32 : no title

you are my forever

Tiffany have got a permission from Jessica to make a deal with Eric and went to Hawaii as a business trip while accompanying Sooyoung

Eric have a busy schedule for the day and asked to meet the next day. Tiffany being Tiffany, doesnt want to stay at hotel doing nothing since she have finished sending all the emails to Jessica for final review

So Tiffany asked Sooyoung if she could follow her to the photoshoot which Sooyoung gladly said yes

Tiffany was in awed as she looked at the venue that has been decorated by the crews

"omg this is so beautiful", Tiffany gasped

"yep. its concept this time is floral. thats why there's so many flowers", Sooyoung said

"its pink!", Tiffany exclaimed

Sooyoung giggled then excused herself to change into the outfit for the photoshoot

Tiffany greeted all the crews and of course the staffs know her since she is Jessica's secretary

she enjoyed talking and asking the crew about the photoshoot, she even managed to see other models of Blanc and Eclare which she talk to and encourage them to do their best

Tiffany also took a lot of selfies and photos of anything thats pink and beautiful in her eyes

just then Tiffany watched the models practice the pose for the photoshoot

"you look focus", Sooyoung said when she approached Tiffany after changing

"why are the models so touchy to each other? do they need to do a hug or something?", Tiffany asked

"mhm. thats because the concept is floral mixed with lovely girl crush. so we will be pair up in two. we have to get close to take a perfect picture", Sooyoung said

"what? i dont understand", Tiffany said

"its like a close up photoshoot", Sooyoung replied

"huh??", Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows

Sooyoung sighed then stepped forward at Tiffany before she grabbed Tiffany's waist and pulled her body close to her

Tiffany almost gasp but she kept quiet and startled a bit as her body bumped into Sooyoung's

"like this. this is how we do a close up photoshoot with a partner, either its a different gender or same gender. its very easy. all you have to do is to get real close with other co-model, look straight into their eyes and control your expression", Sooyoung explained

Tiffany gulped and blinked her eyes

"while on the process, you have to act naturally. hands where it should be. relax your body and moved with ease", Sooyoung explained again before she pulled Tiffany gently and now they're more close with each other and their faces are only inch apart

"its like this", Sooyoung told Tiffany

"a-alright. uhh.. i understand now", Tiffany stuttered

Sooyoung smiled and Tiffany feel her heart made an unusual movement

"you're good! you can be a model. with a y body of yours and your pretty face, not only that.. also your amazing eyesmile. you'll be very popular", Sooyoung said happily and Tiffany blushed once Sooyoung released Tiffany and stepped backward 

Tiffany suddenly felt cold as Sooyoung make a little distance between them

"but its always looking so natural whenever i do this kind of concept. because the co-models always take advantage and get too touchy which i dont mind since it gives a good result at the end", Sooyoung chuckled and Tiffany frowned secretly

'i never get to look closely at any of Soo's photoshoots before. is she really that great till she's popular?',Tiffany thought

"ok lets get it started now!", the director yelled and clapped twice

everyone started moving around and get into their positions accordingly

"now its my cue to go. it wont be long. you can wait here, take a seat", Sooyoung grabbed the chair and gestured Tiffany to sit before she went to greet the other co-models

"Choi Sooyoung, pairing up with Park Shin Hye", Tiffany heard the director said

"Shin Hye, put your hand on her shoulder!"

"Sooyoung, touch her chin!"

Tiffany watched their movements carefully and she take note of how close Sooyoung is with Shin Hye

'too close', Tiffany thought but then she shook her head and thinking that its normal that the photoshoot will be like this for the models

"that Sooyoung girl is really tall and beautiful too"

"i know right? my friends are all envy of her"

"mine too! they even have a crush on her"

"she is a perfect girlfriend material"

"that i agree"

Tiffany overheard the conversation from the rest of co-models who wait for their turn for the photoshoot and also some of the staffs

and she cant help but smiled secretly as she feel proud of Sooyoung



while at the other side,


"yeah. the fashion show that i was invited to, the venue is there. so im thinking of bringing you with me. please? Krystal cant come cause she said she'll follow Sulli having a photoshoot at Jeju for 2 weeks"

Jessica and Yuri are discussing about the fashion show that will be held at Paris 

"i'll see what i can do. alright? i hope my assistant can cover me up", Yuri said

"Hayoung is a good worker. im sure she can cover you up. i've seen her works and i trust her", Jessica replied

"hahaha fine. i'll go with you. how many days would it be?", Yuri asked

"umm 5? the show will be for 2 days but we'll arrive a day before the actual day. then we got 2 free days left before we go back here", Jessica told her

"arasso. are we going to share a room at hotel?", Yuri asked

Jessica nodded and smiled at Yuri

"you dont mind right? do you?", Jessica asked

"nope. not at all. ok i gotta go now. works calling", Yuri said and stood up

"you could stay for another 10 minutes you know", Jessica said

"i know that you're my boss but i dont want to make it seems like i can do anything i want since we know each other. thats gonna make my reputation bad Sica", Yuri said

"but you're not like that", Jessica protested

"i know. but people will talk and i dont want to be someone's topic for any gossip here", Yuri said

"hmph", Jessica pouted

"i'll see you later", Yuri chuckled and patted Jessica's cheek gently

"ok. bye", Jessica said and waved cutely at Yuri

"byebye Sica", Yuri winked before she left

Jessica smiled and sighed tiredly as she slumped back on her swivel chair

"ah im tired", Jessica whispered

Jessics then leaned her head on the backrest of the chair and looked up at the ceiling

'where are you tae? how are you doing?', Jessica thought in her head

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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
Chapter 26: Glad finally taeng is back
Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 43: Poor Minho