them this time.

"Shut up", Wendy glared at Yeri after she pulled away from Irene.

"Why you're here?", Wendy asked.

"I have no one to play with. So play with meeeee", Yeri made puppy eyes.

"Where's Joy? or Seulgi?", Wendy asked.

"There. They have a deep heart to heart talk and I dont want to hear any cheesy stuffs coming out from Seulgi to Joy", Yeri answered and pouted.

Wendy and Irene chuckled as they can understand what Yeri feel. 

Yeri looked at Wenrene couple and groaned frustratedly when she saw how lovely they are when Irene leaned her chin on Wendy's shoulder while backhugging Wendy. 

"I need a break from couples being lovey dovey around meeeeee", Yeri whined as she left Wenrene there laughing at her. 

"Poor Yeri", Irene mumbled.

Wendy chuckled then turned around to peck Irene's lips.

"She'll be fine. She just cant stand too much sweetness", Wendy grinned.

"And I need more love from you", Irene said.

"I got so much love and im planning to give it all for you", Wendy replied.

"Good. Looking forward to it", Irene said.

"Mm, You should be", Wendy said. 

Irene and Wendy stared into each other eyes with smiles on their face. 

"Are we going to.. just staring like this?", Irene asked while blushing a little.

"I cant get enough of staring at you, my pretty Bae", Wendy said.

"Eyyy", Irene poked Wendy's stomach

"Too much sugar, honey", Irene winked then walked away.


Wendy chuckled before she followed Irene.

"But i have some more sugar to give you Bae", Wendy said. 

Irene turned back around then flipped her hair and gave Wendy a flying kiss causing Wendy to gasp and clutched her chest.

"You're shooting my heart again with your love arrow", Wendy said.

"Is it accurate?", Irene asked while chuckling

"Yep. right on it. You got me", Wendy gave thumbs up and nodded her head at Irene.

Irene laughed and grabbed Wendy's hand.

"Silly", Irene said







Tadaaaa. Enjoy the update!

Have a good day/night, whoever you are, wherever you are :P

Please take care too, dear readers ♡

Also, Taengsic & Jungli will be on next chapter ^^

Please wait and look forward to it.



Iamrandom21 :) 



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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
Chapter 26: Glad finally taeng is back
Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 43: Poor Minho