3 : leaving

you are my forever

Jessica woke up early the next day, she called her source to find what Wendy has been doing for the past several months. she got the infos in just 3 hours. she also called her secretary to do something for her.

when its 10am, she went downstairs and greeted her parents who's having late breakfast outside at their beautiful garden at the back of the mansion.

"i thought its offday, why were you up early?", her dad asked

Jessica took a seat acrossed her parents

"mom, dad. i have something to say"

hearing Jessica's firm tone and looking at her serious face, Mr Jung put down his newspaper, Mrs Jung put down her cup of coffee. they both looked at each other before they looked at Jessica

"what is it my dear?", Mrs Jung asked softly

"i want Krystal to handle Blanc and Eclare's branch here. i planned to move the headquarters to New York. i will go to New York to settle all my business papers there and all that needs to be settle down. i've taught Krystal the most important aspect and what to do, im sure she is reliable. besides, Sulli is with her. i might ask Sulli to help Krystal too", Jessica said

"why the sudden changes?", Mr Jung asked 

"i need to be far from here for the time being, and i will bring Wendy with me"


Jessica who've been looking down, now lifted her head up. her parents could see, something has changed in her eyes. Jessica's eyes reflected how broken she is, the pain, the sadness, the emptiness can be seen.

Mrs Jung felt her heart broke the moment she saw Jessica's empty eyes, so she hold onto her husband's hand tightly under the table to help her be strong in front of their eldest daughter

"can you explain to us in details, the reason why for all of this?", Mr Jung asked carefully

"Wendy need a new place for her mind to work. she just broke up with Irene yesterday", Jessica answered

"oh my goodness", Mrs Jung gasped

"what happened??", Mrs Jung asked

"i dont know how to explain. only Wendy can explain this. but, i dont think its a good idea to ask her. so, let me bring her far away from here to New York. she will even have a good opportunity to build something for her future", Jessica said

"how about you Jess? will Taeyeon be ok with this?", her father asked

Jessica nodded her head before she speak up again

"i'll break up with her later", she said it calmly. too calm for their likings

Mr Jung looked at Jessica sternly and Mrs Jung got the second shocking news again

"we're not meant to be dad. im sorry, thats all i could say", Jessica said when she knows her father want explanation

"have you tell Wendy about your plan?", Mr Jung asked without looking at Jessica

"i havent. but im sure she will agree to come with me. i'll tell her once she woke up"

"when will you leave if she agree?", Mrs Jung asked

"tonight. i've booked the flight tickets already", Jessica answered

"well. even if i want to disagree, it wont do good for both of you here. just go, go to where you two need to be right now. take how long you want. but one thing, dont forget to come back", Mr Jung said

"thankyou dad. i will come back, i will bring Wendy come back when the times come. and when we're back, rest assure, you'll be proud of us", Jessica replied

after that Jessica excused herself to go back to her room

"honey, do you think she fought with Taeyeon?", Mrs Jung asked

"i dont know. but all i know is, Taeyeon have hurted our Jessica. i know Jessica so well, she wont go anywhere if Taeyeon didnt do anything that hurt her so bad", Mr Jung said

"god knows how much she loves Taeyeon. to think of how she want to break up and leave? obviously because Taeyeon has done something beyond what Jessica can take", Mr Jung added





. . . . .





Jessica knocked on Wendy's room and heard a faint "come in" so she opened the door before she entered. she saw Wendy sitting on the bed

"did you just wake up?", Jessica asked softly as she took a seat beside Wendy on the bed

"mm", Wendy nodded

"Seungwan ah, unnie will go to New York for work. i might stay there for a long time. do you perhaps, want to follow me?", Jessica asked slowly

"New York?"


Wendy thought for a bit. she thought of how she will not be able to see Irene, she will be far from her, she will leave.

"im not gonna force you to come with me, but if you want to, i've prepared everything for us already", Jessica said

"can i give my answer later? i need to think", Wendy said

"of course. but not later than 7pm. the flight will be tonight at 11", Jessica informed her

"that soon?", Wendy asked surprised

"yes", Jessica smiled




. . . . .




later on that day, Jessica called Taeyeon to meet up during lunch at the usual place where they both always go

"hey, sorry im late"

Jessica stared at Taeyeon who just came and took a seat acrossed her. she knows why Taeyeon was late. Seolhyun is with her, obviously Taeyeon needs to take care of her first before coming here

"thankyou for coming", Jessica speaks

"huh? why thankyou? ofcourse i'll come, like you said, i've been uhh neglecting you a lot", Taeyeon scratched her head

Jessica smiled at Taeyeon and held Taeyeon's hand on the table, Taeyeon just smiled back at her

"why are you looking at me like that?", Taeyeon asked

"i just missed you so much", Jessica confessed truthfully

"im sorry. i missed you too", Taeyeon replied

they then ordered their food, chatting and eating casually, Jessica managed to forget everything at the moment and just enjoy Taeyeon's company for the last time

"Taeyeon, can we take a walk?", Jessica asked once they were done eating

"sure, why not. wait here ok? i'll pay the bills first", Taeyeon said getting up to go to the cashier

Jessica just smiled watching Taeyeon's back, she love how Taeyeon is always caring and be a gentlewoman when they went out together

"done, come", Taeyeon offered her hand which Jessica took gladly

they both walked along the street, enjoying the good weather. Jessica then pulled her hand from Taeyeon to cling onto Taeyeon's arm instead, she rested her head against Taeyeon's shoulder as they walked slowly together

'Taeyeon ah, im going to miss this. im going to miss you', Jessica thought



"can i ask a question?"


"do you accept me because you love me?"

Taeyeon stopped so Jessica too, Jessica pulled away and Taeyeon turned her body to face Jessica

"why did you ask?", Taeyeon asked her

"i just want to hear the answer from you", Jessica pouted

"pabo. ofcourse i do. i wont be with you if i dont love you", Taeyeon answered

"i love you too Taeyeon ah. i love you so much, and i always will", Jessica said sincerely

Taeyeon just looked into Jessica's eyes as she sensed something different

"are you alright? is there anything you want to tell me?", Taeyeon asked carefully

"hm? how about you? is there anything you want to say too?", Jessica asked back

Taeyeon gulped and chuckled nervously

"i have no idea why are you asking me back but hey, you answer me first", Taeyeon said trying to avoid herself being questioned

"im fine. maybe i was just missing you since we havent go out together like this nowadays", Jessica smiled

"im sorry. i'll try to spare some time for you next time, ok?"

'you wont try when you're blind and too busy with Seolhyun already. you wont even have time for me nor love me anymore. and there will be no more next time Taeyeon ah', Jessica thought

"ok", Jessica replied

"great", Taeyeon smiled and patted Jessica's head

"Taeyeon, i want to thank you for being with me, for loving me", Jessica said suddenly

"you're weird. there's no need to thank me for that", Taeyeon shook her head

Jessica chuckled and hugged Taeyeon's neck as she stared into Taeyeon's eyes

"i love you with all my heart, Taeyeon ah. i really want to thank you for everything", Jessica whispered before she leaned into Taeyeon and kissed her lips gently

"i love you too Sica", Taeyeon replied after they pulled away from the kiss

Jessica just smiled and hugged Taeyeon

'i wish you mean it Taeyeon, but i know you dont. im nothing compared to Seolhyun', Jessica said in her mind

Jessica tighten her hug on Taeyeon as it will be the last time for her to embrace Taeyeon so close like that

"you are surely missed me so much", Taeyeon chuckled when Jessica continued to hug her longer, while Jessica just smiled faintly in Taeyeon's embrace





. . . . .




while at the other side, Wendy came to meet Irene for one last time at Irene's apartment

"what are you doing here? why are you so stubborn?", Irene asked in annoyance

Wendy just smiled at her and stepped forward

"yah get out", Irene tried to push her but Wendy moved fast and cupped Irene's face which made Irene to shut up

"you are really beautiful", Wendy said and Irene just kept quiet as she tried to recover from her fast heartbeats

"i want to apologise for hurting you, for not giving you the attention you need. im sorry i didnt keep my promise to be there with you all the time", Wendy said

she caressed Irene's cheeks and stared at her lovingly

"and i will keep my last promise to you from now on. yes i will leave, i will make sure to keep my distance. i wont disturb your life anymore. so please, from now on, be happy. alright?", Wendy said softly

Irene frowned and nodded her head

"i'll miss you Bae Joohyun", Wendy whispered and kissed Irene's forehead with tears in her eyes

"goodbye", Wendy smiled one last time and left as she closed the door. leaving Irene confused with her action





. . . . . 



Jessica just came back and slumped herself on the couch in the living room, Wendy who just came out from the kitchen went towards her


Jessica looked up at Wendy and raised her eyebrows

"i've packed my things already", Wendy told her

"you're coming?"

"yes unnie", Wendy smiled but tears welled up in her eyes

Jessica sighed and gestured her to sit next to her so Wendy just obeyed Jessica

"everything will be alright. i promise. ok?", Jessica whispered and rubbed her back

"yeah, thankyou unnie", Wendy smiled and hugged Jessica

unknown to them, Krystal is listening. she has been hiding and listening to all the conversation since early morning when Jessica talked to their parents.

she also found out everything that had happened between Jessica and Taeyeon, between Wendy and Irene. she knows everything as Sulli informed her as well, but she kept silence.

cannot bear to watch and listen anymore, Krystal went up to her room silently and called Sulli as she cried softly

"hey, why were you crying? do you need me to come over?", Sulli asked from the other line

"im hurt Sul. i cant stand watching them cry", Krystal sobbed

"hussh, stop crying ok? i know it will be hard for you. but they will be even more sad if they know you're crying too because of them"

"but i cant help it Sul. two of most important people in my life gets hurt, and it pains me to see them hurt"

"i know i know. but remember? i'll always be here for you. let me help you, ok? i'll be there to give you strength and we need to be strong for them too"

"thankyou Sul. i dont know what do i do without you"

"its nothing sweetheart. just know that i love you"

Krystal wiped her tears and broke into a small smile

"i love you more stupid", Krystal mumbled and she heard Sulli chuckled from the other line

'Jessica unnie, Wendy, i hope you two will be alright. please dont get hurt anymore.', Krystal thought





. . . . .


at the airport, Jessica and Wendy are exchanging goodbyes with their parents. hugging them and listened to their advices. Krystal just standing still, watching her two sisters with sad eyes


"do you two really need to leave?", Krystal asked while pouting. Jessica and Wendy chuckled at her

"yes sweetie. but we'll come back, and you can come with Sulli to visit us when you have time", Jessica said and caressed Krystal's cheek

"who's gonna spoil me if you're not here? who's gonna treat me like a baby?", Krystal whined childishly

"im sure Sulli took my position very well and she can treat you how you want to be treated", Jessica teased

"ah unnieeeee", Krystal whined again causing them all to laugh. their parents just watched while smiling

"and you, i have no one to argue with now. no one to be my partner in crime too", Krystal pouted at Wendy. Wendy just grinned and hugged Krystal

"im sorry about that. i think you have to corrupt Sulli's mind to be your partner in crime", Wendy joked

"yaaaah", Krystal whined again but she hugged Wendy back

"i'll miss you both", Krystal sighed

Jessica then took turn to hug Krystal now

"we'll miss you too", Jessica whispered and patted Krystal's back

"dont worry, we can always do a video chat. you know, face time and skype", Wendy said

"but it wont be enough", Krystal pouted

"just take care ok?", Krystal told them. Jessica and Wendy nodded while smiling

"you too, take care of mommy and daddy as well", Jessica said

"and oh, send our regards to Sulli", Jessica added

"arasso", Krystal nodded

then the announcement of their flight was made, so Jessica and Wendy hugged their family again before bidding goodbyes for their flight.


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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
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Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
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