30 : Wenrene

you are my forever

Irene was packing her things when Seulgi barged into her office

"you're going home now?", Seulgi asked

"yep. you?"

"yeah, so.. are you going to sleepover at my place or?"

"thankyou Seulgi. for letting me stay with you for the past few days. im gonna be back at my place & sleep at my home tonight", Irene said

"oh. ok then. anyway, have you heard?", Seulgi asked

"mm? about what?"

"Bogum is back from his long work trip and attachment oversea", Seulgi said


"you wont.. repeat the same mistake right?", Seulgi asked Irene carefully

Irene then grabbed her bag and approached Seulgi

"it wont happen again", Irene said firmly and patted Seulgi's shoulder

"good", Seulgi smiled 

"oh, you can go first and wait for me at lobby? i'll send you home", Seulgi told Irene

"alright. dont take long", Irene said





while Seulgi went back to her own office to pack, Irene went down to the lobby but since she wants to breath a fresh air, she just head outside and wait there


Irene turned around saw Bogum's approaching her

"hi. its been so long", Bogum smiled charmingly which used to make Irene like him 

"hi. yeah", Irene bowed a little and smiled

"about the sudden break up, im still taken aback by that. i mean, we were just fine and you suddenly want to stop everything between us", Bogum said

"im sorry. like i said, there is nothing wrong with you. its me, i cant.. be with you", Irene replied

"i understand. but can we still be friends? i dont want us to be awkward or drift apart", Bogum smiled at Irene

"ah. sure", Irene nodded

"great. but uhm.. if you dont mind me asking, you're still single right?", Bogum asked curiously and bite his bottom lips to hide his nervous state

"yes im-"

"Hyunnie ah!"

Irene was cutted off when Wendy suddenly appeared out of nowhere

Wendy went to stand beside Irene and casually put her one arm around Irene's shoulder

"Wan ah, why are you here?", Irene asked and still surprised to see Wendy

"oh. i came to pick you up. i forgot to text you. luckily you're still here", Wendy said

its a time where workers are going home so those who saw Wendy were whispering and wondering what Wendy was doing there and how did Irene get to know Wendy

Bogum who heard the whisperings, frowned as he havent heard about the news regarding The Jung and the revelation of Wendy along with Krystal and Jessica

"but.. Seulgi has offered me a ride already", Irene said

"is that so? i'll tell her then. please go with me?", Wendy asked and made puppy eyes which made Irene to chuckle at her cuteness

"arasso", Irene said and smiled at Wendy

"ahem", Bogum cleared his throat and finally, Wendy turned to him

Wendy's happy face turned blank and she looked at Bogum with no expression at all

"so umm, you guys are friends again?", Bogum asked since he remembered Irene saying that she's still single earlier

Irene didnt know what to answer, she noticed how Wendy get tense and she knows if she answer wrongly, she will hurt Wendy again

Irene could feel that Wendy's grip on her shoulder got tighten too so to calm her down, Irene wrapped her right arm around Wendy's waist gently

and it succeed making Wendy to finally relax. Irene's simple touch gives Wendy butterflies in her stomach

Irene smiled lovingly at Wendy when Wendy looked at her, as if trying to tell her that nothing will ever make them apart anymore

"we're friends", Wendy finally speaks up

Bogum smiled so wide when he heard that but then his smile fell once Wendy continued her words

"but not for long", Wendy said

"because we're in the middle of fixing whats been broken. we agreed to give each other a second chance, and we're trying to build back what we have left broken", Wendy added

"you and i are her ex, its a fact. even so, i want her back and i dont know if you want too but, im not gonna let you to sway her again. im not gonna back off and let her go this time. im gonna fight for her and make sure that she'll be mine, only mine", Wendy said sternly to Bogum

Irene's heart beating so wild and she feel like going crazy hearing Wendy

Bogum gulped and faking a cough

"hi guys!", thanks to Seulgi who finally showed up and save the tense atmosphere

"oh Wendy? came for Irene?", Seulgi asked

"yea. Irene will go home with me today. is that ok?", Wendy told Seulgi

"not ok. what about me? dont you want to give me a ride too Wen???", Seulgi pouted and held Wendy's arm 

"yah yah, what are you doing? dont even think of flirting with Wendy", Irene said and took off Seulgi's hold from Wendy's arm

Seulgi raised her eyebrows while Wendy giggled knowing that Irene is being possessive over her 

"geez. i was kidding", Seulgi rolled her eyes

"beside, im loyal with my love Joy", Seulgi winked

Irene shook her head and Wendy just laughed

"anyway, we'll go now. thanks Seul", Wendy said and she just glanced coldly at Bogum before she turned around, pulling Irene closer to her to walk away from there

"umm bye", Irene waved at Seulgi and smiled awkwardly at Bogum before she focused on her step to leave with Wendy

"i dont like him. he's working there with you?", Wendy asked in jealousy

Irene stopped her from walking and faced Wendy

"Wan ah. it was stupid of me for letting him get a way in between us before. but im perfectly clear and sober this time, i wont make the same mistake. even if he's working at the same place and i always see him, i promise i wont let him get near me again", Irene told Wendy

Irene then hold both Wendy's hands

"Seungwan ah. i.. i really love you. i do. its only you in this heart of mine. i just want you to know, that im only yours", Irene said with tears in her eyes

Wendy sighed and stepped forward to hug Irene

"im sorry. im still jealous, he's one of the reason to why we were broken apart before", Wendy said

"no, im sorry", Irene sobbed

Wendy pulled apart from the hug and wiped off Irene's tears

"dont cry. it pains me to see you cry", Wendy whispered

"but i still feel insecure you know", Wendy added

"please dont. i dont feel anything for him. really Wan ah", Irene looked at Wendy with plead

"then be my girlfriend again Hyunnie. please? we'll take it slow like you said but just be mine again? and we'll fix everything together. i promise i'll be here with you all the time", Wendy said 

"ok", Irene smiled

Wendy widened her eyes 

"r-really?", Wendy asked and Irene nodded 

"i dont want you to feel insecure. i want to prove you that no one will take me away from you again and you're the only one that can have me and my heart. so yes, i'll be your girlfriend Wan ah", Irene said

Wendy smiled happily and hugged Irene tightly

"you dont know how happy i am right now. thankyou", Wendy said when Irene hugged her back

"no. thankyou Wan ah, for still loving me and forgive me. thankyou for coming back", Irene replied

"i love you Irene Bae Joohyun. this time, i wont let you slip off of my hands for the second time", Wendy said 

"i love you too Wendy Jung Seungwan. i'll hold onto you forever and wont let you let go of this hand too", Irene said



while not far from them, Bogum and Seulgi also some other people who were passing by, witnessed the scene

"did you see that?", Seulgi asked so Bogum turned to her

"you stole her from Wendy once, but it didnt last long. its easy for Irene to forget you but not Wendy. did you see them? no matter how broken they were before, how long they were apart, they still find each other and back together. why? because their love is strong. so if i were you, i wont waste my time to destroy their perfect love and relationship", Seulgi told Bogum

"well. if you're smart enough to think whats good and whats not, you'll listen to me. but oh, whatever", Seulgi shrugged them left Bogum speechless


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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
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