Chapter 8

Accidental Love

Hebe's POV

It was a busy Monday morning at work. I glanced over at Rainie's desk. It's already 10am. Why isn't she in yet? I took out my phone and whatsapp her.

Hey rains, where are you? Are you coming in to work today?

I put aside my phone after messaging her and continued doing my work. 

It is already lunchtime. I checked my phone and saw that Rainie blue ticked my whasapp message and didn't reply me. I tried to call her but she didn't answer her phone. My phone then vibrated. It was a message from Chun.

Hi Hebe :) Was wondering if you are free for dinner tonight? 

I didn't have any plans for tonight. I guess it does not hurt to have dinner with Chun. 

Hey. Yup, I'm free for dinner tonight. :)

Within a few seconds, Chun replied. 

Great! I'll pick you up after work. See you. :)

I replied,

Sure. See you. :)

I message Rainie again.

Hey rains, call me once you see this message. xx


Work finally ended. I streched my arms and took out my phone. I frowned. Rainie saw my message but didn't call me back. I wonder what happened. My phone suddenly rang. It was Chun.

"Hello Hebe. I'm already down here at the lobby. You done with your work?"

"Hey Chun. Yup. I'm done. Alright I'll be coming down now."

I sent a quick text to Rainie.

Hey rains, hope everything is ok with you. I'll see you at work tomorrow. xx


Aaron's POV

I did it. I confessed everything out to Rainie yesterday. About what happened on that night, about how sorry I am for being a jerk to her, about how I feel for Hebe. Rainie gave me a big slap across my cheeks. I deserve it. I deserve it for hurting her. But I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I couldn't lie to Rainie too anymore. I can't be together with her when all I think of is Hebe. 

After work, I went to have dinner alone. When I reached the restaurant, I saw Chun. And opposite him was... Hebe.

What the hell is he doing here with Hebe? My heart aches when I saw them together. 

I straightaway went towards their table. 

"Fancy seeing you here Chun. May I join you guys?"

I saw Hebe looked up at me and quickly looked down at her food when we caught eyes.

"Hey bro. Yup I don't mind. Um Hebe? Do you mind if Aaron join us?"

"Ya..sure", she said softly.

I sat beside Chun. 

"So... didn't know the two of you kept in touch and even having dinner together." My voice sounds sour. 

Chun gave a shy smile. 

"It was only today I text Hebe whether she's free to have dinner with me. So anyway, where's Rainie? How come you're eating alone?"

I shuffled in my seat and look at Hebe.

"We broke up."

Hebe stopped eating and look at me. Her eyes was sending message to me whether was it because of her. 

"What? When was that? What happened man? I thought you two were fine together." Chun asked.

"Things just happened. I'm in love with someone else. I can't lie to myself and to Rainie anymore." I answered sincerely and look at Hebe in her eyes. 


Author's Note

Hi! So sorry for the lack of updates. Almost forgot about this story of mine. Glad to know people wants me to update and continue this story. Heh. I will try my best to complete this story. :)

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Evermoor #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon. I've waited for more than a year.
JayJayKookie #2
Chapter 8: THIS IS SO AM#$&!/
It's so good
amparoellerium #3
Chapter 7: please update! it looks promising :)
xueqing #4
Chapter 7: Update please! It's nice
Krissy90 #5
please update this story, it's so interesting! Looking forward for the next chapter! thanks in advance:)
amidstsimplicity #6
Please do continue your lovely story (: I've really enjoyed reading your story so far and it's one of the rare Bebu fanfics still around so I really look forward to it! Thank you for your updates so far!
Chapter 7: Just found this story...... IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)