42 : Confrontation

you are my forever

"so Taeyeon, are you sure you love my daughter?"

"yes sir. i do"

Currently, Taeyeon was facing Jessica's father right on the face.

After the dinner, Mr Jung asked his daughters to bring respective partners to The Jung Mansion which all obeyed as he wanted to talk to all of them especially Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was standing right in front of Mr Jung who keep his blank face. 

Mrs Jung was sitting on the long couch along with Jessica.

While Krystal was sitting side by side with Sulli then Wendy was with Irene.

"what if you hurt her again?", Mr Jung asked

"i'd learned my lesson sir. i love her so much and i will do my best to avoid hurting her", Taeyeon answered

"this is your last chance Taeyeon. if you hurt her again, you will never get to see my daughter anymore"

"yes. i understand sir", Taeyeon stated firmly

Jessica smiled as she stared at Taeyeon who's looking down as she stand still in front of Jessica's father

Taeyeon glanced at Jessica and saw her smile, Taeyeon ended up staring for long which gained attention from the rest

"ahem", Mr Jung cleared his throat causing Taeyeon to startle while Jessica just giggled

"i'll keep your words Kim Taeyeon", Mr Jung said

"yes sir"

"now have a seat", Mr Jung told her before he took a seat beside his wife and Jessica moved to pull Taeyeon to sit with her at the other couch

"my warning is not only for Taeyeon here but also both of you, Sulli and Irene", Mr Jung started

Sulli sat up straight and paid full attention now, Irene followed too

"my daughters are my everything. you all should treasure them like how i do, or even better.. love them more than me and my wife does", Mr Jung said

"and if any of you doesnt have any confidence to give my daughters the happiness and love they deserve, you should back off right now. i can just marry them off with someone else", Mr Jung added

"dad. i wont marry someone else", Krystal protested and her father glared at her

"uhh.. uncle, i wont leave Krystal and i will give my best to give her what she deserve", Sulli said

"what a sweetie", Mrs Jung cooed

Krystal smirked proudly and hugged Sulli's arm

"well, Irene?", Mr Jung turned to Irene now

"i-i.. i deeply apologised for my mistake too. but this time, i will learn to talk it out with Wendy and understand her better", Irene said stuttering

Wendy smiled and she hold Irene's hand to calm her down

"hmm", Mr Jung just hummed then he looked at Taeyeon

"i will change for Sica. i'll put her first in everything and i will love her better now", Taeyeon said quickly as her eyes met with Mr Jung's eyes

"good", Mr Jung said shortly

"you can call us uncle and aunt, Irene. just like how Sulli addressed us. you too, Taeyeon", Mr Jung said and the girls just nodded their heads

Mr Jung then told them that the talk end there and that he want to get a rest with his wife since its late at night already

"but no one is allowed to stay or sleep over here. not so soon. go back home. but you are welcome to visit anytime", Mr Jung informed

He then approached Taeyeon again and Taeyeon quickly stood up

"i hope this time you wont disappoint me, Taeyeon", he said with his hopeful eyes

Taeyeon gulped and nodded. Mr Jung then looked at Jessica and smiled at her

"make sure you're really happy this time"

"yes dad"

Mr and Mrs Jung excused themselves to go to bed

"alright. its late, you should go to sleep Soojung ah. and i think Wendy's friends are waiting for me now", Sulli said

"ok. dont drive too fast and call me?", Krystal clinging onto Sulli's arm

"will do", Sulli smiled

"i'll send you home", Wendy told Irene

"oh. i can give Irene a ride, Taeyeon unnie too", Sulli offered since she's the one who have a car while both Taeyeon and Irene doesnt

"yeah. you should rest Wan ah. i dont want to burden you more", Irene agreed

"are you sure Sul? my hotel is a little bit far from your home though", Taeyeon said

"eyy, its alright unnie", Sulli replied

"just go with Sulli. i dont think there'll be a cab at this late hour", Jessica told Taeyeon

"ah. right. i forgot about it", Taeyeon chuckled

"i'll text you up before i go to sleep later, arasso?", Taeyeon hugged Jessica


Krystal then pulled Sulli to go outside first as she want to talk to her and as usual, being clingy to Sulli and ask for a kiss

"i really want to spend more time with you", Wendy pouted at Irene

Irene just smiled softly at Wendy

"we can always meet and go out for a date Wan ah. well, that if.. you arent busy", Irene said

"no. i will always find a time for you. when do you want to go out with me?", Wendy asked. she makes sure that she'll spend enough time with Irene despite of her busy schedule

"tomorrow i dont have any plan yet. since its my off day, i want to enjoy fresh air", Irene said



"yea. we can go for a picnic as well", Wendy said

"sounds good to me", Irene said

"then lets go to the beach"


"you guys will have a picnic?", Jessica asked because she heard Wenrene's conversation

"yes unnie", Wendy replied

"can we join?", Jessica asked

"you wanna go too?", Taeyeon asked and put her arm around Jessica's shoulder

"yes. its been so long", Jessica pouted. Taeyeon chuckled and pecked her nose

"sure unnie. bring the rest too. the more the merrier", Wendy agreed 

"i'll let them know on group chat later", Jessica said

"we'll go from morning?", Taeyeon asked

"yep!", Wendy replied

"lets tell Krystal and Sulli", Irene said

then the four of them headed outside and gasped when they saw a live kissing scene in front of their eyes

"yah yah yah!!", Jessica stopped Krystal and Sulli

"aish. its your fault for not kissing me much earlier!", Krystal whined and hit Sulli's chest

"what??? hahahaha", Sulli laughed as Krystal blushed and hide her face using her palms

the rest chuckled while Jessica rolled her eyes

"anyway, Wendy planned to go to the beach tomorrow and i think we might join her and Irene. you guys want to go too?", Jessica asked

"oh? i think that would be great", Sulli said

"ok", Krystal nodded

"nice! we'll go together tomorrow. i'll inform further at group chat later", Wendy said

the couples then decide to call it a night after chatting about the last minute picnic plan for a bit.









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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
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