Chapter 9

Accidental Love

Hebe's POV

"We broke up." Aaron said.

I stopped eating and look at Aaron.

"What? When was that? What happened man? I thought you two were fine together." Chun asked him.

"Things just happened. I'm in love with someone else. I can't lie to myself and to Rainie anymore." Aaron replied while looking at me in the eyes.

It was because of me. It was because of me they broke up. Aaron must have told everything to Rainie. This must be the reason why Rainie was not at work today. This must be the reason why Rainie didn't replied to my texts or answered my calls. Rainie must have hated me. I quickly excuse myself to the restroom before my tears start to fall infront of the two guys.

I went inside the toilet cubicle and start wiping my tears while taking out my handphone. I tried calling Rainie again but she didn't answer my calls. She must be really angry at me. I need to see her and explain everything to her. I compose myself. I need to tell Chun that I need to go back. Aaron was waiting outside when I went out from the restroom. 

"Hebe...", he pulled me to the corner.

"I...I'm sorry. I told everything that happened to Rainie. I couldn't lie anymore Hebe. I meant it when I said I've fallen in love with you Hebe." Aaron said while looking at me in the eyes.

I do not want to cry infront of him but tears just fall down my face. Aaron gently wiped the tears that was on my face and pulled me closer to him and hugged me tight. 

This is wrong. I need to explain to Rainie. Without saying anything, I pushed him away and quickly get out of the restaurant without even telling Chun that I left. I got into a cab and I kept calling Rainie but she still ignored my calls. 


Aaron's POV

I excused myself from Chun to go to the restroom as well when Hebe left. I waited for her outside. I know she is crying inside. When she came out, I could see her puffy eyes. I felt guilty. I quickly pulled her to the corner to say that I'm sorry and explain everything to her. She cried again and I can't help it but to wipe those tears away and pulled her in for a hug. I know she will push me away but I don't care. I want her to be in my arms forever. I want to be there for her whenever she is feeling down. I want to be by her side always. I hugged her tight and as expected, she pushed me away and went out of the restaurant. She got inside a cab and I followed her from behind. I sent a quick text message to Chun saying that I had something urgent to attend to and that I saw Hebe left the restaurant as well.

Hebe's POV

I reached Rainie's house and rang the doorbell. Rainie opened the door and when she saw me, she wanted to shut the door back. I pushed the door.

"Rainie, wait! Please listen to me. I know I'm wrong for not telling you what happened on that day. I didn't mean to keep it a secret from you. It's just that it happened overnight and I'm at a loss. I did not want to hurt you Rainie." I was sobbing badly while explaining to Rainie. She gave me a slap across my face.

"I hate you Hebe! I can't believe you kept quiet all this while. No wonder it is so fishy during the time I ask Aaron to send u back home and he forgot where your house were. He's not someone to forget directions. Because he didn't send u back! Both of you slept together at his house. We are no longer friends Hebe." That was the last words she said to me before banging the door in front of my face. Tears just kept rolling down my face. 



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Evermoor #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon. I've waited for more than a year.
JayJayKookie #2
Chapter 8: THIS IS SO AM#$&!/
It's so good
amparoellerium #3
Chapter 7: please update! it looks promising :)
xueqing #4
Chapter 7: Update please! It's nice
Krissy90 #5
please update this story, it's so interesting! Looking forward for the next chapter! thanks in advance:)
amidstsimplicity #6
Please do continue your lovely story (: I've really enjoyed reading your story so far and it's one of the rare Bebu fanfics still around so I really look forward to it! Thank you for your updates so far!
Chapter 7: Just found this story...... IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)