2 : breaking

you are my forever

Jessica POV



"what's this?"

"told you, she's the same like any other players. the pictures may not giving you enough proof, but im sure this will"

Choi Siwon, a friend of mine, a guy who've been trying to get me since high school, he came to show me the pictures he took of Taeyeon with Seolhyun for the past few months.

I know his intention, he just want to see me and Taeyeon break up so he can have a chance with me.

"listen to this first, then i promise i will respect whatever decision you want. i wont be bothering you anymore after this, but you deserve to know the truth about your girlfriend", he said to me

i gave up and took his phone and clicked the play button 


"yeah i know, if only.. huh"

"if only what Seolhyun ah?"

"nothing Tae. i just, i regretted for what had happened in the past. you know"

"me too. i wish we could turn back the time"

"but its late Tae"

"no its not. i still love you Seolhyun ah-"


i stopped the recording and sighed. 

"when did you take this?", i asked Siwon

"last 2 days, but i couldnt find a time to come to you. so yeah, but better late than never", Siwon answered

*knock knock*


"unnie? oh-", Wendy was about to leave when she saw Siwon

"Wendy? no its alright, come in", i said

"oh ok, umm we have to go for our meeting", Wendy informed me

Me and Wendy is at dad's office right now, he asked us both to take his place for a meeting as his flight suddenly got delayed so he couldnt make it on time to arrive here for the meeting.

luckily, me and Wendy already trained since young if we happen to replace his position whenever he needs us to.

"Siwon, you may go now. thankyou for whatever information you give me. i appreciate that", i told him

"wait, what are you going to do?", he asked

i smiled at him and pushed his phone to him back

"you've promised. so i would appreciate it more if you just leave me alone Siwon ah. i dont have any feelings towards you, never will be. about what im going to do, its up to me to decide. please, at least, allow me to keep my privacy", i tried to tell him as polite as i could

he nodded and sighed before he stood up

"im sorry then for interfering your love life, i just.. i thought you should know", he told me

"i understand", i nodded

he smiled and bowed at me

"well, you have my words. but, lets just greet each other casually whenever we met next time. and, just to make sure, im not leaving a bad impression am i?"

"thankyou Siwon, no, not at all. you're still a friend"

"good to know. bye Jess"

Siwon bowed slightly to Wendy who bowed at him first before he left

"did Taeyeon unnie cheated?", Wendy asked while frowning as she looked at the scattered pictures on the desk

i picked up one picture, it was Taeyeon fixing Seolhyun's hair while they stare at each other. do you really still love her Taeyeon ah? what about me then? where do i stand in your heart?

"unnie, are you ok?"

i give Wendy a small smile as i nodded my head

"lets go Seungwan ah, or we'll be late for the meeting", i said and grabbed my things

to be honest, i couldnt focus during the meeting. my mind kept wandering around and i cant get Taeyeon out of my head. what should i do? sigh

"unnie", Wendy whispered at me and nudged my arm

"they're asking for your final word", Wendy whispered

i looked around and everyone is looking at me. i cleared my throat and smiled

"i leave it all to Wendy to decide for everything, and i believe she has more knowledge about this matter and she know whats best. Wendy, please", i gestured Wendy to voice out her decision

"are you sure?", Wendy mouthed at me and i nodded at her. couldnt be more than sure, i dont even listen to the whole agenda, what decision could i make?

"well then, i suggested that we follow our plan and see how it will lead us first. then we can change to our contingency plan if it not works. but with all your hard works, i believe we can make this through"

after the meeting, i told Wendy to go home first as i want to meet Taeyeon. i tried to call Taeyeon but to no avail. so i just drive to her place instead, her apartment.

i went to the elevator to go up to her floor, but i stopped on my spot when i..


Taeyeon is kissing Seolhyun right now inside the elevator, they didnt see me as they both closed their eyes. i just watched silently till the elevator door closed.

"i guess, there's nothing i should ask more. you guys still love each other", i chuckled bitterly as i turned around to leave






. . . . .





Wendy POV


I planned to go straight home but then something- no, someone caught my attention as i drove down the street. Irene, i saw her inside a small cafe with someone i dont know

i stopped by and entered the cafe

"who is this?", i asked seriously

"Wendy?", Irene was taken aback to see me

"what are you doing here Hyunnie? you didnt even tell me you went out", i frowned

"why would i tell you? you are no one to me", she replied

"what?? i thought i said i just give you some space"

"and i thought i made it clear that we're over Wendy"


i didnt say anything as i tried to find her eyes but she avoided looking at me

"can you leave us alone?", i asked the stranger politely

"im sorry? but i brought her here, and i will leave with her", he answered

i glared at him

"i can send her back home", i said

"no, i wont go with you", Irene said


"dont! dont call me like that anymore", Irene cutted me off

"ok fine, but Irene, we need to talk"

"there's nothing to talk about anymore"

"there is!"

"no Wendy! its over!"

by now, other customers has turned their attention to us as i heard some whisperings

"hey, she said its over so i think-"

"you dont have any right to say anything right now Mister", i cutted the stranger off and approached Irene slowly

"Irene ah. I still love you, i want to fix us", i pleaded at her and looked at her

"there is nothing to fix. we're through already", Irene said emotionlessly

"no, please-"

"just leave Wendy", Irene stepped back when i was about to hold her hand

"besides, i have Bogum now", she said

"w-what??", i stuttered

the stranger then went to Irene and hugged Irene's shoulder

"hello, my name is Bogum. im her boyfriend. she just accept my confession before you came", he said

and right here, right then, my world seemed to crash down. my whole universe disappeared into a thin air. my heart broke into pieces. my knees got weaken.

i looked at Irene, and she still refused to look at me. i smiled weakly and nodded my head

"so, this is how we end huh", i said


"im sorry. im sorry for everything i've done that hurts you. im sorry for not always being there with you. im sorry i was a bad girlfriend. i hope you'll be happy with him. and you Mister, please take care of her for me. make her happy", i said and glanced at Irene for one last time before i bowed then left the cafe with my broken heart

i said i wanted to give you some space, but you didnt listen.

i said i dont want to break up, but you insisted.

i said to give me a chance, but you didnt let me.

it was only a month after i gave you some space, but you already found a replacement for me. it hurts, it is so damn hurts. took you so fast to move on from me. 






. . . . .





None POV


Wendy is deeply in pain, she went to drive around without any destination. she didnt cry, she didnt say anything. she feel so numb, too numb to think anymore. she spent hours of driving around till she ended up at the bar club owned by Hyoyeon, Taeyeon's cousin.

"oh, Wendy?", Hyoyeon was shocked to see Wendy coming over. for all she knows, Wendy is not the type of a club person

"can you recommend me a drink unnie?", Wendy asked smiling

"well, i have a lot. but uh, are you sure? i remembered Jessica mentioned to me that you're not good with alcohol"

"im sure. just give me one glass, that would be all. oh, give me a strong one please"

"eh? a strong one???"

"yeah, come on unnie. im good. besides, you're here to look after me", Wendy pouted. she really need to get drunk to let her forget everything for a while

"fine, but just one glass ok?"

"dae! one glass only unnie"

so Hyoyeon served her as per requested. while serving other customers, Hyoyeon kept glancing at Wendy and she couldnt stop worrying about her

"i think i should tell Jessica", Hyoyeon told herself and she asked one of her staff to cover her up as she wanted to go into her office to call Jessica first since she left her phone there

and Hyoyeon thought it was a good decision to inform Jessica as she saw how Wendy look very wasted and drunk. Jessica came in less than an hour, along with Krystal

"where is she??", Jessica asked Hyoyeon

"there", Hyoyeon pointed at one table where Wendy is sitting alone, so Jessica and Krystal rushed to her

"dont worry. i wont let anyone touch her, i've warned everyone already", Hyoyeon told them

"Wendy? hey, can you hear me Seungwan ah?", Jessica rubbed Wendy's back

Wendy stirred and lifted up her head weakly, she narrowed her eyes at Jessica before she smiled widely like a kid

"unnie!!! Jessica unnie!", Wendy giggled

"i swear it was only one glass", Hyoyeon immediately said when Jessica glared at her

"she's so bad with alcohol", Krystal sighed

"Seungwan ah, do you think you can still walk?", Jessica asked

"noooo, i dont think so. i feel my whole body paralized when she broke up with me and left me for someone else. i feel like all my organs went numb. but i dont know why did i still alive? i should have died already by now", Wendy laughed dryly then pouted within a second

"what are you saying Wendy?", Krystal asked and frowned

"Irene left me", Wendy mumbled

"she really left me", Wendy chuckled

"but i love her", Wendy suddenly burst out in tears

Krystal and Hyoyeon gasped as they were very taken aback by the fact. while Jessica, she just sighed heavily.

"Wendy, listen to me. we're gonna take you home ok?", Jessica cupped Wendy's face

"i dont want to go home, my heart hurts. please bring me somewhere, somewhere to heal it. its so hurt that i want to die", Wendy cried

"oh Seungwan", Jessica hugged her tight and closed her eyes. she let Wendy cried in her embrace till Wendy passed out

"Krystal, help me carry her"

"y-yes unnie"

"will she be ok?", Hyoyeon asked in concern

"i dont think so Hyo. but thanks for looking out for her", Jessica said as she struggled with Krystal trying to hold Wendy up

"yeah, she's like a dongsaeng to me too", Hyoyeon replied

"we'll go home now. bye Hyo"

"ok bye, take care guys"


Jessica and Krystal managed to bring Wendy home safely. luckily, their parents werent around so they dont know.

Jessica and Krystal carefully put Wendy down onto her bed. they helped to change her clothes and prepare a mineral water and some pills for her headache when she woke up later or tomorrow morning.

"did she really break up with Irene?", Krystal asked

"maybe. if not, she would not be like this", Jessica said and sat at the edge of the bed and held Wendy's hand

"i cant believe it. they love each other so much", Krystal frowned

"sometimes, love is not enough", Jessica mumbled. she kissed Wendy's forehead before she pulled Krystal to get out of Wendy's room

"go to sleep Soojung ah. unnie will sleep too", Jessica said

"alright. goodnight unnie", Krystal hugged Jessica before she went to her own room


Jessica sat down on her working table inside her room, she took out Taeyeon's and Seolhyun's pictures from the brown envelope and looked at them once again.

"i think i've made my decision"

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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
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Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 43: Poor Minho