23 : goodbye for now

you are my forever

Taeyeon has awake after 2 days, she has lost so much blood but managed to survive and got over the surgery. 

Yoona and Sunny, both stayed with Taeyeon and never leave her side. Minho, one of Taeyeon's loyal staff too, someone who Taeyeon have considered as her younger brother, visit her often too.

They never tell anyone about Taeyeon's condition and no one was even searching her. Yoona only informed all the staffs at the company that their boss (Taeyeon) have urgent matter to attend.

and now, Yoona and Minho went back home as Sunny has requested them to freshen up and bring foods for Taeyeon.

Sunny looked at Taeyeon's lifeless figure on the hospital bed.

"Taeyeon ah, can you hear me out?", Sunny asked as she sat on the chair next to Taeyeon

Taeyeon didnt react nor she say anything. she just laying there unmoving, her eyes are looking outside the hospital window

Sunny hold Taeyeon's right hand that was on top of her stomach

"Taeng..", Sunny called her softly

"lets... lets leave Seoul", Sunny said slowly

seeing still no reaction from Taeyeon, Sunny continued

"lets leave everything behind, and start a new life. you have lost your way, you lost yourself Taeng. lets leave, hm? i'll be with you, i'll.. i'll stay with you and be there with you. lets find your old self back again, lets go somewhere far to get your old self again", Sunny said

and now, Taeyeon shifted her attention to Sunny

"please", Sunny pleaded and squeezed Taeyeon's hand

after a few seconds, Taeyeon finally nodded. Sunny smiled and sighed softly

"everything will be better. i will take care of you", Sunny said

"you can have a rest or sleep. i'll be outside for a while. i'll prepare everything alright? once you're discharge, we'll leave", Sunny said and Taeyeon just blinked her eyes once as her answer

"arasso. restwell", Sunny smiled and patted Taeyeon's hand before she stood up and exited the ward room

Sunny dialled Yoona's number once she's outside

"hello unnie?"

"Yoongi ah, i need you to do a favor"

"what is it unnie? hold on unnie. im almost there, im with Minho"

"arasso, we'll talk again later"

"ok unnie"

not long after 10 minutes, Yoona came with Minho bringing a plastic bag of food and mineral water, as well as a basket of some healthy fruits

"where is Taeyeon noona?", Minho asked

"she's resting inside, probably sleeping. anyway, lets sit here for a while", Sunny answered and Yoona took a seat next to her while Minho sat down beside Yoona

"listen. im gonna bring Taeyeon out of here", Sunny said

"unnie. we need to wait till the doctor give her permiss-"

"no Yoong. i mean, me and Taeyeon will go to somewhere. we'll leave Seoul", Sunny said

Yoona and Minho were shocked and widened their eyes

"why?", Yoona asked

"she need a new environment, she need to move on. she cant stay here for the mean time, i need to bring her somewhere where she can have peace in her mind and reduce her pain", Sunny said

"so, she will leave and ofcourse, no one can know about this and where will we go. i want you to type in a resign letter for Taeyeon, she will step down from CEO position. but dont worry, i will ask her about this if she agree and she's the one that will need to sign the letter too", Sunny said

"why? is that necessary?", Minho asked

"the company needs someone to replace the CEO position and Taeyeon will be away for we dont know how long so before her reputation got bad for disappearing and leave her responsibilities as CEO, we shall let her step down from CEO position", Sunny explained

"thats true though", Minho nodded

"and Yoong, i need you to search for a place where it have good environment for Taeyeon. somewhere good obviously and a place where we can have a chance to open up a new business", Sunny said

"a new business?", Yoona asked

"yes. im planning to open up a partnership business with Taeyeon. it wouldnt hurt to try and its a good opportunity. besides, we need income to support our life too since we'll leave everything here including our jobs", Sunny said

"other than that, i want you to buy the tickets for us after you find a perfect place", Sunny continued

Yoona then frowned and thinking for a while which makes Sunny and Minho to look at her curiously

"whats on your mind Yoong?", Minho asked her

"i think i'll resign too", Yoona said

"what?", Sunny and Minho reacted immediately

"i.. i want to follow you and Taeyeon unnie", Yoona talked to Sunny

"like you said unnie, Taeyeon unnie need to move on. and in order for that, she need our help to support her and be there for her through it all. im not gonna let her go through the hard times alone", Yoona said

"if thats the case, i'll go with you guys too", Minho smiled

"but guys, what about your work?", Sunny asked

"the reason for us to stay working there is only because of Taeyeon noona actually", Minho said and Yoona nodded in agreement

Sunny sighed when she looked at the serious faces of Yoona and Minho

"ok but, please be sure with your decision and let me remind you two, i never ask you to follow us", Sunny said. Yoona and Minho just nodded happily






Taeyeon POV


Today.. is the day that i'll be discharge from hospital and its also the day that i'll leave Seoul with my friends. 

"please dont skip meals and eat your medicine too", the doctor said

i looked at her name tag, Dr. Seo Joohyun

"and take care of your wound, be careful. its still not fully recovered yet", she said again

"make sure to clean it up before changing the bandage, its to avoid bacteria", she added

"dont worry doctor, i will make sure of all of that for her", Sunny answered instead

"arasso. its good seeing you doing fine, Taeyeon sshi. have a good day", the doctor smiled and bowed before she left

"ah. she's a sweet girl and very polite", Sunny praised the doctor

Sunny then turned to me and smiled

"Yoona and Minho already took our things into the car", Sunny said

"hey. come on, its time to go", Minho said when he just entered my ward room

"Yoona is waiting downstair", Minho said 

"lets go then", Sunny said

they both helped me up and put me on the wheelchair

'i'll leave.. i'll be leaving but only for temporary. for now, let me just go and find myself. or maybe, just maybe.. i could move on like her when she left', i thought silently











aww come on guys. be patient. haha this story will be a bit slow before we reach the happy moments but trust me, once we're there.. you wont regret this. lol im so confident. but then, sorry in advance if this story doesnt satisfy you or doesnt meet your expectation.

im only a simple author who write a simple story with simple ideas ^^


oh, wenrene chapters will be coming up soon :* 

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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
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Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
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Chapter 43: Poor Minho