4 : Times passed by

you are my forever

Taeyeon POV


"Miss Kim? the usual?"

i just nodded at the waitress. she gestured me to follow her. i made my way to the same table i have always booked here in this restaurant

"here is the cake and the flowers", another waiter came and put down the cake and the single red rose while lightning the candle. 

i thanked them. they bowed before they left. 

it has been 2 years now. 2 years since she left. and i never felt this empty before she left. 

i still remembered when Hyoyeon came with a punch on my face as she throw a letter from her. a goodbye letter. 


Flashback . . .

"are you satisfy now? you can go date Seolhyun for all you want! look what you've done! you think she was stupid not to know what you've been doing behind her back? congrats Taeyeon, you are free to be with Seolhyun now!", Hyoyeon spoke those words angrily as she give me another punch and pushed me harshly before she left me dumbfounded

i hissed as i touched my cheek. but then, the letter she threw caught my attention. i took it and opened it to read the contents


'Dear Taeyeon,

My greatest dream, My greatest fantasy. 

I would like to thank you for making my dream and fantasy became reality. Although it was just for temporary, i still cherish all our memories together. 

For all the times we had spent together, i was always happy around you. When you accepted my confession and be mine, that was the best thing that had ever happened to me. 

I will never forget all the memories you created with me. I will always remember them. 

By the time you read this, i may no longer be there. Im leaving, Taeyeon ah. Im sorry if I couldnt tell you this personally. 

I know that you werent happy with me. Honestly, I feel sad about it. I want you to be happy Taeyeon. your happiness is all that matters to me. 

So im letting you go, Tae. i wont be holding onto you anymore. im breaking up with you now so you can go get your happiness. go back with Seolhyun and be happy with her. im fine, dont worry about me. 

and no, im not mad at you. i dont hate you either. i understand that love cant be force. 

Again, thankyou for everything. thankyou for giving me a chance to be with you for temporarily. please take care, and be happy for me. ok? 

Goodbye, Taeyeon ah. i love you always. 


With Love,

Jessica Jung'


my hands were shaking after i read the letter. i dialled Krystal's number but she didnt pick up. i tried to dial Jessica's number, but i cant reach her either. 

i rushed to wear a proper clothes and drove off to her mansion.

when i have arrived there, the maid asked me to come in. i gulped seeing her parents and Krystal sitting calmly in the living room.

"Kim Taeyeon, what brings you here?", Jessica's father asked

i gulped as i bowed politely

"i.. want to meet Jessica", i stuttered

"she's not here anymore. she left", he answered


"we're not gonna tell you", Krystal cutted me off


"you broke your promise Taeyeon. you promised me that you will take care of her and make her happy. but you give her pain and made her leave", Mr Jung said coldly

"i-im so-sorry"

"your sorry wont bring her back. your sorry cant heal her broken heart"

"...", i kept looking down as i wasnt able to find words to say

"you are not welcome here anymore. dont ever show your face to us again", he said firmly


"she loves you. she ing loves you. she even love you more than she love herself. even after you cheat and hurt her, she still love you. but what did she get in return? only pain and scars in her heart"

"...", i bite my lips. i held my tears as i listened to what Krystal is saying

"do you know what she said before she left? she asked me not to do anything to you. she asked us all not to hate or blame you! how could you hurt my kind sister? when she did nothing but just loving you purely!", Krystal cried

i saw Mrs Jung cried too, she didnt look at me. im.. ashamed of myself

"hurting Jessica means you also hurt 4 hearts Taeyeon. not only her heart. but her mother, Krystal and me too", Mr Jung said

"i-im sorry. p-please tell me where did she go", i pleaded as i kneel down

"no. we wont let you know. you've caused enough damage. she's letting you go. you can be happy with whoever you want now", Mr Jung told me

"p-please uncle-"

"do not. call. me. uncle. leave Taeyeon. get out"

"p-pleasee", i cried and tried to beg but they all moved to upstairs and asked their gate guards to throw me out

End of Flashback. 


because of me, not only my relationship with Jessica has broken. but also my relationship with her family. they hate me to death, i know. and i dont blame them for that. 

even Hyoyeon hate me too now. she has been ignoring me and never talked to me anymore. 

no one tell me where is Jessica. all i know is that she left with Wendy. 

It was too late, too late already when i've regretted everything. she already left when i just realised that she is the only one i want. 

After she left, i felt down and depressed. I missed her so bad. I wanted to find her but i dont know how. 

I confronted Seolhyun and told her that i realised that i dont love her anymore. She slapped me for that but didnt say anything as she left and never see me again after that.

Hyoyeon's right all this time, i should have listen to her but i was stupid.

when Seolhyun came back, yes im happy but i was just missing our old memories. but i was confused with my feelings which then makes me hurt my beloved one, my Sica. 

i cried, i cried over Jessica leaving me. i cant stop thinking about her. i miss her everyday and i still love her till now. 

and since last year, i still celebrate our anniversary. alone. wishing that she was here with me. 

i wish that i could give the rose to her, and she will gladly receive it with a smile. oh how i miss her sweet smile. i miss her cute giggles. i miss her shy gesture. i miss her being clingy to me. i miss everything about her that it hurts. 

"happy anniversary, my love", i whispered as i let my tears rolled down on my cheek and stared at the cake blankly after i blew off the candle

after 2 hours, i left the restaurant with a heavy heart. i can feel the stare from customers and stare from the staffs there. i know i look crazy and i know i look pitiful too but i dont care. 

i walked to the park, i put my hands inside my coat's pocket. tonight is so chilly and cold. 


i met with Irene who's sitting on the bench alone. she turned to look at me and give me a small smile

"hi, Taeyeon unnie"

i took a seat beside her and she just let me

"what are you doing here?", i asked her

"Wendy.. she always love spending our time together here. i miss her, so...", Irene looked down and sighed

"i miss Jessica too", i mumbled

we turned silence for 10 minutes 

"i was the one who pushed her away and asked for a break up. but why does it feel like she was the one who break up with me? she's the one who gets hurt but i feel even more hurt now. she even left to i dont know where", Irene said sadly

"sometimes we make mistake too Irene ah. we thought we could live without them when its not true. we thought we can be happy with someone else but once the right one left, only then we realised that they are our everything. and up till now, i still regret everything. i should have treat Jessica better when she was still here and love her right", i said

"i should have treat Wendy better too. i should have try to understand her more. i regret everything too", Irene sobbed

i patted Irene's back and hear her cried. Jessica, Wendy, please come back. 



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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
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